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The RLSMAREA CIM LIST message lists release area component in motion (CIM) information from the ERO Db2 CIM table.

The XML service/scope/message tags and attributes for this message are:

<service name="RLSMAREA">
<scope name="CIM">
<message name="LIST">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


The following example shows how you might code a request to list component in motion information for a release. Data structure details for the <request> tag follow the example.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="RLSMAREA">
    <scope name="CIM">
        <message name="LIST">
                <test> </test>

RLSMAREA CIM LIST <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable Release application name.
<buildProc> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component build procedure.
<checkinDescription> Optional 0 - 1 String (120), variable Checkin description.
<checkinUser> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component checkin user ID.
<component> Optional 0 - 1 String (256), variable Release area component name.
<componentFromChangeDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release checkin "from" date.
<componentGenerateStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (6), variable Component generate status. Values:
ACTIVE = Component is active
FAILED = Component faile
SUBMIT = Component submitted
<componentToChangeDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release checkin "to" date.
<componentType> Optional 0 - 1 String (3), variable Component library type.
<language> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component language name.
<package> Optional 0 - 1 String (10), variable Package name.
NOTE: May be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<packageId> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Package ID.
<release> Required 1 String (8), variable Release name.
<releaseArea> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Release area name.
<releaseAreaFromCheckinDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release area checkin "from" date.
<releaseAreaFromGenerateDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release area generate "from" date.
Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release area checkin "to" date.
<releaseAreaToGenerateDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release area generate "to" date.



The XML reply to a RLSMAREA CIM LIST request returns zero to many <result> data elements. Each result lists a row of component in motion information from the ERO Db2 CIM table.

The standard <response> data element follows any <result> tags in the reply and indicates the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher. Because it is the final data element in the XML reply message, the <response> tag serves as an end-of-list marker.

The following example shows what the reply message might look like. Data structure details for the <result> tag follow the example.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="RLSMAREA">
    <scope name="CIM">
        <message name="LIST">


                <componentChangeDate>20120827</componentChangeDate> <componentChangeTime>083512</componentChangeTime>
                <statusMessage>CMR8700I - Release CIM Table service completed </statusMessage>

RLSMAREA CIM LIST <result> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable Release application name.
<buildProc> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component build procedure.
<checkinDescription> Optional 0 - 1 String (120), variable Checkin description.
<checkinUser> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component checkin user ID.
<component> Optional 0 - 1 String (256), variable Release area component name.
<componentChangeDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Component changed date.
<componentChangeTime> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Component changed time.
<componentCreateDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Non-load component create date.
<componentGenerateStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (6), variable Component generate status. Values:
ACTIVE = Component is active
FAILED = Component failed
SUBMIT = Component submitted
<componentGenerated> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Component has been generated.
N = Component has not been generated.
<componentLmodAliasOf> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Load component "alias of" name.
<componentLmodAuth> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component is authorized.
N = Load component is not authorized.
<componentLmodEXECattr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component is executable.
N = Load component is not executable.
<componentLmodOLODattr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component is only loadable.
N = Load component may be linked to.
<componentLmodOVLYattr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component overlay format.
N = Not load component overlay format.
<componentLmodRENTattr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component is reentrant.
N = Load component is not reentrant.
<componentLmodREUSattr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component is reusable.
N = Load component is not reusable.
<componentLmodRFRSattr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component is refreshable.
N = Load component is not refreshable.
<componentLmodTESTattr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Load component in test format.
N = Load component is not in test format.
<componentModLevel> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (2) Component modification level.
<componentSizeBytes> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (8) Component size in bytes.
<componentSizeInit> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (8) Non-load component initial size in lines.
<componentSizeLines> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (8) Non-load component current size in lines.
<componentType> Optional 0 - 1 String (3) Component library type.
<componentVersionNo> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (2) Component version number.
<currentAssocPkg> Optional 0 - 1 String (10) Current associated package.
<currentHashToken> Optional 0 - 1 String (16) Current hash token.
<generateJobName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component generate job name.
<generateJobNumber> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component generate job number.
<generateRequired> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Generate is required.
N = Generate is not required.
<hashToken> Optional 0 - 1 String (16) Release area component hash value.
<language> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Component language name.
<libraryStorageMeans> Optional 0 - 1 String (3) Release library storage means. Values:
LIB = Librarian
OTH = Other
PAN = Panvalet
SEQ = Sequential
SRD = Stacked reverse delta
<likeType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Component library "like type". Values for all library types:
C = Copy
K = LCT (link control cards)
L = Load
O = Object
Additional values for HFS library types:
S = Source
X = List
blank = other
<loadModule> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Component is a load module.
N = Component is not a load module.
<package> Optional 0 - 1 String (10) Release package name.
<packageId> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6) Release package number.
<priorAssocPkg> Optional 0 - 1 String (10) Prior associated package name.
<priorHashToken> Optional 0 - 1 String (16) Prior hash token.
<release> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Release name.
<releaseArea> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Release area name.
<releaseAreaCheckinDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release area checkin date.
<releaseAreaCheckinTime> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Release area checkin time.
<releaseAreaGenerateDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Release area generate date.
<releaseAreaGenerateTime> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Release area generate time.
<setssi> Optional 0 - 1 String (8) Setssi for component.
<sourceComponent> Optional 0 - 1 String (256), variable Source component name.
<sourceComponentType> Optional 0 - 1 String (3) Source component library type.