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Backing Out a Release

Release backout backs out all baselined release packages, changes their status from BAS to BAK, and then changes the status of the release from BAS to BAK.

If your release was distributed to one or more ChangeMan ZMF production sites, you can initiate release backout at the development site and back out the release at some or all production sites.

When a release is backed out at a production site, all installed release packages at that site are backed out and their status is changed from INS to BAK. The status of the release at that site is changed from INS to BAK.

When backout for a distributed release is complete at all production sites, the release packages are backed out at the development site, and their status is changed from BAS to BAK. Then the status of the release at the development site is changed from BAS to BAK.

To return the release to DEV status, you must revert the release. See Reverting a Release. To return packages to DEV status, you must revert each release package. See Reverting a Release Package.

Follow these steps to back out the release at production instances and at the development instance where the release was created.


This procedure describes backing out a release that is installed at production sites. If you are working in an ALL environment, you will not see the panels for site selection, but the backout release process is essentially the same.

  1. Follow these steps to access the release that you want to back out.

    1. Type =7 on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Specifications Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank, and press Enter.

      The Release List panel is displayed.

      CMNRMRLF            Release List            Row 1 to 2 of 2
      Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
          Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Pkgs
          FIN6410 BAS 20160328 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 00001
          FIN6430 BAS 20160328 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 00003
      ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

      The Release List panel shows releases that satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel.

      Notice the Sta column, which displays the overall status of the release at the development instance.

  2. On the Release List panel, type BO in the line command for the release you want to back out. Press Enter and the Backout: Site Selection panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRBS        Backout Site Information        Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Release: FIN6430    Creator: USER239    Status: BAS
      Site  Install         Contact             Phone          Status
    _ SERT# 20160318 0800   AGUSTO YEARWOOD     800-555-1212    INS
    _ SERT4 20160318 0800   AGUSTO YEARWOOD     800-555-1212    BAS
    _ SERT5 20160318 0800   AGUSTO YEARWOOD     800-555-1212    INS
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    Notice the Status column at the right of the panel, which is the status of the release at the production instance.

  3. Select the site or sites from which you want to back out the release. Press Enter and the site - Backout Reasons panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRBO            SERT5 - Backout Reasons
    Command ===>
        Release: FIN6430    Status: BAS     Install: 20101218
  4. Type your reasons for backing out the release on the site - Backout Reasons panel and press Enter. If the site you selected for backout is a P instance, the Submit Remote Backout Request panel is displayed.

    CMNRMBJC                Submit Remote Backout Request
    Command ===>
    Site: SERT5     Release: FIN6430    Creator: USER239    Status: INS
    Job Statement Information:
        //USER239A JOB (ACCOUNT),'SERT5 JOB’,
        //          CLASS=A,
        //          NOTIFY=USER239,
        //          MSGCLASS=Y

    Modify the job card as required and press Enter to submit a service request job that connects to the production site through TCP/IP and initiates release backout at that site.

    If you selected more than one site to back out, the site - Backout Reasons panel is displayed for the next selected site. This panel displays the backout reasons that you typed for the previous site.

    Repeat the site - Backout Reasons step and the Submit Remote Backout Request step until service request jobs have been submitted for all of sites that you selected.

  5. When you have submitted service request jobs for all of the sites that you selected, the Backout: Site Selection panel is displayed again.

    CMNRMRBS            Backout Site Information        Job Submitted
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Release: FIN6430    Creator: USER239    Status: BAS
      Site  Install         Contact             Phone          Status
    _ SERT# 20101218 0800   AGUSTO YEARWOOD     800-555-1212    INS
    _ SERT4 20101218 0800   AGUSTO YEARWOOD     800-555-1212    BAS
    _ SERT5 20101218 0800   AGUSTO YEARWOOD     800-555-1212    INS
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    If you wait until all package backout jobs for a site have run, then Refresh the Backout Site Selection panel, you can see the release status at a site change to from INS to BAK.

  6. Press PF3 and you are returned to the Release List panel.

    CMNRMRLF                Release List            Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Pkgs
        FIN6410 BAS 20160328 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 00001
        FIN6430 BAS 20160328 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 00003
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  7. After the release status is changed to BAK at all production sites and you Refresh the Release List panel, you can see the status of the release is changed from BAS to BAK.

    CMNRMRLF                Release List            Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Pkgs
        FIN6410 BAS 20160328 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 00001
        FIN6430 BAK 20160328 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 00003
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  8. Release backout is complete.

    When a release and its attached packages are backed out, you must revert the release and the packages to DEV status to make changes and start the release install process over again.

    See Reverting a Release for the steps to revert a release to DEV status.

    See Reverting a Release Package for the steps to revert a release package to DEV status.