VisiBroker for Java

Interface UntypedObjectWrapper

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public interface UntypedObjectWrapper
extends IDLEntity

You use this interface to derive untyped object wrappers that you wish to use for your client or server applications. When you derive an untyped object wrapper from this interface, you define a pre_method method that is invoked before an operation request is issued by a client application or before it is processed by an object implementation on the server-side. You also define a post_method method that will be invoked after an operation request is processed by an object implementation on the server-side or after an reply has been received by a client application. You must also derive a factory class from the UntypedObjectWrapperFactory interface,that will create your UntypedObjectWrapper objects. Refer to the Borland Enterprise Server Developer's Guide for complete information using object wrappers.

Method Summary
 void post_method(java.lang.String operation, Object target, Environment env, Closure closure)
          This method is invoked after an operation request has been processed by the object implementation on the server-side or before the reply message is processed by the stub on the client side.
 void pre_method(java.lang.String operation, Object target, Closure closure)
          This method is invoked before an operation request is sent on the client-side or before it is processed by an object implementation on the server side.

Method Detail


void post_method(java.lang.String operation,
                 Object target,
                 Environment env,
                 Closure closure)
This method is invoked after an operation request has been processed by the object implementation on the server-side or before the reply message is processed by the stub on the client side.

operation - The operation which is being invoked
target - The target object of the invocation.
env - A CORBA Environment object containing an exception that occurred or null if there was no exception.
closure - The closure object previously passed to pre_method.


void pre_method(java.lang.String operation,
                Object target,
                Closure closure)
This method is invoked before an operation request is sent on the client-side or before it is processed by an object implementation on the server side.

operation - The operation which is being invoked.
target - The target object of the invocation.
closure - A closure object which can be used to store client data.

Borland Software Corporation
100 Enterprise Way
Scotts Valley, CA 95066
Voice: (831) 431-1000

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