VisiBroker for Java

Interface ChainUntypedObjectWrapperFactory

All Superinterfaces:
IDLEntity,, UntypedObjectWrapperFactory

public interface ChainUntypedObjectWrapperFactory
extends UntypedObjectWrapperFactory, IDLEntity

This interface is used by a client or server application to add or remove an UntypedObjectWrapperFactory object. An UntypedObjectWrapperFactory object is used to create an UntypedObjectWrapper for each object a client application binds to or for each object implementation created by a server application.

Method Summary
 void add(UntypedObjectWrapperFactory owFactory, Location loc)
          This method adds the specified untyped object wrapper factory for a client or server application.
 int count(Location loc)
          This method is called to add an untyped object wrapper factory.
 void remove(UntypedObjectWrapperFactory owFactory, Location loc)
          This method removes the specified untyped object wrapper factory for a client or server application.
Methods inherited from interface com.inprise.vbroker.interceptor.UntypedObjectWrapperFactory

Method Detail


int count(Location loc)
This method is called to add an untyped object wrapper factory.

loc - The location for which count is required.
The number of untyped object wrapper factories that are added to that loc


void remove(UntypedObjectWrapperFactory owFactory,
            Location loc)
This method removes the specified untyped object wrapper factory for a client or server application. Note: Removing one or more object wrapper factories from a client will not affect objects of the class that are already bound by the client. Only subsequently bound objects will be affected. Removing object wrapper factories from a server will not affect object implementations that have already been created. Only subsequently created object implementations will be affected.

owFactory - The object wrapper factory to be added.
loc - The location from which the object wrapper it to be removed.


void add(UntypedObjectWrapperFactory owFactory,
         Location loc)
This method adds the specified untyped object wrapper factory for a client or server application. Note: On the client side, untyped object wrapper factories must be installed before any objects are bound. On the server side, untyped object wrapper factories must be installed before any implementation objects are created.

owFactory - The untyped object wrapper factory

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