Services Summary
There are 45 ERO XML services available for general customer use. These are also known as the "green" services and provide mostly search and query functions.
The following table provides a summary of these services in alphabetical order.
Service Name | Scope Name | Message Name | Description of Function | COBOL Copybook |
package | service | attach detach | Attaches a package to a release Detaches a package from a release | XMLCPGPM XMLCPGPM |
rlsmappl | promote | list | Lists release management promotion data | XMLCRPRM |
service | list release | Lists application release status Lists release data for each release to which an application is joined | XMLCRAPL XMLCRARL | |
syslib | list | Lists SYSLIB data for release applications | XMLCRASY | |
rlsmappr | area | list | Lists release area approver data | XMLCRAAP |
ascapprv | list | Lists the items that are associated with an approval entity | XMLCRASC | |
global | list | Lists global release approval entity data | XMLCRGAP | |
release | list | Lists data for install approval entities | XMLCRAAP | |
rlsmarea | all_chk | syslib | Lists the COPYLIB, LOADLIB, and source concatenation lists for libraries that are allocated | XMLCRSYL |
all_noc | syslib | Lists all of the COPYLIB, LOADLIB, and source concatenation lists, including libraries that are not yet allocated | XMLCRSYL | |
cim | list | Lists release area component in motion (CIM) information from the ERO Db2 CIM table | XMLCRCIM | |
cmp_lock | list | Lists the holder of a release component lock | XMLCRCLK | |
cpy | syslib | Lists the COPYLIB concatenation for a release application | XMLCRSYL | |
detail | cmp_rlse integrty test | Lists all components in a release concatenation and shows all locations where each component resides Checks the integrity of the component-in-motion (CIM) table against physical members in area libraries. Checks all versions of all components in the release concatenation. Tests the contents of a release area against all of the packages that may place a component in that area. Lists information for failing components and packages. | XMLCRCML XMLCRCHK XMLCRTST | |
hst | list | Lists history from the ERO component history table | XMLCRHST | |
imp | list | Lists impact data from the ERO Db2 impact table | XMLCRIMP | |
load | syslib | Lists the LOADLIB concatenation for a release application | XMLCRSYL | |
scan | cmp_rlse | Scans the latest version of components in a release concatenation to find those with content matching a search string | XMLCRCML | |
scanall | cmp_rlse | Scans all components in a release concatenation to find those with content matching a search string | XMLCRCML | |
service | list test | Lists release area definitions Tests the contents of a release against all of the packages that may place a component in that release. Displays a message describing the status of packages and components in the release. | XMLCRARE XMLCRTST | |
source | syslib | Lists the source SYSLIB information for a library type | XMLCRSYL | |
start | list | Lists the release area definitions for a starting area | XMLCRARE | |
summary | cmp_rlse integrty | Lists information for the latest version of each component in a release concatenation Checks integrity of the component-in-motion (CIM) table against physical members in area libraries. | XMLCRCML XMLCRCHK | |
syslib | list | Lists SYSLIB data for an application | XMLCRASL | |
ver_regr | list | Performs a version regression check on components. If a version regression situation exists between the current release and a prior release, lists information for the current and prior versions. | XMLCRVER | |
rlsmltyp | bun | list | Lists information from the release BUN librarytype table | XMLCRBUN |
service | list | Lists library security and format information | XMLCRLTP | |
rlsmrlse | cim | list | Lists release area component in motion (CIM) information from the ERO Db2 CIM table | XMLCRLCM |
detail | test | Tests the contents of a release against all of the packages that may place a component in that release | XMLCRTSC | |
hst | list | Lists release component history from the ERO component history table | XMLCRLHT | |
imp | list | Lists impact data from the ERO Db2 impact table | XMLCRLMP | |
library | list | Lists release area libraries | XMLCRLLT | |
prior | list | Lists prior release information | XMLCRLPR | |
reasons | list | List Backout and Revert reasons for a release | XMLCRRBR | |
rls_link | list | Lists release management data across a TCP/IP link | XMLCRLLK | |
service | list search test | Lists scheduler dates, times, and status for a release Searches for releases and lists information Tests the contents of a release against all of the packages that may place a component in that release. Displays a status message. | XMLCRLSM XMLCRSRC XMLCRTSC | |
sites | list | Lists release/site dates and contacts | XMLCRSTE |