VisiBroker for Java

Package com.inprise.vbroker.interceptor

This package contains the Borland VisiBroker interfaces and classes used with the 4.x interceptors and the object wrappers.


Interface Summary
BindInterceptor A BindInterceptor is called by the ORB during each bind and rebind operation.
BindInterceptorManager This interface is used to add BindInterceptor.
ChainUntypedObjectWrapperFactory This interface is used by a client or server application to add or remove an UntypedObjectWrapperFactory object.
ClientRequestInterceptor You use this interface to derive your own client-side interceptor, providing implementations for those methods that you wish to override.
ClientRequestInterceptorManager This interface is used to add ClientRequestInterceptor.
InterceptorManager Base interface for all InterceptorManagers.
InterceptorManagerControl The InterceptorManagerControl is responsible for controlling a set of related interceptor managers.
ObjectWrapper Object Wrappers allows you to define methods that are called when a client application invokes a method on a bound object or when a server application receives an operation request.
ServerRequestInterceptor The ServerRequestInterceptor interface is a per-POA interceptor which may be installed by a POALifeCycleInterceptor at POA creation time.
ServerRequestInterceptorManager This interface is used to add ServerRequestInterceptors.
ServiceLoader The user implemented factory class which is used to create instances of interceptors and register them with the VisiBroker ORB must implement the ServiceLoader interface.
ServiceResolverInterceptor This interceptor is used to install a user service that you can then dynamically load.
ServiceResolverInterceptorManager This interface is used to add/remove ServiceResolverInterceptors.
UntypedObjectWrapper You use this interface to derive untyped object wrappers that you wish to use for your client or server applications.
UntypedObjectWrapperFactory You use this interface to derive your own untyped object wrapper factories.

Class Summary
Closure Closure objects are created by the ORB at the beginning of certain sequences of interceptor calls.
ExtendedClosure This interface is a derived class of Closure and contains a RequestInfo structure.
Location This enum describes the location, client-side or server-side, where an object wrapper should be registered.
RequestInfo This class provides addtional information about the current request in the interceptor chain.

Exception Summary
ForwardRequestException This exception can be raised by ServerRequestInterceptor?s preinvoke method.The preinvoke method can raise this exception to forward a request to another object.

Package com.inprise.vbroker.interceptor Description

This package contains the Borland VisiBroker interfaces and classes used with the 4.x interceptors and the object wrappers.

For information about how to create and use interceptors and object wrappers, refer to the Borland VisiBroker Developer's Guide.

4.x Interceptors are defined and implemented in VisiBroker version 4.x. Similar to Portable Interceptor, 4.x Interceptor offers Borland VisiBroker ORB services, a mechanism to intercept normal flow of execution of the ORB. The table below lists the three forms of 4.x Interceptor.

Types of Interceptor

Interceptor Type Description
Client Interceptor System level interceptors which can be used to hook ORB services such as transactions and security into the client ORB processing.
Server Interceptor System level interceptors which can be used to hook ORB services such as transactions and security into the server ORB processing.
Object Wrappers User level interceptors provide a simple mechanism for users to intercept calls to stubs and skeletons allowing for simple tracing and data caching among other things.

Related Documentation

For more information about the 4.x Interceptors and Object Wrappers, refer to the 4.x Interceptors and Object Wrapper section in the Borland VisiBroker Developer's Guide.

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