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Audit Db2 Considerations

Audits for Large Releases

When you audit a release area, all data from the previous audit for that area is deleted from the area audit Db2 tables, and then data for the new audit is inserted. An area audit may delete and insert hundreds of thousands of rows for a large release.

Job CMNDB2RR can be run before an area audit to expedite the area audit run time. The CMNDB2RR job reorganizes the area audit Db2 tales and discards rows for the target area. See Appendix A: Removing Unneeded Component History for information on this job.

Monitoring Db2 Catalog Statistics

All the Db2 tables are indexed for performance. However, it is quite usual for Db2 to choose not to use the indexes if it does not have up-to-date information on the data distribution in the tables. To provide this information and to update catalog statistics, your DBA should periodically monitor the Db2 catalog statistics for the ERO Db2 tablespaces, tables, and indexes and execute the Db2 RUNSTATS utility against these tables on a regularly scheduled basis.