Using Rhythm with Kanban

Before proceeding with these steps, make sure you have reviewed Getting Started with Rhythm.

  1. Define your Board(s)
    The Administrator is able to create and configure the Kanban board(s) to match the needs of the team. Once the board is defined, the Board Backlog lane is dynamic, based on the Filter/Sprint/Release selected in the Board Backlog Source option. When a Story is moved out of the Board Backlog and added to a lane, it will remain in that lane even if the Board Backlog Source changes. You can then progress the Story through the lanes accordingly, or you can explicitly perform a Remove action to remove it from the board.
    1. Set the project type as either Kanban or Scrum & Kanban from the Project Settings.
    2. Create a Board. Each project can have multiple boards.
    3. Define where the board gets its Stories. All Stories that meet the condition you select will be added to the Board Backlog lane. Select either:
      Select this option to use your Sprints as the source for your board's Stories. Typically only used if you are moving from Scrum to Kanban or if you plan to use both together. If you select this option, you first need to Create a Sprint from the Backlog.
      Select this option to use Releases as the source for your board's Stories. This option allows you to define a target payload for a specific release and use a board to manage its delivery. Using this option allows you to use Rhythm's TRACKING perspective. If you select this option, you first need to Create a Release.
      Custom Filter
      Select this option to use a pre-defined custom filter as the source for your Board's Stories. This option provides the ultimate flexibility. You can include anything that you can filter on, including Tags. For more information, see Working with Filters
    4. Create the Swimlanes.
      Note: The default first lane named Board Backlog is not editable and it is the starting lane for all items that meet your criteria in the previous step.
    5. Select other Board options such as adding to Team Room, Enforcing WIP, and Showing Age Indicators.
  2. Identify the Items to Include in the Board

    Individual team practices may require item review to assure appropriate content before items are on the board. The Product Owner should modify items in the Backlog to fit the selected input criteria (Board Backlog Source option).

    Best Practice: Create a Grooming board for the Product Owner to prepare Stories and then a Delivery board for the team to use that matches their cadence. Do the following:

    1. In the Backlog, create a Custom Filter using a Tag or other property.
    2. Create a Kanban board and set the Board Backlog Source as the previously created Custom filter.
    3. Groom the Backlog and set the property in the relevant Stories so that they display in the appropriate board.
  3. Work Planning
    The following items are optional and only apply if you are using actual/estimated point size and recording Tasks.
    1. The development team should conduct a planning meeting in order to estimate Stories.
    2. The team members create Tasks for their Stories.
      • Estimate the effort for each Task.
      • Assign an Owner to each Task. See Assigning and Estimating Tasks.
        Tip: It is likely that many of your Stories will contain the same types of Tasks. If so, we recommend setting up a template Story with all Tasks and using that on which to base each new Story. See Copying Tasks from Other Stories.
  4. Kanban Execution
    1. Navigate to TEAM ROOM > GUID-C62FD764-55BB-42BE-B783-E30AEBC3BDD1-low.png <Kanban Board Name>.
    2. Drag-drop your cards into appropriate lanes.
    3. Edit Stories and review Tasks within the Kanban Card Task List.
    4. Use Rhythm's integrated Code Review feature to review, comment on, and accept all code changes.
    5. Review your ongoing Cycle Time and WIP Summary.
    6. Check the Cumulative Flow.
    7. Add Stories explicitly to your board.
    8. Run Filters.
    9. Use Discussions in your board.
  5. Release Tracking (If using Releases) The Product Owner and other stakeholders monitor the Release in the Tracking perspective.