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Loading Error Types Table

The error type table for the Release Audit is populated with a batch job. Model JCL is delivered in the CNTL library unloaded from the ZMF installer.

Model Description
CMNLDERT Load data into the CMNx.CMNERRORTYPES table.

Table data is delivered in the ERRORTYP library unloaded from the ZMF installer. Follow these steps to load error messages to the CMNERRORTYPES table.

  1. Copy model JCL member CMNLDERT from the vendor CMNZMF CNTL library into your custom CNTL library.

  2. Code your JOB statement at the top.

  3. Code your values for placeholders in lower case code.

    Variable Value
    vrm or vr Db2 Version, Release, and Modification level. Example: 810 for Db2 Version 8, Release 1, Modification 0.
    High level qualifier for Db2 system library with imbedded version. Example DSN810 for Version 8, Release 1, Modification 0.
    ssss Db2 subsystem ID where the Db2 objects are defined.
    x One-character subsystem ID of the SERNET started task that will use the table.
  4. Change the SYSUT1 DD statement to point to the vendor CMNZMF ERR library.

  5. Submit member CMNLDERT to load error messages to table CMNERRORTYPES.

  6. After the job completes, examine the SYSPRINT output dataset to verify that the table load was successful.