VisiBroker for Java

Interface UntypedObjectWrapperFactory

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public interface UntypedObjectWrapperFactory
extends IDLEntity

You use this interface to derive your own untyped object wrapper factories. You register your untyped object wrapper factories using the add method, offered by the ChainUntypedObjectWrapperFactory interface. Your factory is used to create an instance of your untyped object wrapper for a client or server application whenever a new object is bound or an object implementation is created.

Method Summary
 UntypedObjectWrapper create(Object obj, Location loc)
          This method is called by the ORB whenever a new implementation is created.

Method Detail


UntypedObjectWrapper create(Object obj,
                            Location loc)
This method is called by the ORB whenever a new implementation is created. This method is called to create an instance of your type of UntypedObjectWrapper. Your implementation of this method can examine the type of bound object or object implementation to determine whether or not it wants to create an object wrapper for that object.

obj - The implementation object for which to create a new in process interceptor.
loc - The location where the object wrapper is to be created.
The in process interceptor to use for the specified object.

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