ArcSight Recon 1.2 User Guide

  ArcSight Recon 1.2 User Guide
    Welcome to ArcSight Recon
    Investigating Events
      Searching for Events
        Understanding the Search Feature
        Creating and Saving Searches
        Searching Data Stored by ArcSight Logger
        Initiating a Search from Enterprise Security Manager
        Understanding the Search Progress Indicators
      Managing Your Searches
        Viewing Search Results
        Modifying the Search Settings
        Exporting the Search Results
        Scheduling Regular Runs of a Search
        Managing Completed Runs of a Scheduled Search
      Understanding the Search Parameters
        Understand the Types of Search Queries
        Using GlobalEventID in a Query
        Understand the Query Syntax, Operators, and Functions
        Specify a Group of Fields
        Specify an Alias for a Field
        Specify IP Addresses and Subnets
        Include a Storage Group’s Filter in the Search Query
        Extend the Search with a Lookup List
        Use Specific Sets of Fields for Search Results
        Configure the Time Range
        Configure Preferred Settings for Searches
    Hunting for Undetected Threats
      Viewing Dashboards and Reports
        View a Dashboard
        View a Report
        Choose Default Dashboards for the Reports Portal
      Understanding the MITRE ATT&CK Dashboards and Reports
        MITRE ATT&CK Dashboards
        MITRE ATT&CK Reports
      Understanding the Cloud Security Dashboards and Reports
        Abuse and Nefarious Use of Cloud Services – Dashboards
        Account Hijacking – Dashboards and Reports
        Advanced Persistent Threats – Dashboard
        Data Breaches – Dashboards
        Data Loss – Dashboard and Reports
        Denial of Service – Dashboard
        Insecure Interfaces and APIs – Report
        Insufficient Due Diligence – Reports
        Insufficient Identity Credential and Access Management – Reports
        Malicious Insiders – Report
        System Vulnerabilities – Dashboard and Reports
        Vulnerabilities on Shared Technologies
      Understanding the Foundation Dashboards and Reports
        Entity Monitoring – Dashboards and Reports
        Events Overview – Dashboards
        Hosts Monitoring - Reports
        Malware Monitoring – Dashboard and Reports
        Network Monitoring – Dashboards and Report
        Perimeter Monitoring – Dashboards and Reports
        Vulnerability Monitoring – Dashboard and Reports
      Understanding the OWASP Security Dashboards and Reports
        Broken Access Control
        Broken Authentication
        Cross-site Scripting
        Insecure Deserialization – Dashboards and Reports
        Insufficient Logging and Monitoring – Dashboards and Reports
        Security Misconfiguration
        Sensitive Data Exposure
        Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities – Dashboards and Reports
        XML External Entities
    Analyzing Anomalous Data with Outlier Analytics
      Generating Models to View Anomalous Data
        Considerations for Generating Models
        Defining and Building a Model
        Scoring a Model
        Deleting a Model
      Viewing Anomalous Data in a Model
        Understand the Provided Analytics Charts
        Further Investigate Anomalies
        View a Scored Model
    Managing the Quality of Your Data
      Understanding the Data Quality Insights
      Understanding How Data Quality is Calculated
      Analyzing Data Quality
    Ensuring Data Compliance
      Ensuring Compliance with GDPR Standards
        Access Activity
        Admin Activity
        Attack Surface Analysis
        Corporate Governance
        Regulatory Exposure
        Threat Analysis
      Ensuring Compliance with ISO-27002
        12 – Operations Security
      Ensuring Compliance with PCI DSS
        Firewall Configuration – Requirement 1
        Default Security Parameters – Requirement 2
        Encryption Transmission – Requirement 4
        Track and Monitor Data Access – Requirement 10
    Using Visuals and Reports to Analyze Data
      Accessing Reports and Dashboards
      Scheduling Report Generation
      Designing Dashboards for Data Analysis
      Designing Reports for Data Analysis
      Adding and Removing Report Content
        Import and Export Content
        Supported Data Sources
      Best Practices for the Report Designer and Dashboard Designer
        Using Search Results to Create a Dashboard or Report
        Using Data Models to Build a Worksheet
        Using Data Worksheets to Build a Dashboard or Report
        Creating a Simple Dashboard
        Creating a Simple Scheduled Report
        Creating a Simple Report
    Managing Your Stored Data
      Organizing Your Data
        Use Storage Groups to Organize and Retain Data
        Activate and Deactivate Storage Groups
        Change the Settings of a Storage Group
        Set Retention Policies for the Data
        Use Storage Group Queries in a Search
    Managing User Access and Preferences
      Assigning Permissions for Recon
      Default Roles for Recon
      Configuring User Preferences
        Configure Search Preferences
      Mapping Database Names to their Appropriate Search Fields
        Agent Fields
        Category Fields
        Correlation Fields
        Destination Fields
        Device Fields
        Device Custom Fields
        Event Fields
        Extension Fields
        File Fields
        Flex Fields
        OldField Fields
        Old File Fields
        Request Fields
        Source Fields
    Copyright Notice