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Creating a Release

This section tells you how to create a release, create release areas, join applications, configure application library types and SYSLIBs, and associate prior releases.

The first time you create a release in ChangeMan ZMF ERO, you must execute all of the steps in this section. After you have built one or more releases, you can copy the structure of an existing release to create a new release. See Copying a Release.

The functions required to create a release are protected by security entities defined in your security system. Your TSO ID must be associated with the security entity for release managers or the security entity for ChangeMan ZMF application administration to perform the actions described in this section.

Release managers or ChangeMan ZMF global administrators execute these ERO functions to create a release:

  • Create a release

  • Add Install Approvers

  • Create Release Areas

  • Add Area Approvers

Release application administrators or ChangeMan ZMF application administrators execute these ERO functions to continue release configuration:

  • Join Application to a Release

  • Define Application Library Types

  • Define SYSLIB Concatenations

Then release administrators or global administrators complete the release configuration with these functions:

  • Associate prior releases

  • Define area promotion

For more information about the security entities that protect ChangeMan ZMF ERO functions, see Defining Security Entities.

Create a Release

Follow these steps to create a release.

  1. Access the Release List in release configuration through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type R on the Option line of the Release Management Configuration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release Selection Parameters panel (CMNRMRSC), or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel is displayed..

    CMNRMRLS    Release List                Row 1 to 5 of 5
    Command ===>                            Scroll ===> CSR
    Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20160328 WR 9010        FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160328 WR 9020        FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160328 WR 9030        FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6440 DEV 20160429 WR 9030        FINANCE  USER015 20160111
    FIN6450 DEV 20160527 WR 9050        FINANCE  USER015 20160113
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The Release List panel shows the releases that satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel, or it shows all releases if you did not enter any selection criteria.

    The Release List is empty until you define your first release.

  2. On the Command line of the Release List panel, type a CREATE command in the format:

    CREATE xxxxxxxx

    where xxxxxxxx is a unique 1-8 character release identifier. Since the release identifier is used as a node in dataset names for release area libraries, the release identifier must comply with rules for DSN node names.

    This example shows the CREATE command on the Release List panel.

    CMNRMRLS    Release List                Row 1 to 5 of 5
    Command ===> create fin6460             Scroll ===> CSR
    Release Sta Install     Work request    Dept Aud Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20160328    WR 9010         FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160328    WR 9020         FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160328    WR 9030         FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6440 DEV 20160429    WR 9030         FINANCE  USER015 20160111
    FIN6450 DEV 20160527    WR 9050         FINANCE  USER015 20160113
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  3. When you have typed the create command, press Enter. The release Release Management Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRC0    FIN6460 Release Management Parameters - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Release description . . . . . FIN6450 Release for test
    Creator . . . . . . . . . . . USER123
    Creator's Phone Number . . .  11292
    Work request . . . . . . . .  WR 9015
    Department . . . . . . . . .  FINANCE
    Minimum audit level . . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5)
    Minimum approval rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3)
    Minimum blocking rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Minimum Check-in rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Minimum retrieve rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3)
    SYSLIB concatenation order .  A     (A-Ascending,D-Descending)
    Default IHA audit setting . . N     (Y/N/C)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Enforce IHA default setting
        Bypass checkin package requirements
        Allow empty packages to process in release
        Auto cleanup of packages in DEV status
        Auto cleanup of packages in FRZ status
        Auto cleanup of packages in APR status

    When you create a release, this panel initially displays information stored in your ISPF profile from the last time you entered Information on the panel.

    This table describes the fields on the release Release Management Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Release description Type a description of the release. This field is case sensitive and has a maximum length of 50 characters.
    Creator Type a release creator name. This field is not case sensitive and has a maximum length of 25 characters.
    Creator's Phone Number Type a telephone number for the release creator. This field is not case sensitive and has a maximum length of 15 characters.
    Work request Type a work request number. This field is not case sensitive and has a maximum length of 16 characters.
    Department Type a department code. This field is not case sensitive and has a maximum length of 8 characters.
    Minimum audit level Type the least restrictive audit rule that may be used for areas in this release. You can specify more restrictive audit rules for areas in this release, but you cannot specify less restrictive rules. The audit rule sets the minimum release audit return code that is required before an area may be blocked.
    Rule    Max RC    Description
    0    Any     Release audit is optional. Release audit process failure is allowed.
    1    Less than 20    Release audit is required. Audit must complete processing successfully. Any out-of-sync conditions are allowed.
    2    12    Release audit is required. Out-of-sync conditions with respect to components within the audited area are allowed. Out-of-sync conditions with respect to components outside the audited area in other areas in the chain of next areas, in final areas for prior releases, and in baselines are allowed.
    3    8    Release audit is required. Out-of-sync conditions with respect to components outside the audited area in other areas in the chain of next areas, in final areas for prior releases, and in baselines are allowed.
    4    4    Release audit is required. Warning messages allowed, usually for component in area not different from baseline.
    5    0     Release audit is required. No out-of-sync errors and no warning messages allowed.
    Minimum approval rule Type the least restrictive approval rule that may be used for areas in this release. You can specify more restrictive approval rules for areas in this release, but you cannot specify less restrictive rules.
    The approval rule sets requirements for approvals before check-in and check-off.
    0   No requirements.
    1   This area must be approved for check-in before a package or an area can be checked in to this area.
    2   This area must be approved for check-off before this area can be checked in to the next area.
    3   Rules 1 and 2.
    Minimum blocking rule Type the least restrictive blocking rule that may be used for areas in this release. You can specify more restrictive blocking rules for areas in this release, but you cannot specify less restrictive rules.
    The blocking rule sets restrictions on blocking a release area.
    0   No restrictions are imposed by this rule.
    1   This area must be audited before it can be blocked.
    2   The person blocking this area must be permitted to the blocking security entity specified in this area.
    3   Rules 1 and 2.
    Minimum Check-in rule Type the least restrictive check-in rule that may be used for areas in this release. You can specify more restrictive check-in rules for areas in this release, but you cannot specify less restrictive rules.
    The check-in rule sets restrictions on check-in.
    0   No restrictions are imposed by this rule.
    1   This area must be audited before it can be checked in to the next area.
    2   This area must be blocked before it can be checked in to the next area.
    3   The person checking-in a package or area into this area must be permitted to the check-in security entity specified in this area.
    4   Rules 1 and 2.
    5    Rules 1 and 3.
    6   Rules 2 and 3.
    7    Rules 1, 2, and 3.
    Minimum retrieve rule Type the least restrictive retrieve rule that may be used for areas in this release. You can specify more restrictive retrieve rules for areas in this release, but you cannot specify less restrictive rules.
    The retrieve rule sets conditions required to retrieve components, packages, or areas from release areas.
    0   No restrictions are imposed by this rule.
    1   This area must be unblocked to retrieve from the area.
    2   The person executing a retrieve from this area must be permitted to the retrieve security entity specified in this area.
    3    Rules 1 and 2.
    SYSLIB concatenation order Type a code that determines the concatenation sequence of area libraries in SYSLIB DD statements for build process JCL.
    A    Ascending - Area libraries are concatenated with the target area on the top, followed by libraries in the ascending area chain between the target area and the final area, with final area libraries at the bottom. This ensures that the latest changes checked in to areas starting from the target area to the final area are used instead of earlier changes that are resident in the final area.
    D    Descending - Area libraries are concatenated with the final area on top, followed by libraries in the descending area chain between the final area and the target area, with the target area libraries at the bottom. This ensures that the earliest changes checked in to areas starting from the final area to the target area are used instead of later changes.
    Default IHA audit setting Type the default code that is first displayed in the Ignore Higher Areas field on the Release Area Audit Panel.
    When area audit is run for non-final areas, the Ignore Higher Areas field determines whether higher areas in the same release are included.
    N    Area audit includes higher areas in the same release. The area audit return code is updated.
    Y    Area audit ignores higher areas in the same release. Areas in prior releases are processed normally. The area audit return code is not updated; audits run with this setting are for information only.
    C    The behavior of area audit is determined by the structure of the current release.
        - If the current release has only one starting area, then area audit runs as if the Ignore Higher Areas field is set to Y.
        - If there are multiple starting areas, area audit runs as if the Ignore Higher Areas field is set to N.
    Enforce IHA default setting Type a setting that determines whether the default defined in Default IHA audit setting above can be changed on the Release Area Audit Panel.
    Select this to prohibit changes to the Ignore Higher Areas field on the Release Area Audit Panel. The value will always be the default defined here in the Default IHA audit setting field.
    Leave blank to allow changes to the Ignore Higher Areas field on the Release Area Audit Panel.
    Bypass checkin package requirements By default, when checking into the first area in a release the checkin rules are applied to the associated package. For example, area checkin rule 2 requires that the package be frozen if this is the first area in the release life cycle.
    Selecting this option will bypass any package requirements associated with the checkin request. So, in the previous example, selecting this option will mean that the package will not need to be frozen if area check-in rule 2 is selected.
    Allow empty packages to process in release By default, empty packages are not allowed to be processed in a release. If this is selected then empty packages are allowed for the release. This includes baselining the empty package.
    Selecting this option will allow the test area and test release functions to complete sucessfully for packages containing no components regardless of any area bypass settings.
    Auto cleanup of packages Specify whether you want Test Release (or Test Area for the final area) to remove components from attached packages if the components are not found in the final area. If an attached package is empty, it is automatically reverted and detached from the release.
    in DEV status   Select to automatically remove components from attached packages that are in DEV status.
    in FRZ status   Select to automatically remove components from attached packages that are in FRZ status.
    in APR status   Select to automatically remove components from attached packages that are in APR status.
    If no package status is selected, automatic cleanup is effectively disabled.

    This example shows the completed release Release Management Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel CMNRMRC0.

    CMNRMRC0    FIN6410 Release Management Parameters - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Release description . . . . . FIN6450 Release for May
    Creator . . . . . . . . . . . USER123
    Creator's Phone Number . . .  11292
    Work request . . . . . . . .  WR 9050
    Department . . . . . . . . .  FINANCE
    Minimum audit level . . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5)
    Minimum approval rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3)
    Minimum blocking rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Minimum Check-in rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Minimum retrieve rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3)
    SYSLIB concatenation order .  A     (A-Ascending,D-Descending)
    Default IHA audit setting . . N     (Y/N/C)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Enforce IHA default setting
        Bypass checkin package requirements
        Allow empty packages to process in release
        auto cleanup of packages in DEV status
        Auto cleanup of packages in FRZ status
        Auto cleanup of packages in APR status
  4. After you type your entries on the release Release Management Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel, press Enter to process those entries. The release Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel CMNRMRC1 is displayed.

    CMNRMRC1    FIN6410 Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2
    Command ===>
    Install Date: from . . . 20160520 000001 to . . . 20160531 235900
    Default scheduler . . .  MANUAL (CMN, Manual or Other)
    Contingency . . . . . .  1 (1,2,3)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Add Associated Install Approvers
        / CMN scheduler
        / Manual scheduler
        / Other scheduler
    Release Implementation Instructions:

    When you create a release, this panel initially displays information stored in your ISPF profile from the last time you entered information on the panel.

    This table describes the fields on the release Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Install Date From Type the low end of a range for release install date/times. Install date/ times for release packages and applications cannot be earlier than this entry.
    The Install From DT/TM also establishes a logical ordering of prior releases that determines the concatenation of area libraries in build processing SYSLIB statements and in audit processing.
    To Type the high end of a range for release install date/times. Install date/ times for release packages and applications cannot be later than this entry.
    Default scheduler Type an install scheduler allowed in the Scheduler fields above.
    Contingency Type a code for the action to be taken if the install process fails. This code provides information only. The code has no effect on ChangeMan ZMF processing.
    Option Add Associated Install Approvers - select to automatically add associated install approvers when the release is blocked.
    The next three fields determine the installation scheduler allowed in packages attached to this release. You cannot permit a scheduler here that is prohibited in global administration for the base ChangeMan ZMF system.
    CMN   Select to allow attached packages to use the ChangeMan ZMF internal scheduler, which initiates package installation when the internal scheduler determines that the package (Site) Install Date and From Time have arrived.
    Manual   Select to allow attached packages to use the Manual scheduler, which initiates the package installation process when the last release approval is entered.
    Other   Select to allow attached packages to be installed by a third party automated job scheduler.
    Release Implementation Instructions Type up to 10 lines of free-form release installation instructions. The 10 lines are case sensitive.

    This example shows the completed release Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel.

    CMNRMRC1    FIN6460 Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2
    Command ===>
    Install Date: from . . . 20160520 000001 to . . . 20160531 235900
    Default scheduler . . .  MANUAL (CMN, Manual or Other)
    Contingency . . . . . .  1  (1,2,3)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Add Associated Install Approvers
        / CMN scheduler
        / Manual scheduler
        / Other scheduler
    Release Implementation Instructions:
        All packages attached to this release will be installed between
        May 20 and May 31. If there are problems with
        any part of this release, call the Release Manager.
  5. After you type your entries on the release Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel, press Enter to process the create release command. You are returned to the Release List panel, which now includes the release you just created.

    CMNRMRLS    Release List    Release     Created
    Command ===>                            Scroll ===> CSR
    Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20151218 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160328 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160328 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6440 DEV 20160429 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20160111
    FIN6450 DEV 20160527 WR 9050        FINANCE     USER015 20160113
    FIN6460 DEV 20160520 WR 9050        FINANCE     USER015 20160405
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
    | CMR0521A - Release FIN6460 has been successfully created. |


Add Install Approvers

Install approvers are defined in ERO Global Administration. See Defining the Global Approver List.

Follow these steps to add install approvers to a release.

  1. Access the Release List release configuration through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type R on the Option line of the Release Management Configuration Options panel (CMNRADM), and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel (CMNRMRLS) is displayed.

    CMNRMRLS        Release List                    Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
    Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6440 DEV 20160429 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20160111
    FIN6450 DEV 20160527 WR 9050        FINANCE     USER015 20160113
    FIN6460 DEV 20160520 WR 9050        FINANCE     USER015 20160405
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The Release List panel shows the releases that satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel. If you did not enter any selection criteria, the Release List panel shows all releases.

  2. On the Release List panel, type line command IA on a release. The Global Approver Selection List panel is displayed.

    CMNRMGAL    Global Approver Selection List          Row 1 to 12 of 12
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
    Security  Request   Order no. Description
    ACCTPAY             0010 Accounts Payable Approver Manager
    ACTPLEAD            0010 Lead Developer ACTP Application
    GENLEDGR            0010 General Ledger Manager
    GENLLEAD            0010 GENL Application Lead Programmer
    INTCOORD            0010 Integration Test Coordinator
    QATCOORD            0010 Quality Assurance Test Coordinator
    UATCOORD            0010 User Acceptance Test Coordinator
    UTCOORD             0010 Unit Test Coordinator
    CIO                 0030 Chief Information Officer
    FINACCTG            0030 Financial Accounting Manager
    RLSEMNGR            0030 Release Manager
    SYSDVMGR            0030 Systems Development Manager
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This table describes the fields, commands, and line commands on the Global Approver Selection List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an approver.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE    Locate an approver. (Abbreviation: L) approver
    REFRESH    Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command to build a list of install approvers to be added to the release.
    S   Select an approver.
    D   Deselect an approver that shows *Select* in the Request field.
    Security entity Displays the global approver security entity.
    Request Displays the requested action.
    Order no. Displays the notification order number defined in global approvers.
    Description Displays the approver description entered in global approvers.

    Use line commands to select install approvers for the release.

  3. When you have finished typing line commands on the Global Approver Selection List panel, press Enter to process the line commands. The Global Approver Selection List panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

    CMNRMGAL    Global Approver Selection List          Row 1 to 12 of 12
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
    Security   Request  Order no. Description
    ACCTPAY             0010 Accounts Payable Approver Manager
    ACTPLEAD            0010 Lead Developer ACTP Application
    GENLEDGR            0010 General Ledger Manager
    GENLLEAD            0010 GENL Application Lead Programmer
    INTCOORD            0010 Integration Test Coordinator
    QATCOORD            0010 Quality Assurance Test Coordinator
    UATCOORD            0010 User Acceptance Test Coordinator
    UTCOORD             0010 Unit Test Coordinator
    CIO                 0030 Chief Information Officer
    FINACCTG  *Select*  0030 Financial Accounting Manager
    RLSEMNGR  *Select*  0030 Release Manager
    SYSDVMGR  *Select*  0030 Systems Development Manager
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    Type additional line commands to change the list of selected approvers, and press Enter to process the commands and present a new list.

  4. When you are satisfied with the list of selected install approvers, press PF3 to begin processing each approver on the list. The first panel displayed for each approver is the release - approver Install Approvers - Part 1 of 2 panel.

    CMNRMIA0     FIN6430 FINACCTG Install Approvers - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Description . . . . . . . . Financial Accounting Manager
    Order number . . . . . . .  0030
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Install Approver
    Approver List Count . . . . 0001

    This table describes the fields on the release - approver Install Approvers - Part 1 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Description Displays the approver definition defined in global approvers.
    Order number Type a 4-digit number to set a hierarchical order of approver notifications.
    Example: Approver order number 0001 is notified of a pending approval, enters their approval, then approver order number 0002 is notified of a pending approval.
    0001-9999   Sets a hierarchical approval notification order.
    0000   Approver will not be notified and approval can be entered anytime.
    Install Approver Displays the / install approval indicator defined in global approvers.
    Approver List Count Displays how many approver notification rows are defined on the notification definition panel.

    You can only change the Order Number on this panel.

  5. After you type your entries on the release - approver Install Approvers - Part 1 of 2 panel, press Enter to process those entries. The release - approver Install Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMIA1    FIN6430 - FINACCTG Install Approvers - Part 2 of Row 1 to 1 of 1
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
    Approver: Financial Accounting Manager
    Order No: 0030
        Vehicle User(s) to notify
        MVSSEND USER015
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    Use this panel to define notifications for the install approver.

    This table defines the fields on the release - approver Install Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Line Command I    Insert a new notification.
    R   Repeat an existing notification.
    D   Delete an existing notification.
    Vehicle Type a Notification Vehicle that is enabled in Global Administration Parameters. (MVSSEND is not explicitly enabled in Global Administration Parameters, but it is always available.)
    User(s) to Notify Type one or more userids or e-mail addresses that are appropriate for the Notification Vehicle. This field is case sensitive.

    These rules and conditions apply when you define notifications for an install approver.

    • You are not required to define notifications for an approver.

    • You can type multiple userids or e-mail addresses in the User(s) to notify field.

    • Use a delimiter that is appropriate for the notification vehicle to separate multiple userids or e-mail addresses. Use space as a delimiter for MVSSEND.

    • If you cannot fit all userids or e-mail addresses for a notification vehicle on one row, create multiple rows with the same notification vehicle.

  6. After you type your entries on the release - approver Install Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel, press PF3.

    If you selected more than one install approver from the global approver list, the release - approver Install Approvers - Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed for the next selected approver. Cycle through this panel and the release - approver Install Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel for each install approver selected from the global approver list.

  7. After the last selected install approver is processed, the release Install Approver List panel is displayed, showing the install approvers for the release.

    CMNRMIAP        FIN6430 Install Approver Lis Install Approver Updated
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
    Security    Order   Description
    entity      no.
    FINACCTG    0030    Financial Accounting Manager
    RLSEMNGR    0030    Release Manager
    SYSDVMGR    0030    Systems Development Manager
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
    | CMR6031A - Install Approver SYSDVMGR has been successfully updated. |


    A release install approver may be changed until install approver notifications are issued when the release is blocked.

Create Release Areas

Follow these steps to create an area in a release.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type R on the Option line of the Release Management Configuration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRLS        Release List                Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
    Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The Release List panel shows the releases that satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel. If you did not enter any selection criteria, the Release List panel shows all releases.

  2. On the Release List panel, type line command AR on a release. The release Release Area Definitions panel (CMNRMARL) is displayed.

    CMNRMARL            FIN6420 Release Area Definitions
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
    Area     Type    Step   Description
    ACCTPAY  SUBSYS  0001   Starting area for Accounts Payable components
    GENLEDGR SUBSYS  0002   Starting area for General Ledger components
    FINANCE  SYSTEM  0003   Final area for Finance components
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This table describes the fields, commands, and line commands on the release Release Area Definitions panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an area.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: CA)
    CREATE   Create a release area. (Abbreviation: CR)
    LOCATE   Locate an area. (Abbreviation: LO) area
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: RE)
    Line Command Type a line command on a Release Area.
    AA   Area Approvers - Add, update, delete, or display area approvers.
    CL   Reset/Query Area Component Locks - Delete (DL) or query (QC) area component-level locks. Tip: You can issue a CL line command on a release area to view a list of area component locks. Use the QC line command on a component lock to view all the components under that lock. Use the DL line command on a component lock to delete that lock and release all the components under that lock.
    DA   Delete Area - Delete an existing release area.
    QA   Query Area - Query release area facility categories .
    RS   Reset Area - Reset the area in-progress indicators.
    UA   Update Area - Update release area configuration.
    Area Name Displays the area name.
    Type Displays the area type.
    SUBSYS   Subsystem area
    SYSTEM   System area
    Step Displays the step number specified in the area definition. The number in this field determines the order that areas are displayed on ERO panels.
    Description Displays the area description.
  3. On the Command line of the release Release Area Definitions panel, type a CREATE command in the format:

    CREATE xxxxxxxx

    ...where xxxxxxxx is a unique 1-8 character area name. Since the area name is used as a node in dataset names for release area libraries, the area name must comply with rules for DSN node names.

    This example shows the CREATE command on the release Release Area Definitions panel (CMNRMARL).

    CMNRMARL        FIN6430 Release Area Definitions
    Command ===> create acctrec                 Scroll ===> CSR
        Area     Type   Step Description
        ACCTPAY  SUBSYS 0001 Starting area for Accounts Payable components
        GENLEDGR SUBSYS 0002 Starting area for General Ledger components
        FINANCE  SYSTEM 0003 Final area for Finance components
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  4. When you have typed the create command, press Enter. The release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMAC0        FIN6430 ACCTPAY Area Parameters - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Area description . .
    Area step number . . . . . . . . . .
    Area step type . . . . . . . . . . .    (Subsystem-0 or System-1)
    Any prior area name . . . . . . . .
    The next area name . . . . . . . . .
    Area audit level . . . . . . . . 0      (0,1,2,3,4,5)
    Area approval rule . . . . . . . 0      (0,1,2,3)
    Area blocking rule . . . . . . . 0      (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Blocking entity . . . . . . . .         (Entity Name)
    Area check-in rule . . . . . . . 0      (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Check-in Entity . . . . . . . .         (Entity Name)
    Area retrieve rule . . . . . . . 0      (0,1,2,3)
    Retrieve entity . . . . . . . .         (Entity Name)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Allow component checkout
        / Add associated approvers
        Exclude area from SYSLIB
        Override overlaid components
    When you create an area, the minimum rule settings you defined for the release are displayed. Indicators on the panel display default values described in the table below. The rest of the information on the release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel is stored in your ISPF profile and displayed when you create the next area for the release.

    This table describes the fields on the release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 1 panel.

    Field Description
    Area description Type a description of the area. This field is case sensitive and has a maximum length of 56 characters.
    Area step number Type a step number for this area. The number in this field determines the order that areas are displayed on ERO panels. Check-in sequence and SYSLIB concatenation order in this release are determined by Prior Area and Next Area described below. However, area step number is used to establish the concatenation sequence for prior release area libraries that are included in builds for this release.
    Area step type Type a code to define the area type.
    0  Subsystem area - Subsystem areas can be subordinate to other subsystem areas and to system areas in a tree structure or single thread structure of release areas. Packages are checked in to starting areas, which must be subsystem areas.
    1  System area - System areas can only be subordinate to other system areas in a single thread. The final release area is a system area.
    Any prior area name Type the name of an area that is immediately subordinate to this area. If this area has more than one subordinate subsystem areas, type the name of any one of those subsystem areas. Starting subsystems where packages are checked in to a release have no prior areas.
    The next area name Type the name of the target area where you check-in this area. Subsystem areas always have a next area. System areas always have one next area except for the final area, which does not have a next area.
    Area audit level Type an audit rule for this release area. The audit rule sets the minimum release audit return code that is required before an area may be blocked. The audit rules that are valid for this area are limited by the minimum audit rule specified at the release level. You can specify a more restrictive rule at the area level than the minimum rule specified at the release level, but you cannot specify a less restrictive rule.
    Rule   Max RC  Description
    0   Any    Release audit is optional. Release audit process failure is allowed.
    1    Less than 20   Release audit is required. Audit must complete processing successfully. Any out-of-sync conditions are allowed.
    2    12    Release audit is required. Out-of-sync conditions with respect to components within the audited area are allowed. Out-of-sync conditions with respect to components outside the audited area in other areas in the chain of next areas, in final areas for prior releases, and in baselines are allowed.
    3    8    Release audit is required. Out-of-sync conditions with respect to components outside the audited area in other areas in the chain of next areas, in final areas for prior releases, and in baselines are allowed.
    4   4    Release audit is required. Warning messages allowed, usually for component in area not different from baseline.
    5    0    Release audit is required. No out-of-sync errors and no warning messages allowed
    Area approval rule Type an approval rule for this release area. The approval rule sets requirements for approvals before check-in and check-off. The approval rules that are valid for this area are limited by the minimum approval rule specified at the release level. You can specify a more restrictive rule at the area level than the minimum rule specified at the release level, but you cannot specify a less restrictive rule.
    0   No requirements.
    1    This area must be approved for check-in before a package or an area can be checked in to this area.
    2    This area must be approved for check-off before this area can be checked in to the next area.
    3   Rules 1 and 2.
    Area blocking rule Type a blocking for this release area.The blocking rule sets conditions required for blocking a release area.
    The blocking rules that are valid for this area are limited by the minimum blocking rule specified at the release level. You can specify a more restrictive rule at the area level than the minimum rule specified at the release level, but you cannot specify a less restrictive rule.
    0    No restrictions are imposed by this rule.
    1   This area must be audited before it can be blocked.
    2   The person blocking or unblocking this area must be permitted to the blocking security entity specified in this area.
    3   Rules 1 and 2.
    Blocking entity Type a security entity that is used to verify authority to block and unblock this area as required by blocking rules 2 and 3. The blocking entity is queried only if area blocking rule 2 or 3 is specified.
    Area check-in rule Type a check-in rule for this release area. The check-in rule sets conditions required to check-in a package into an area or to check-in a release area into the next area.
    The check-in rules that are valid for this area are limited by the minimum check-in rule specified at the release level. You can specify a more restrictive rule at the area level than the minimum rule specified at the release level, but you cannot specify a less restrictive rule.
    0    No restrictions are imposed by this rule.
    1   This area must be audited before it can be checked in to the next area.
    2   This area must be blocked before it can be checked in to the next area.
    3   The person checking-in a package or area into this area must be permitted to the check-in security entity specified in this area.
    4   Rules 1 and 2.
    5   Rules 1 and 3.
    6   Rules 2 and 3.
    7   Rules 1, 2, and 3.
    Check-in Entity Type a security entity that is used to verify authorization to perform check-in to this area, as required by check-in rules 3, 5, 6, and 7. The check-in entity is queried only if area check-in rule 3, 5, 6, or 7 is specified. NOTE: If no check-in entity is specified, you must have UPDATE authority to an application to check-in application components. If a check-in entity is specified, you must have UPDATE authority to the check-in entity, but you only need READ authority to the application.
    Area retrieve rule Type a retrieve rule for this release area. The retrieve rule sets conditions required to retrieve components, packages, or areas from release areas. The retrieve rules that are valid for this area are limited by the minimum retrieve rule specified at the release level. You can specify a more restrictive rule at the area level than the minimum rule specified at the release level, but you cannot specify a less restrictive rule.
    0   No restrictions are imposed by this rule.
    1   This area must be unblocked to retrieve from the area.
    2   The person executing a retrieve from this area must be permitted to the retrieve security entity specified in this area.
    3   Rules 1 and 2.
    Retrieve entity Type a security entity that is used to verify authority to retrieve components, packages, and areas from this area as required by retrieve rules 2 and 3. The retrieve entity is queried only if area retrieve rule 2 or 3 is specified. NOTE: If no retrieve entity is specified, you must have UPDATE authority to an application to retrieve application components. If a retrieve entity is specified, you must have UPDATE authority to the retrieve entity, but you only need READ authority to the application.
    Allow component checkout Select to permit checkout of components from this area into packages attached to a release that specifies this release as a prior release. Checkout to packages attached to this release is also permitted. If not selected, this prohibits checkout of components from this area into packages attached to a release that specifies this release as a prior release. Checkout to a package attached to this release is only permitted if this is the starting area for the package.
    Add associated approvers Select to automatically add associated check-in and check-off approvers when the association criteria is met.
    Exclude area from SYSLIB Select to exclude libraries for this area from all SYSLIB concatenations, except for build or release audit run for this area.
    Override overlaid components Select to disable checks that prevent you from overlaying a component already in an area library. These are the checks that are disabled:
    - You cannot overlay a component that was checked in by a different userid.
    - If you are checking in from package, you cannot overlay a component checked in from a different package.


    In area-to-area check-in, the Area Check-in Rule (and Check-in Entity if required) for both areas are verified before a check-in is permitted.

    This example shows the completed release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel.

    CMNRMAC0        FIN6430 ACCTPAY Area Parameters - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Area description . . Starting area for Accounts Payable components
    Area step number . . . . . . . . . . 1
    Area step type . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (Subsystem-0 or System-1)
    Any prior area name . . . . . . . .
    The next area name . . . . . . . . . finance
    Area audit level . . . . . . . . . . 0 (0,1,2,3,4,5)
    Area approval rule . . . . . . . . . 0 (0,1,2,3)
    Area blocking rule . . . . . . . . . 0 (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Blocking entity . . . . . . . . . . (Entity Name)
    Area check-in rule . . . . . . . . . 0 (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Check-in Entity . . . . . . . . . . (Entity Name)
    Area retrieve rule . . . . . . . . . 0 (0,1,2,3)
    Retrieve entity . . . . . . . . . . (Entity Name)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Allow component checkout
        / Add associated approvers
        Exclude area from SYSLIB
        Override overlaid components
  5. After you type your entries on the release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel, press Enter to process those entries. The release area Area Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMAC1        FIN6430 ACCTPAY Area Parameters - Part 2 of 2
    Command ===>
    Enter "/" to select option
        Exclude packages in DEV status
        Exclude packages in FRZ status
        Exclude packages in APR status
        Exclude empty packages
        Exclude package integrity check


    Use this panel to bypass some test area functions in this release area.

    This table defines the fields on the release area Area Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Exclude packages in DEV status Select to enable Test area bypasses packages in DEV status and ignores all release information for the package, such as the component in motion table. If not selected and the Test area processes packages in DEV status normally.
    Exclude packages in FRZ status Select to enable Test area bypasses packages in FRZ status and ignores all release information for the package, such as the component in motion table. If not selected then Test area processes packages in FRZ status normally.
    Exclude packages in APR status Select to enable Test area bypasses packages in APR status and ignores all release information for the package, such as the component in motion table. If not selected then Test area processes packages in APR status normally.
    Exclude empty packages Select to enable Test area function bypasses packages that are empty. Empty packages are packages with no components, online forms, or scratch/ renames utility requests. If not selected then Test area processes empty packages normally.
    Exclude package integrity check Select to enable Test area does not perform package integrity checks. If not selected then Test area bypasses package integrity checks.


    Test release still examines all packages attached to a release.

  6. After you type your entries on the release area Area Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel, press Enter to process the create area command. You are returned to the release Release Area Definitions panel, which now includes the area you just created.

    CMNRMARL    FIN6430 Release Area Definitions    Incomplete Areas
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Area    Type    Step    Description
        ACCTPAY SUBSYS  0001    Starting area for Accounts Payable components
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  7. Release area definitions are cross edited when you exit the release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 1 panel to return to the release Release Area Definitions panel. An error condition in an area definition is flagged by an ISPF short message on the release Release Area Definitions panel. Press PF1 to see the long message that explains the error condition.

    CMNRMARL    FIN6430 Release Area Definitions    Incomplete Areas
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Area    Type    Step    Description
        ACCTPAY SUBSYS  0001    Starting area for Accounts Payable components
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
    | CMR7005A - No System Area found for Release FIN6430. |

    In the above example, when you create the first area for a release, you receive the short ISPF message “Incomplete Areas” because you need at least one subsystem and one system area defined in the release.

    Long and short error messages are erased when you press Enter. To see the error message again, type UA in the line command for an area row to display the release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 1 panel, then press Enter to process the definition again. If configuration errors are detected, error messages are displayed on the release Release Area Definitions panel. If no errors are found, the short ISPF message “Area Updated” is displayed on the panel.

    When you have defined all areas for the new release, verify the definition for each area by typing UA in the line command for each area row to display the release area Area Parameters - Part 1 of 1 panel, then press Enter to process the definition.

  8. When you have created all required areas for your release and corrected all area definition errors, the release Release Area Definitions panel displays without messages.

    CMNRMARL    FIN6430 Release Area Definitions    Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Area     Type   Step Description
        ACCTPAY  SUBSYS 0001 Starting area for Accounts Payable components
        GENLEDGR SUBSYS 0002 Starting area for General Ledger components
        FINANCE  SYSTEM 0003 Final area for Finance components
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

Add Area Approvers

Area check-in and check-off approvers are defined in ERO Global Administration. See Defining the Global Approver List.

Follow these steps to add approvers to an area.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type R on the Option line of the Release Management Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel (CMNRMRLS) is displayed.

    CMNRMRLS    Release List        Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                    Scroll ===> CSR
    Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE  USER015 20151126
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The Release List panel shows the releases that satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel. If you did not enter any selection criteria, the Release List panel shows all releases.

  2. On the Release List panel, type line command AR on a release. The release Release Area Definitions panel is displayed.

    CMNRMARL    FIN6430 Release Area Definitions    Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Area     Type    Step    Description
        ACCTPAY  SUBSYS  0001    Starting area for Accounts Payable components
        GENLEDGR SUBSYS  0002    Starting area for General Ledger components
        FINANCE  SYSTEM  0003    Final area for Finance components
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  3. On the release Release Area Definitions panel, type line command AA on an area.

    The Global Approver Selection List panel is displayed.

    CMNRMGAL    Global Approver Selection List      Row 1 to 6 of 6
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Security            Order
        entity   Request    no.     Description
        ACCTPAY             0010    Accounts Payable Approver Manager
        ACTPLEAD            0010    Lead Developer ACTP Application
        GENLEDGR            0010    General Ledger Manager
        GENLLEAD            0010    GENL Application Lead Programmer
        FINACCTG            0030    Financial Accounting Manager
        RLSEMNGR            0030    Release Manager
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************


    This panel shows only check-in and check-off approvers from the global approver list.

    This table describes the fields, commands, and line commands on the Global Approver Selection List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an approver.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE approver   Locate an approver. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command to build a list of check-in and check-off approvers to be added to the release.
    S   Select an approver.
    D   Deselect an approver that shows *Select* in the Request field.
    Security entity Displays the global approver security entity.
    Request Displays the requested action.
    Order no. Displays the notification order number defined in global approvers.
    Description Displays the approver description entered in global approvers.
  4. When you have finished typing line commands on the Global Approver Selection List panel, press Enter to process the line commands, and the panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

    CMNRMGAL    Global Approver Selection List      Row 1 to 10 of 10
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Security            Order
        entity   Request    no.     Description
        ACCTPAY             0010    Accounts Payable Approver Manager
        ACTPLEAD *Select*   0010    Lead Developer ACTP Application
        GENLEDGR            0010    General Ledger Manager
        GENLLEAD            0010    GENL Application Lead Programmer
        INTCOORD            0010    Integration Test Coordinator
        QATCOORD            0010    Quality Assurance Test Coordinator
        UATCOORD            0010    User Acceptance Test Coordinator
        UTCOORD  *Select*   0010    Unit Test Coordinator
        FINACCTG            0030    Financial Accounting Manager
        RLSEMNGR            0030    Release Manager
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  5. When you are satisfied with the list of selected install approvers, press PF3 to begin processing each approver on the list. The first panel displayed for each approver is the release - area - approver Approver Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel (CMNRMAA0).

    CMNRMAA0            Approver Parameters - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Release: FIN6430    Area: ACCTPAY   Entity: ACTPLEAD
    Description . . . . . . . . Lead Developer ACTP Application
    Order Number . . . . . . . 0010
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Check-in Approver
        Check-off Approver
    Approver List Count . . . . 0001

    The information first displayed on the release - area - approver Approver Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel comes from the global definition. You can change all of the fields in this definition.

    This table describes the fields on the release - area - approver Approver Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Description Displays the approver definition defined in global approver list.
    Order Number Type a 4-digit number to set a hierarchical order of approver notifications. Example: Approver order number 0001 is notified of a pending approval, enters their approval, then approver order number 0002 is notified of a pending approval.
    0001-9999   Sets a hierarchical approval notification order.
    0000   Approver will not be notified and approval can be entered anytime.
    Check-in Approver Select to make this a check-in approver. When this approver is added to a release area, approval is required before check-in to the area is permitted. See Approver Entities. An area approver cannot be both a Check-in Approver and a Check-off approver.
    Check-off Approver Select to make this a check-off approver. When this approver is added to a release area, approval is required before the release life cycle can proceed beyond this area. See Approver Entities. An area approver cannot be both a Check-in Approver and a Check-off approver. If you attempt, you will get an error message CMR6018I - Check-in and Check-off approvers are mutually exclusive.
    Approver List Count Displays how many approver notification rows are defined on the notification definition panel.


    Assign a unique order number to each approver in an area (unique within the area, except for order number 0000.

  6. After you type your entries on the release - area - approver Approver Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel, press Enter to process those entries. The release - area - approver Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel (CMNRMAA1) is displayed.

    CMNRMAA1    Approver Parameters - Part 2 of 2       Row 1 to 1 of 1
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Release: FIN6430    Area: ACCTPAY   Entity: ACTPLEAD
        Approver: Lead Developer ACTP Application
        Order no: 0010
        Vehicle User(s) to notify
        MVSSEND USER015
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    Use this panel to define notifications for the check-in or check-off approver.

    This table defines the fields on the release - area - approver Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Line Command I   Insert a new notification.
    R    Repeat an existing notification.
    D   Delete an existing notification.
    Vehicle Type a Notification Vehicle that is enabled in Global Administration Parameters. (MVSSEND is not explicitly enabled in Global Administration Parameters, but it is always available.)
    User(s) to Notify Type one or more userids or e-mail addresses that are appropriate for the Notification Vehicle. This field is case sensitive.

    These rules and conditions apply when you define notifications for an area approver.

    • You are not required to define notifications for an approver.

    • You can type multiple userids or e-mail addresses in the User(s) to Notify field.

    • Use a delimiter that is appropriate for the notification vehicle to separate multiple userids or e-mail addresses. Use space as a delimiter for MVSSEND.

    • If you cannot fit all userids or e-mail addresses for a notification vehicle on one row, create multiple rows with the same notification vehicle.

  7. After you type your entries on the release - area - approver Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel, press PF3.

    If you selected more than one area approver from the global approver list, the release - area - approver Approver Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed for the next selected approver. Cycle through this panel and the release - area - approver Approvers - Part 2 of 2 panel for each area approver selected from the global approver list.

  8. After the last selected area approver is processed, the release - area Approver List panel (CMNRMAAP) is displayed, showing the approvers you defined for the area.

    CMNRMAAP    FIN6430 - ACCTPAY Approver List     Area Approver Updated
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Security    Order
        entity      no.     description
        ACTPLEAD    0010    Lead Developer ACTP Application
        UTCOORD     0010    Unit Test Coordinator
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
    | CMR6033A - Area Approver ACTPLEAD has been successfully updated. |


An approver for an area may be updated until the first approver notifications are issued for that area.

Join Application to a Release

Before you can join applications to a release, the release must have valid area definitions. See Create Release Areas.

Follow these steps to join an application to a release.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type A on the Option line of the Release Management Configuration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Selection panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter. and the Release List panel (CMNRMRAL) is displayed.

      CMNRMRAL        Release List            Row 1 to 3 of 3
      Command ===>                            Scroll ===> CSR
      Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept    Aud Creator Pkgs
      FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 00000
      FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 00000
      FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 00000
      ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

      The Release List panel shows the releases that have areas defined and satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Selection panel. If you entered no selection criteria, this panel shows all releases with areas defined.

  2. On the Release List panel, type line command JR on a release. The Join - release - Application Selection List panel (CMNRMJAP) is displayed.

    CMNRMJAP    Join FIN6430 Application Selection List     Row 1 to 5 of 5
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl   Status   Application Description
        ACTP            ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        ACTR            ACTR Accounts Receivable
        COMM            COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        GENL            GENL General Ledger (Db2 Option)
        JHFS            JHFS hfs only application
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This table describes the fields, commands, and line commands on the Join - release - Application Select panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an application.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE application   Locate an application. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type S to select an application.
    Appl Displays the application mnemonic from application administration.
    Status Displays the ERO join status of the application
    Application Description Displays the application description from application administration.
  3. On the Join - release - Application Selection List panel, type line command S on an application. The release - application - Application Parameters (CMNRMAL0) panel is displayed.

    CMNRMAL0        FIN6430 - ACTP - Application Parameters
    Command ===>
    Appl Description . . . . . . ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
    Enter "/" to select option
        All ERO applications related
        All base applications related
        Applications share all baselines
    Join Date . . . . . . . . .  20151130 Time . . . . . 155829
    Related Applications . . . . 00000
    This table describes the fields on the release - application - Application Parameters panel.

    Field Description
    Appl Description Displays the application description from application administration. You may update this field, and your change is only made to the application description in this release.
    All ERO applications related Select this so that all other applications defined to this release will be related to this application (the application that is now being joined or updated) for this release. If you later add a new application to this release, it is automatically included in this definition.
    Leave unselected so that all other applications defined to this release will not be automatically related to this application for this release.
    You cannot select both this field and the All Base Appls Related field. Related applications are used to build SYSLIB concatenations. If this field is selected, the value of the Related Applications field is always zero.
    For a description of related applications, see Define Related Applications.
    All base applications related Select this so that all other applications defined to base ChangeMan ZMF will be related to this application (the application that is now being joined or updated) for this release. If you later add a new application to base ZMF, it is automatically included in this definition.
    Leave this field unselected so that all other application defined to base ChangeMan ZMF will not be automatically related to this application for this release.
    You cannot select both this field and the All ERO Appls Related field. If both this field and the All ERO Appls Related field are not selected, you can select related applications individually. If this field is selected, the value of the Related Applications field is always zero. For a description of related applications, see Define Related Applications.
    Applications share all baselines If Selected then it is assumed that the same baseline dataset is defined to each specific library type across all applications. In this case the baseline associated with each library type will appear only once in the SYSLIB concatenation no matter how many times it appears in related applications.
    If you routinely share baselines across all applications, this field allows you to avoid having multiple instances of the same dataset name in SYSLIB concatenations.
    If not selected then the same baseline dataset is not defined to each specific library type across all applications.
    Join Date Displays the date when the join operation for this application was initiated.
    Time Displays the time when the join operation for this application was initiated.
    Related Applications Displays the number of related applications that have been defined.

    After you type your entries on the release - application- Application Parameters panel, press Enter.

  4. On the release - application - Application Parameters panel, if you specified Y for either the All ERO Apps Related field or the All Baseline Apps Related field, you are returned to the Join - release - Application Selection List panel (CMNRMJAP).

    CMNRMJAP    Join FIN6430 Application Selection      Application Joined
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl    Status      Application Description
        ACTP    *Joined*    ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        ACTR                ACTR Accounts Receivable
        COMM                COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        GENL                GENL General Ledger (Db2 Option)
        JHFS                JHFS hfs only application
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
    | CMR0527A - Application ACTP has been successfully joined release. |

    The short message and the Status field on this panel now show the application as joined.

    Select one or more additional applications and cycle through the join panels until you have joined all applications that you want to include in the release.

  5. On the release - application - Application Parameters panel, if you specified N for both the All ERO Apps Related field and the All Baseline Apps Related field, you must define related applications for the application that you are joining. See the next topic for instructions.

ERO facilitates the controlled sharing of components across applications with related applications.

A related application is an application that shares components with build processes in your application by having its area libraries and baseline libraries included in your SYSLIB statements. Components that are shared through related applications can include likecopy, like-load, like-NCAL, and LCT components.

Unlike the two-way sharing in participating packages in the base ChangeMan ZMF product, sharing through ERO related applications is one-way. When you define a related application to your release application:

  • SYSLIB statements in build processing in your application include libraries from the related application

  • SYSLIB statements in build processing in the related application do not automatically include libraries from your application.

If you want two-way sharing, each application must specify the other as a related application.


If you define a release management dataset name pattern that omits the ApplID node, release area components are shared across applications because they are in the same area libraries. However, you must define related applications to share baseline libraries.

These conditions must be met for related application sharing:

  • Your application and the application containing components that you want to use in build processing must be joined to the release.

  • The application containing components that you want to use in build processing must be defined as a related application in the ERO release application definition for your application.

  • The library types for components that you want to use from the related application must also be defined as base ZMF library types in your application, and these library types must be added to the release application library types for your application in ERO.

  • Release application library types for shared components must be included in SYSLIB definitions in the release application definition for your application.

If you are continuing from the procedure in Join Application to a Release, go ahead to Step 4 in this section. If you are adding related applications to an application that is already joined to a release, start with Step 1.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type A on the Option line of the Release Management Configuration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Application Release Selection panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel (CMNRMRAL) is displayed.

    CMNRMRAL        Release List            Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Pkgs
        FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 00000
        FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 00000
        FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 00000
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The Release List panel shows the releases that have joined applications and satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel. If you entered no selection criteria, this panel shows all releases with joined applications.

  2. On the Release List panel, type line command RA on a release. The release - Joined Application List panel (CMNRMRAP) is displayed, showing applications you joined previously.

    CMNRMRAP    FIN6430 Joined Application List     Row 1 to 1 of 1
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl Lib Sys Prm    Join Date   Application Description
        ACTP  N   N   N     20151130    ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        COMM  N   N   N     20151130    COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        GENL  N   N   N     20151130    GENL General Ledger (Db2 Option)
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This table describes the fields on the release - Joined Application List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an application.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE application   Locate an application. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH    Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command on an application.
    AL   Display the application library types.
    AS   Display the application SYSLIBs
    AP   Display the application promotion configuration.
    DA   Delete an application.
    QA   Query release application facility categories.
    RL   Display a list of releases that contain this application.
    UA   Update an application.
    Appl Displays the joined application mnemonic.
    Lib Specifies if you have library types defined for this application:
    Y    Library types are defined.
    N    No library types are defined.
    Sys Specifies if SYSLIB definitions exist for this application:
    Y   At least one SYSLIB definition exists for this application.
    N   No SYSLIB definitions exist for this application.
    Prm Specifies if promotion definitions exist for this application:
    Y   At least one promotion definition exists for this application.
    N   No promotion definitions exist for this application.
    Join Date Displays the date the application was joined to the release.
    Application Description Displays the application description specified when the application was joined to the release.
  3. On the release - Joined Application List panel, type line command UA on an application row, and the release - application - Application Parameters panel is displayed.

    CMNRMAL0    FIN6430 - ACTP - Application Parameters
    Command ===>
    Appl Description . . . . . . ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        Enter "/" to select option
        All ERO applications related
        All base applications related
        Applications share all baselines
    Join Date . . . . . . . . .  20151130   Time . . . . . 160541
    Related Applications . . . . 00001

    This table describes the fields on the release - application - Application Parameters panel.

    Field Description
    Appl Description Displays the application description from application administration. You may update this field, and your change is only made to the application description in this release.
    All ERO applications related Select to cause all other applications defined to this release will be related to this application (the application that is now being joined or updated) for this release. If you later add a new application to this release, it is automatically included in this definition.
    Leave blank so that all other applications defined to this release will not be automatically related to this application for this release.
    You cannot select both this field and the All Base Appls Related field. Related applications are used to build SYSLIB concatenations. If this field is selected, the value of the Related Applications field is always zero.
    All base applications related Select so that all other applications defined to base ChangeMan ZMF will be related to this application (the application that is now being joined or updated) for this release. If you later add a new application to base ZMF, it is automatically included in this definition.
    If unselected then all other application defined to base ChangeMan ZMF will not be automatically related to this application for this release.
    You cannot select both this field and the All ERO Appls Related field. If both this field and the All ERO Appls Related field are blank, you can select related applications individually. If this field is selected, the value of the Related Applications field is always zero.
    Applications share all baselines If selected then it is assumed that the same baseline dataset is defined to each specific library type across all applications. In this case the baseline associated with each library type will appear only once in the SYSLIB concatenation no matter how many times it appears in related applications. If you routinely share baselines across all applications, this field allows you to avoid having multiple instances of the same dataset name in SYSLIB concatenations.
    When blank, the same baseline dataset is not defined to each specific library type across all applications.
    Join Date Displays the date when the join operation for this application was initiated.
    Time Displays the time when the join operation for this application was initiated.
    Related Applications Displays the number of related applications that have been defined.

    After you type your entries on the release - application - Application Parameters panel, press Enter.

  4. On the release - application - Application Parameters panel, if you did not select both the All ERO Applications Related field and the All Base Applications Related fields, the application - Related Application Selection List panel (CMNRMDAP) is displayed.

    CMNRMDAP    GENL Related Application Selection List     Row 1 to 4 of 4
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl    Status  Description
        ACTP            ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        ACTR            ACTR Accounts Receivable
        COMM            COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        JHFS            JHFS hfs only application
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The application - Related Application Selection List panel displays applications in the base ChangeMan ZMF product that have not been previously selected as a related application for your application.

    This table describes the fields on the application - Related Application Selection List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an application.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATEapplication    Locate an application. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command to build a list of related applications for the application being processed.
    S   Select an application.
    D   Deselect an application that shows *Select* in the Status field.
    Appl Displays the application mnemonic from application administration.
    Status Displays the select or deselect action requested.
    Application Description Displays the application description from application administration.

    Type S in the line command for an application row to select that application as a related application. Type D in the line command to deselect an application you have previously selected.

  5. When you have finished typing line commands on the application - Related Application Selection List panel, press Enter to process the line commands. The same panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

    CMNRMDAP    GENL Related Application Selection List     Row 1 to 4 of 4
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl   Status   Description
        ACTP            ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        ACTR            ACTR Accounts Receivable
        COMM   *Select* COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        JHFS            JHFS hfs only application
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  6. When you are satisfied with the list of selected related applications, press PF3, and the application - Related Applications panel is displayed.

    CMNRMAL1    GENL - Related Applications     Row 1 to 1 of 1
    Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Related Applications
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    You can use this panel to delete related applications, or you can type * in the line command to return to the application - Related Application Selection List panel to select more applications.

  7. When you are satisfied with the list of related applications on the application - Related Applications panel, press PF3 to return to either the the Join - release - Application Select panel or the release Joined Application List panel.


You must explicitly join an application to a release if you define that application as a related application to another application.

Define Application Library Types

You must define what application library types are included in each application joined to a release.

You can build special purpose releases by omitting some library types defined in Application Administration from the application joined to the release. For example, you can create a release for on-line components by omitting library types for batch components from all applications joined to the release. If you then attempt to check-in a package that contains batch components, the batch components will be disallowed from check-in, and the release cannot be blocked.

Omitting library types from an application joined to a release does not change the availability of those library types in packages outside that release.


Omitting library types from release applications does not save DASD or other resources. Area libraries for a library type are only allocated when you check-in a component of that type.

There are four options for building release application library type lists:

  1. Select library types from a list of types defined for the application in Application Administration.

  2. Include all library types defined for the application in Application Administration.

  3. Select library types from a list of types defined to the application joined to another release.

  4. Include all library types defined to the application joined to another release.

When you create your first releases, you use the first two options that refer to Application Administration for a list of library types. After the initial definition of area libraries for an application, you may use the fourth option that copies all library types from an existing release. The third option is a variation where you select a subset of the library types defined to the application in another release.

This section describes how to use the first option that selects library types from the list of library types in Application Administration.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type A on the Option line of the Release Management Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel (CMNRMRAL) is displayed.

    CMNRMRAL        Release List                Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud Creator Pkgs
        FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE  USER015 00000
        FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE  USER015 00000
        FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE  USER015 00000
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The Release List panel shows the releases that have joined applications and satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel. If you entered no selection criteria, this panel shows all releases with joined applications.

  2. On the Release List panel, type line command RA on a release. The release - Joined Application List panel (CMNRMRAP) is displayed, showing applications you joined previously.

    CMNRMRAP    FIN6430 Joined Application List     Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl Lib Sys Prm Join Date  Application Description
        ACTP  N   N   N  20151130   ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        COMM  N   N   N  20151130   COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        GENL  N   N   N  20151130   GENL General Ledger (Db2 Option)
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This table describes the fields on the release - Joined Application List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an application.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE application   Locate an application. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command on an application.
    AL   Display the application library types.
    AS   Display the application SYSLIBs
    AP   Display the application promotion configuration.
    DA   Delete an application.
    QA   Query release application facility categories.
    RL   Display a list of releases that contain this application.
    UA   Update an application.
    Appl Displays the joined application mnemonic.
    Lib Specifies if you have library types defined for this application:
    Y   Library types are defined.
    N    No library types are defined.
    Sys Specifies if SYSLIB definitions exist for this application:
    Y    At least one SYSLIB definition exists for this application.
    N    No SYSLIB definitions exist for this application.
    Prm Specifies if promotion definitions exist for this application:
    Y   At least one promotion definition exists for this application.
    N   No promotion definitions exist for this application.
    Join Date Displays the date the application was joined to the release.
    Application Description Displays the application description specified when the application was joined to the release.

    On the release - Joined Application List panel, type line command AL on an application row, and the Library Type Build Selection Options panel (CMNRMAL0) is displayed.

    CMNRMALO        Library Type Build Selection Options
    Option ===>
    1 Appl. select  Select library types from application
    2 Appl. copy    Copy all library types from application
    3 Rel. select   Select library types from another release
    4 Rel. copy     Copy all library types from another release

    This panel shows you four choices for building the list of library types that will be available in an application joined to the release. The example in this section uses Option 1, as explained at the start of this section.

  3. On the Library Type Build Selection Options panel, choose Option 1 and press Enter. The application - Library Selection List panel (CMNRMLAL) is displayed.

    CMNRMLAL    ACTP Library Selection List     Row 1 to 28 of 28
    Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Type Request    Description
        CPY             Copybooks
        CP2             Copybooks for Utilities
        CTC             Control Statements
        DBR             DBRM
        DOC             Documentation
        HTH             HFS resident HTML
        JAR             Java Archives
        JCF             Java Class files
        JCL             Execution JCL
        JCT             Java JAR Build Control
        JVL             HFS - JAVA executable class
        JVS             HFS - JAVA source type
        JVT             HFS - text type
        LCT             Linkedit Control Cards
        LOD             Executable Load Modules
        LOS             Load for Subprograms to be Linked NCAL
        LSH             HFS Listings
        LST             Compressed Stage listings
        OBJ             Object module library
        PRC             Cataloged Procedures
        SRC             Source for Programs to be Linked Executable
        SRS             Source for subprograms to be Linked NCAL
        TST             Test Library type
        WAR             Java Web Archives
        WCT             Java WAR Build Control
        ZCP             Shared Baseline Components
        ZLS             Shared Baseline Subprogram Load (NCAL)
        ZSS             Shared Baseline Subprogram Source
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel lists all library types defined to the application in Application Administration. Use this panel to select library types for the application that will be available in this release.

    This table describes the fields on the application - Library Selection List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an application.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE application   Locate a library type. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command on a library type.
    S   Select a library type.
    D   Deselect a library type that shows *Select* in the Request column. Reults in *De-Sel* being shown.
    Library Type Displays the library types defined in the release - application named in the panel heading.
    Request Displays the select *Select* or deselect *De-Sel* action requested.

    Type S in the line command for a library type to select that type for the application you joined to the new release. Type D in the line command to deselect a library type you previously selected.

  4. When you have finished typing line commands on the application - Library Selection List panel (CMNRMLAL), press Enter to process the line commands. The same panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

    CMNRMLAL    ACTP Library Selection List     Row 1 to 28 of 28
    Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Type Request Description
        CPY *Select* Copybooks
        CP2 *Select* Copybooks for Utilities
        CTC *Select* Control Statements
        DBR *Select* DBRM
        DOC *Select* Documentation
        HTH *Select* HFS resident HTML
        JAR *Select* Java Archives
        JCF *Select* Java Class files
        JCL *Select* Execution JCL
        JCT *Select* Java JAR Build Control
        JVL *Select* HFS - JAVA executable class
        JVS *Select* HFS - JAVA source type
        JVT *Select* HFS - text type
        LCT *Select* Linkedit Control Cards
        LOD *Select* Executable Load Modules
        LOS *Select* Load for Subprograms to be Linked NCAL
        LSH *Select* HFS Listings
        LST *Select* Compressed Stage listings
        OBJ *Select* Object module library


        PRC *Select* Cataloged Procedures
        SRC *Select* Source for Programs to be Linked Executable
        SRS *Select* Source for subprograms to be Linked NCAL
        TST *Select* Test Library type
        WAR *Select* Java Web Archives
        WCT *Select* Java WAR Build Control
        ZCP *Select* Shared Baseline Components
        ZLS *Select* Shared Baseline Subprogram Load (NCAL)
        ZSS *Select* Shared Baseline Subprogram Source
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    Type additional line commands to change the list of selected library types, and press Enter to process the commands and present a new list.

  5. When you are satisfied with the list of selected library types, press PF3 to process your selections. The release - application - Library Type Update List panel (CMNRMLTL) is displayed.

    CMNRMLTL    FIN6430 ACTP Library Type Update List   Row 1 to 28 of 28
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Type    Description                                    Like Alloc. Target
        CPY     Copybooks                                       C    N
        CP2     Copybooks for Utilities                         C    N
        CTC     Control Statements                              P    N
        DBR     DBRM                                            P    N
        DOC     Documentation                                   P    N
        HTH     HFS resident HTML                               P    N
        JAR     Java Archives                                   L    N
        JCF     Java Class files                                L    N
        JCL     Execution JCL                                   J    N
        JCT     Java JAR Build Control                          S    N       JAR
        JVL     HFS - JAVA executable class                     L    N
        JVS     HFS - JAVA source type                          S    N       JVL
        JVT     HFS - text type                                 P    N
        LCT     Linkedit Control Cards                          K    N
        LOD     Executable Load Modules                         L    N
        LOS     Load for Subprograms to be Linked NCAL          N    N
        LSH     HFS Listings                                    P    N
        LST     Compressed Stage listings                       X    N
        OBJ     Object module library                           O    N
        PRC     Cataloged Procedures                            J    N
        SRC     Source for Programs to be Linked Executable     S    N       LOD
        SRS     Source for subprograms to be Linked NCAL        S    N       LOS
        TST     Test Library type                               P    N
        WAR     Java Web Archives                               L    N
        WCT     Java WAR Build Control                          S    N       WAR
        ZCP     Shared Baseline Components                      C    N
        ZLS     Shared Baseline Subprogram Load (NCAL)          N    N
        ZSS     Shared Baseline Subprogram Source               S    N       ZLS
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    Use this panel to update the library type definition for this application joined to the release. You can also add or delete library types for the application.

    This table describes the fields on the release - application - Library Type Update List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an application.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE application   Locate a library type. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command on a library type.
    DL   Delete library type
    QL   Query library type
    UL   Update library type
    *   Displays the application Library Selection List panel. You can select additional library types from this panel that shows types in Application Administration that are not selected for the application in this release.
    Request Displays the select or deselect action requested.
    Lib Type Displays the library types defined in the release - application named in the panel heading.
    Description Displays the library type description from the library type definition in the release - application named in the panel heading.
    Like Displays the ERO like values for library types. NOTE: The current version of ERO automatically assigns the following Like values to the corresponding reserved library types.
    For example, ERO automatically assigns Like value K to the reserved library type LCT or the value C to reserved library type CPY. You can define other, nonreserved library types and assign a Like value to them.
    For example, you can define a CPS library type and assign Like value C to it. As another example, you can define an SC1 library type and assign Like value S to it.
    C   Like-Copy; reserved library type is CPY
    L   Like-Load; reserved library type is LOD
    S   Like-Source; reserved library type is SRC
    P   Like-PDS; reserved library type is PDS
    N   Like-NCAL; reserved library type is NCL
    O   Like-Object; reserved library type is OBJ
    J   Like-JCL; reserved library type is JCL
    K   Like-Link-control; reserved library type is LCT
    X   Like-Listing; reserved library type is LST
    Blank   Like-Other
    Libs. Alloc. N   Area libraries for this type have not been allocated.
    Y   Area libraries for this type have been allocated.
    Target Displays the target like-load type for Like-Source and Like-Linkcontrol library types.
  6. Type line command UL on a library type row, and the application - libtype - Library Type Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMLT0        ACTP CPY Library Type Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Library description . . .  Copybooks
    Like value . . . . . . .   C        (C,L,S,P,N,O,J,K,X or blank)
    Libraries allocated . . .  N        (Y/N)
    Target libtype . . . . .            (Available when like value = S)
    Dataset attributes:
        Management class . . . .        (Blank for default management class)
        Storage class . . . . .         (Blank for default storage class)
            Generic unit name .SYSDA    (Generic group name or unit)
            Volume serial . . . . .     (Required if generic unit unspecified)
        Space units . . . . .  TRK      (TRK, CYL or BLK)
        Primary quantity . . . 00000003 (In above units)
        Secondary quantity . . 00000001 (In above units)
        Directory blocks . . . 00005
        Record format . . . . .FB
        Record length . . . . .00080
        Block size . . . . . . 00000
        Dataset type . . . . . P        (P)PDS, (L)LIBRARY, H)zFS
        Dataset version . . . .         (BLANK, 1, 2)
        Extended attributes . .         (NO, OPT or blank)

    Use this panel to update library type space allocation parameters that are used when area libraries are allocated.

    • Management class

    • Storage class

    • Generic unit name

    • Volume serial

    • Space units

    • Primary quantity

    • Secondary quantity

    • Directory blocks

    • Block Size

    • Dataset type

    • Dataset version

    • Extended attributes

  7. When you are finished adjusting space allocation parameters for area libraries, press Enter and the application - libtype - Library Type Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMLT1        ACTP CPY Library Type Part 2 of 2
    Command ===>
    Library Description: Copybooks
    Like Value: C Allocated: N Target Libtype:
    Dataset Options:
        Checkout component description . . . . N
        Checkout component activity file . . . N
        Component activity file type . . . . .
        Staging versions allowed . . . . . . . N
        Staging versions enforced . . . . . .  N
        Submit a process . . . . . . . . . . . N
    Dataset Selectable option:
        IMS Sub-Type . . . . . . . .
        Db2 Sub-Type . . . . . . . .
        Db2 SQL End Statement . . .

    This panel displays the values for the library type in application administration. You cannot change any of the fields on this panel.

  8. On the application - libtype - Library Type Part 2 of 2 panel, press Enter, and you are returned to the release application Library Type Update List panel.

    CMNRMLTL        FIN6430 ACTP Library Type Update List   Row 1 to 28 of 28
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
        Type    Description                                    Like Alloc. Target
        CPY     Copybooks                                       C    N
        CP2     Copybooks for Utilities                         C    N
        CTC     Control Statements                              P    N
        DBR     DBRM                                            P    N
        DOC     Documentation                                   P    N
        HTH     HFS resident HTML                               P    N
        JAR     Java Archives                                   L    N
        JCF     Java Class files                                L    N
        JCL     Execution JCL                                   J    N
        JCT     Java JAR Build Control                          S    N       JAR
        JVL     HFS - JAVA executable class                     L    N
        JVS     HFS - JAVA source type                          S    N       JVL
        JVT     HFS - text type                                 P    N
        LCT     Linkedit Control Cards                          K    N
        LOD     Executable Load Modules                         L    N
        LOS     Load for Subprograms to be Linked NCAL          N    N
        LSH     HFS Listings                                    P    N
        LST     Compressed Stage listings                       X    N
        OBJ     Object module library                           O    N
        PRC     Cataloged Procedures                            J    N


        SRC     Source for Programs to be Linked Executable     S    N       LOD
        SRS     Source for subprograms to be Linked NCAL        S    N       LOS
        TST     Test Library type                               P    N
        WAR     Java Web Archives                               L    N
        WCT     Java WAR Build Control                          S    N       WAR
        ZCP     Shared Baseline Components                      C    N
        ZLS     Shared Baseline Subprogram Load (NCAL)          N    N
        ZSS     Shared Baseline Subprogram Source               S    N       ZLS
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
  9. From this panel, press PF3 repeatedly to return to the menu you want, or type a jump command to go to the function directly.

Define SYSLIB Concatenations

ChangeMan ZMF ERO gives you control over how libraries are concatenated in SYSLIB statements in compile and binder JCL. The rules you set at the release application level for library concatenations are also used by release audit to validate the integrity of relationships imbedded in components created by build processing.

You configure a SYSLIB definition for these library like-types:

  • Like-source - Defines the copybook library concatenation for compile SYSLIB DD statements.

  • Like-load - Defines the load library concatenation for link-edit SYSLIB DD statements.

  • Like-Linkcontrol - Defines the load library concatenation for binder SYSLIB DD statements.

Using the SYSLIB definition function in ERO you can:

  • Include or exclude library types and assign the SYSLIB library concatenation order to get the result you want in build processes such as stage, recompile, and relink.

  • Ensure that release audit uses the same libraries and the same search order as were used in component build processes, preventing false out-of-sync errors.

  • Minimize the number of libraries concatenated in SYSLIB statement to stay below the IBM limit for total PDS extents concatenated under one DD statement.

You have a high degree of control over SYSLIB concatenations because each SYSLIB definition has a narrow scope:

  • You create a separate SYSLIB definition for every combination of like-source library type / language / compile procedure. These rules control the like-copy SYSLIB concatenation in compile processing.

  • You create a separate SYSLIB definition for every combination of target like-load library type / language / compile procedure. These rules control like-load SYSLIB concatenation in binder processing.

For example, if you have COBOL2 and assembler programs in a like-source library type SRC, and if you use only one procedure for each language, you need two SYSLIB definitions for SRC to give ERO control over compile SYSLIB concatenations:

SYSLIB Definition Like-Source Libtype Language Compile Procedure

These two SYSLIB definitions can include different like-copy library types in a unique order, or they can include the same like-copy library types in the same order, but there must be a SYSLIB definition for every language / procedure combination.

  • If you do not create SYSLIB definitions for like-source library types, no like-copy libraries are included in SYSLIB DD statements for compile steps.

  • If you do not create SYSLIB definitions for like-load library types, the SYSLIB DD statement for link-edit in stage only includes libraries for the target like-load type. Release audit will use the same search order. Relink will not run.

  • If you create a like-load SYSLIB definition but to not include any like-load library types in the definition, the SYSLIB DD statement for link-edit only includes libraries for the target like-load type.

Follow these steps to build SYSLIB definitions for an application joined to a release.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type A on the Option line of the Release Management Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel is displayed.

      CMNRMRAL        Release List        Row 1 to 3 of 3
      Command ===>                        Scroll ===> CSR
          Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept    Aud     Creator Pkgs
          FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE         USER015 00000
          FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE         USER015 00000
          FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE         USER015 00000
      ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  2. On the Release List panel, type line command RA on a release. The release Joined Application List panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRAP        FIN6430 Joined Application List     Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl Lib Sys Prm Join Date  Application Description
        ACTP  Y   N   N  20151130   ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        COMM  N   N   N  20151130   COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        GENL  N   N   N  20151130   GENL General Ledger (Db2 Option)
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel shows applications you joined previously

    This table describes the fields on the release Joined Application List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on an application.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE application   Locate an application. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command on an application.
    AL    Display the application library types.
    AS   Display the application SYSLIBs
    AP   Display the application promotion configuration.
    DA   Delete an application.
    QA   Query release application facility categories.
    RL   Display a list of releases that contain this application.
    UA   Update an application.
    Appl Displays the joined application mnemonic.
    Lib Specifies if you have library types defined for this application:
    Y   Library types are defined.
    N   No library types are defined.
    Sys Specifies if SYSLIB definitions exist for this application:
    Y   At least one SYSLIB definition exists for this application.
    N   No SYSLIB definitions exist for this application.
    Prm Specifies if promotion definitions exist for this application:
    Y   At least one promotion definition exists for this application.
    N   No promotion definitions exist for this application.
    Join Date Displays the date the application was joined to the release.
    Application Description Displays the application description specified when the application was joined to the release.
  3. On the release Joined Application List panel, type line command AS on an application. If there are no SYSLIB definitions for this application, the SYSLIB Build Selection Options panel is displayed.

    CMNRMSYO            Syslib Build Selection Options
    Option ===>
    1 Library Types Display list of library types and define from scratch
    2 Syslib defs   Display list of definitions from another release
    3 Copy          Copy all syslib definitions from another release

    There are three options for building a set of release application SYSLIB definitions.

    • Select library types from a list of all types eligible for SYSLIB definitions in this application joined to this release. Define SYSLIB definitions for the selected types.

    • Select SYSLIB definitions from a list of definitions for this application joined to another release.

    • Copy all SYSLIB definitions from this application joined to another release.


    When you create your first releases, use the first option to build SYSLIB definitions. After you have established a regular release process, you may use the second and third options that copy SYSLIB definitions from an existing release.

    The steps that follow describe the process for building SYSLIB definitions using the first option.

  4. On the SYSLIB Build Selection Options panel, choose Option 1 and press Enter. The release application Compile/Bind Library Selection panel (CMNRMDSL) is displayed.

    CMNRMDSL    FIN6430 ACTP Compile/Bind Library Selection     Row 1 to 15 of 15
    Command ===>                                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Lib  Request Description                                  Like  Target
        JAR          Java Archives                                  L
        JCF          Java Class files                               L
        JCT          Java JAR Build Control                         S    JAR
        JVL          HFS - JAVA executable class                    L
        JVS          HFS - JAVA source type                         S    JVL
        LCT          Linkedit Control Cards                         K
        LOD          Executable Load Modules                        L  
        LOS          Load for Subprograms to be Linked NCAL         N
        OBJ          Object module library                          O
        SRC          Source for Programs to be Linked Executable    S    LOD
        SRS          Source for subprograms to be Linked NCAL       S    LOS
        WAR          Java Web Archives                              L
        WCT          Java WAR Build Control                         S    WAR
        ZLS          Shared Baseline Subprogram Load (NCAL)         N
        ZSS          Shared Baseline Subprogram Source              S    ZLS
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel displays all of the release application library types that are eligible for SYSLIB definitions. These are the like-source, like-load, and like-linkcontrol library types defined to the joined application. Use this panel to select library types that you want to create SYSLIB definitions for.

    This table describes fields on the release application Compile/Bind Library Selection panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on a library type.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE libtype   Locate a library type. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display from the VSAM files. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command on a library type.
    S   Select a library type.
    D   Deselect a library type that shows *Select* in the Request column.
    Request Displays the select or deselect action requested.
    Library Type Displays the library types the release application named in the panel heading that are eligible for SYSLIB definitions.
    Description Displays the library type description from the library type definition in the release application named in the panel heading.
    Like Value Displays the ERO like values for library types.
    NOTE: The current version of ERO automatically assigns the following Like values to the corresponding reserved library types.
    For example, ERO automatically assigns Like value K to the reserved library type LCT or the value C to reserved library type CPY. You can define other, nonreserved library types and assign a Like value to them.
    For example, you can define a CPS library type and assign Like value C to it.
    As another example, you can define an SC1 library type and assign Like value S to it.
    C    Like-Copy; reserved library type is CPY   
    L    Like-Load; reserved library type is LOD
    S    Like-Source; reserved library type is SRC
    P    Like-PDS; reserved library type is PDS
    N    Like-NCAL; reserved library type is NCL
    O    Like-Object; reserved library type is OBJ
    J    Like-JCL; reserved library type is JCL
    K    Like-Link-control; reserved library type is LCT
    X    Like-Listing; reserved library type is LST
    Blank   Like-Other
    Target Type Displays the target type for Like-Source and Like-Linkcontrol library types.

    Type S in the line command for a library type to select that type for a SYSLIB definition. Type D in the line command to deselect a library type you previously selected.


    Until you become familiar with this function, select one library type at a time to create SYSLIB definitions. If you select more than one library type, you may get confused about where one SYSLIB definition process ends and the next begins.

  5. When you have finished typing line commands on the release application Compile/ Bind Library Selection panel, press Enter to process the line commands. The same panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

        CMNRMDSL    FIN6430 ACTP Compile/Bind Library Selection     Row 1 to 15 of 15
    Command ===>                                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Lib  Request    Description                                  Like  Target
        JAR             Java Archives                                  L
        JCF             Java Class files                               L
        JCT             Java JAR Build Control                         S    JAR
        JVL             HFS - JAVA executable class                    L
        JVS             HFS - JAVA source type                         S    JVL
        LCT             Linkedit Control Cards                         K
        LOD             Executable Load Modules                        L  
        LOS             Load for Subprograms to be Linked NCAL         N
        OBJ             Object module library                          O
        SRC  *Select*   Source for Programs to be Linked Executable    S    LOD
        SRS             Source for subprograms to be Linked NCAL       S    LOS
        WAR             Java Web Archives                              L
        WCT             Java WAR Build Control                         S    WAR
        ZLS             Shared Baseline Subprogram Load (NCAL)         N
        ZSS             Shared Baseline Subprogram Source              S    ZLS
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    Type additional line commands to change the list of selected library types, and press Enter to process the commands and present a new list.

  6. When you are satisfied with the list of selected library types on the release application Compile/Bind Library Selection panel, press PF3 to process your selections. The application libtype SYSLIB Language/Procedure panel (CMNRMSY0) is displayed.

    CMNRMSY0        ACTP SRC Syslib Language/Procedure
    Command ===>
    Language . . . . . . . . .      (Blank or Mask for list)
    Procedure . . . . . . . .       (Blank or Mask for list)
    Library type count . . . . 00000

    Use this panel to qualify the selected library type with a language and procedure to build a “key” for a SYSLIB definition.

    This table describes the fields on the application libtype SYSLIB Language/ Procedure panel.

    Field Description
    Language Name Type one of the following to define a language for the library type.
    Language   A stage language available in Application Administration.
    Blank   Displays all languages available in Application Administration.
    Mask   Displays a filtered list of the languages available in Application Administration. NOTE: A mask is a filter that starts with one or more characters followed by a wildcard * to select library types that begin with the same characters.
    Procedure Name Type a one of the following to define a procedure for the library type.
    Language   A stage procedure available in Application Administration.
    Blank   Displays all procedures available in Application Administration.
    Mask   Displays a filtered list of the procedures available in Application Administration.
    Library Type Count Displays the count of library types

    The simplest way to define a language and procedure is to leave application libtype SYSLIB Language/Procedure panel blank and press Enter. The application libtype Compile Procedures panel (CMNRMPLL) is displayed, which contains a list of valid language/procedure combinations from Application Administration.

    CMNRMPLL        ACTP SRC Compile Procedures         Row 1 to 9 of 9
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Language    Procedure   Description
        ASM         CMNASM      Stage Assembler Source
        C           CMNCEE      C build procedure
        COBOLE      CMNCOBE     Stage IBM Enterprise COBOL source__________
        COBOL2      CMNCOB2     COBOL2 source
        COBOL2      CMNCO2OB    COBOL2 source to object
        JAVA        CMNJAR      Create Java archive
        JAVA        CMNJAVA     Stage Java source
        PLI         CMNPLI      Stage PL/I Source
        PLIE        CMNPLIE     Stage Enterprise PL/I source
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    To select a language/procedure combination, type S in the line command for a row.

  7. When you have filled the language name and a procedure name fields on the application libtype SYSLIB Language/Procedure panel or selected a language/ procedure combination on the application libtype Compile Procedures panel, press Enter to display the release application Copy/Include Library Selection panel.

    CMNRMDLS     FIN6430 ACTP Copy/Include Library Selection    Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Library type: SRC   Language: COBOL2    Procedure: CMNCOB2
        Lib  Request    Description                     Like    Target
        CPY             Copybooks                        C
        CP2             Copybooks for Utilities          C
        ZCP             Shared Baseline Components       C
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel displays joined application library types that may be included in SYSLIB concatenations for build processing for the library type/language/procedure combination you selected on previous panels.

    In the example shown here, you are creating a SYSLIB definition for a like-source library type, so the release application Copy/Include Library Selection List panel displays all like-copy library types in the joined application. If you are creating a SYSLIB definition for a like-load library type, this panel will display all like-load library types in the joined application. If you are creating a SYSLIB definition for a like-linkcontrol library type, this panel will display all like-load library types in the joined application.

    Type S in the line command for a library types to select that library type. Type D in the line command to deselect a library type that you have previously selected.

    You can select multiple library types on this panel. You will define the concatenation sequence of the selected library types on the next panel.


    If you don’t select any library types on this panel, you can add library types on the next panel. However, if you complete a like-load SYSLIB definition without including any library types in it, build processing and release audit will behave as if you included the library type for which the SYSLIB was defined. See the following example.

    Link-edit SYSLIB statements and audit search order processing is the same.

    Like-Load Libtype Selected Language Selected Procedure Selected Libtype Default SYSLIB Behavior
  8. When you have finished typing line commands on the release application Copy/ Include Library Selection panel, press Enter to process the line commands. The same panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

    CMNRMDLS    FIN6430 ACTP Copy/Include Library Selection     Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Library type: SRC   Language: COBOL2    Procedure: CMNCOB2
        Lib  Request    Description                     Like    Target
        CPY  *Select*   Copybooks                        C
        CP2  *Select*   Copybooks for Utilities          C
        ZCP             Shared Baseline Components       C
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  9. When you are satisfied with the list of selected library types, press PF3, and the application libtype Syslib Library Order panel (CMNRMSY1) is displayed.

    CMNRMSY1        ACTP SRC Syslib Library Order       Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Library Type: SRC Language: COBOL2 Procedure: CMNCOB2
        Library     Order
        type        number
        CPY         00000
        CP2         00000
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel shows you the library types you selected on the release application Copy/Include Library Selection panel. Use this panel to set the sequence of library types in the SYSLIB concatenation.

    Overtype the zeros in the Order Number field to set the concatenation sequence or library search order for the listed library types. You can also delete a library type that you previously selected for this SYSLIB definition.

    This panel shows an example of a completed application libtype SYSLIB Library Order panel.

    CMNRMSY1        ACTP SRC Syslib Library Order       Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Library Type: SRC   Language: COBOL2    Procedure: CMNCOB2
        Library     Order
        type        number
        CPY         00010
        CP2         00020
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    In this case, libraries for type CPY will be concatenated over libraries for type CP2. The library types for this SYSLIB definition will be listed in numerical order on subsequent panels.

  10. When you are satisfied with the library types and order numbers on the application libtype Syslib Library Order panel, press PF3 to process the SYSLIB definition. The release application Syslib Update List panel (CMNRMSYL) is displayed, which shows the SYSLIB definitions you have configured so far.

    CMNRMSYL    FIN6430 ACTP Syslib Update List         SYSLIB Updated
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Type Like   Language    Procedure
        SRC   S     COBOL2      CMNCOB2
        ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
        | CMR5513A - SYSLIB SRC/COBOL2/CMNCOB2 has been successfully updated. |


  11. To continue to create more SYSLIB definitions, type * in the line command for a library type row, and press Enter. The release application Compile/Bind Selection panel is displayed. Go to Step 4 to define the next SYSLIB concatenation.

Application SYSLIB Example

From the Admin menu, select R for ERO, then A for application, then from the Application Release Selection panel (CMNRMRAS) input sufficient information to locate the application and release you want listed. That will be on panel CMNRMRAL - Release List. Then use RA against the release and you will get a list of Joined applications on panel CMNRMRAP.

These are the library types defined to the joined ACTP application in release FIN6430. (Some library types have been removed to shorten the list.)

CMNRMLTL        FIN6430 ACTP Library Type Update List       Row 1 to 28 of 28
Command ===>                                                Scroll ===> CSR

    Type Description                                    Like    Alloc. Target
    CPY  Copybooks                                       C       N
    CP2  Copybooks for Utilities                         C       N
    CTC  Control Statements                              P       N
    DBR  DBRM                                            P       N
    JCL  Execution JCL                                   J       N
    JCT  Java JAR Build Control                          S       N      JAR
    JVL  HFS - JAVA executable class                     L       N 
    JVS  HFS - JAVA source type                          S       N      JVL
    JVT  HFS - text type                                 P       N
    LCT  Linkedit Control Cards                          K       N
    LOD  Executable Load Modules                         L       N
    LOS  Load for Subprograms to be Linked NCAL          N       N
    LSH  HFS Listings                                    P       N
    LST  Compressed Stage listings                       X       N
    OBJ  Object module library                           O       N
    PRC  Cataloged Procedures                            J       N
    SRC  Source for Programs to be Linked Executable     S       N      LOD
    ZCP Shared Baseline Components                       C       N
    ZLS Shared Baseline Subprogram Load (NCAL)           N       N
    ZSS Shared Baseline Subprogram Source                S       N      ZLS
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

AS will show you the COBOL2 SYSLIB definitions within the Accounts Payable application.

These are the release application SYSLIB definitions for COBOL2 in the joined ACTP application.

CMNRMSYL        FIN6430 ACTP Syslib Update List         Row 1 to 5 of 5
Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR

    Type Like   Language    Procedure
    LCT   K     COBOL2      CMNCOB2
    LOD   L     COBOL2      CMNCOB2
    LOS   N     COBOL2      CMNCOB2
    SRC   S     COBOL2      CMNCOB2
    SRS   S     COBOL2      CMNCOB2
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
There is a SYSLIB definition for COBOL2 for each like-source, like-load, and like-linkcontrol library type in joined application ACTP.

The next five Query SYSLIB panels show the SYSLIB definitions for the SRC, SRS, LOD, LOS, and LCT library types.

This panel tells you that when you stage or recompile a like-source component with COBOL2/CMNCOB2 in library type SRC, the SYSLIB DD statement for copybook libraries will concatenate libraries in library type CPY over libraries for library type CP2.

CMNRMSY1        ACTP SRC Syslib Library Order           Row 1 to 2 of 2
Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR

    Library Type: SRC   Language: COBOL2    Procedure: CMNCOB2

    Library Order
    type    number
    CPY     00000
    CP2     00000
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

This panel tells you that when you stage or recompile a like-source component with COBOL2/CMNCOB2 in library type SRS, the SYSLIB DD statement for copybook libraries will concatenate libraries in library type CPY over libraries for library type CP2.

CMNRMSY1        ACTP SRS Syslib Library Order       Row 1 to 2 of 2
Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR

    Library Type: SRS   Language: COBOL2    Procedure: CMNCOB2

    Library Order
    type    number
    CPY     00010
    CP2     00020
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

This panel tells you that when the target library type for stage or recompile for COBOL2/ CMNCOB2 is LOD, the binder SYSLIB concatenation will contain only libraries for library type LOS. If you run relink with an input library type LOD, the binder SYSLIB concatenation will contain only libraries for library type LOS.

CMNRMSY1        ACTP LOS Syslib Library Order       Row 1 to 1 of 1
Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR

    Library Type: LOD   Language: COBOL2    Procedure: CMNCOB2

    Library Order
    type    number
    LOS     00010
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

This panel tells you that when the target library type for stage or recompile for COBOL2/ CMNCOB2 is LOS, the binder SYSLIB concatenation will contain only libraries for library type LOS.

CMNRMSY1        ACTP LOS Syslib Library Order       Row 1 to 1 of 1
Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR

    Library Type: LOS   Language: COBOL2    Procedure: CMNCOB2

    Library Order
    type    number
    LOS     00010
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

If you run relink with an input library type LOS, the binder SYSLIB concatenation will contain only libraries for library type LOS.

Associate Prior Releases

If you want build processes in your release to include components from releases that are scheduled for installation earlier than your release, you define those earlier releases as prior release in your release.

When you associate prior releases, you build a set of “rules” that determine what area libraries from the prior releases are included in SYSLIB statements for build processing in your release. These “rules” also determine what libraries are considered by release audit.

Each rule consists of:

  • A release that you choose from all releases scheduled to install before your release.

  • Within a selected earlier release, either all applications joined to that release or one application you choose from all joined applications.

  • Within a selected earlier release, within selected joined applications, either all library types or library types that you choose from all library types.

  • Within a selected earlier release, within selected joined applications, a rule you choose for including area libraries.

  • Within a selected earlier release, within selected joined applications, within selected area libraries, a rule you choose for ordering those libraries in SLSYIB concatenations.

You can easily choose to include area libraries for all library types in all applications in a prior release in the SYSLIB concatenations you use in your release, but ERO offers multiple options to provide flexibility to include only the libraries you want.


You can associate an earlier release multiple times as a prior release if you want multiple rules. The panels that define prior release associations prevent duplicate rules, but they do not prevent overlapping rules.
For example, you may add a prior release as a rule with only one application, one library type, and only final area libraries. Then you can add the same release as a rule that includes all applications, all library types, and all area libraries. If a library covered by any prior release rule, it is included in build processing.

This example of the release - Prior Release Association panel shows the simplest “rules” for associating two earlier releases as prior releases for release FIN6430.

CMNRMPRL        FIN6430 - Prior Release Association         Row 1 to 3 of 3
Command ===>                                                SCROLL ===> CSR

    Release  Appl  Install   Last area  Incl. areas  Order   All lib. types
    FIN6410        20160430  FINANCE         N         A           Y
    FIN6420        20160531  FINANCE         N         A           Y
    FIN6420  ACTP  20160531  FINANCE         S         A           N
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

These rules say:

  1. Associate release FIN6410 as a prior release for FIN6430, and in all joined applications, include final area libraries for all library types.

  2. Associate release FIN6420 as a prior release for FIN6430. Within release FIN6420:

    1. In joined application ACTP, include system area libraries in ascending step number order for specified library types only.

    2. In all other joined applications, include final area libraries for all library types.

This table describes the key fields on the release - Prior Release Association panel.

Field Description
Release Specifies the prior release to which this “rule” applies.
Appl Specifies the joined application(s) in the prior release to which this “rule” applies.
  blank   Indicates that this “rule” applies to all joined application in the prior release.
  appl   Specifies one joined application in the prior release to which this “rule” applies.
Install Displays Install From date for the prior release.
Last area Displays the name of the final area in the prior release.
Incl. areas For the specified prior release and joined applications, determines which areas are included in SYSLIB concatenations and release audit in the current release.
Note: All prior release areas that have Exclude Area From SYSLIB set to Y in their area definitions are automatically exclude regardless of the Include Areas indicator here. The exception is a final area where Include Areas is N, in which case the final area is always included, regardless of the setting of the Exclude indicator.
N   Include only final area libraries.
S   Include only system area libraries, not subsystem area libraries.
Y   Include libraries in areas that are in a single path back from the final area. The area path from the final area is walked backwards until an area has more than one area checking in to it; that is the last area to be included in the SYSLIB.
A   Include all area libraries.
Order Determines the order that selected area libraries are concatenated in SYSLIB using the step number of the release area. Where the step number is the same for two selected areas, the area defined most recently is considered to have the higher step number.
D   Concatenate selected area libraries in descending area step number order. Libraries from areas with higher step numbers are concatenated in front of libraries from areas with lower step numbers.
A   Concatenate selected area libraries in ascending area step number order. Libraries from areas with lower step numbers are concatenated in front of libraries from areas with higher step numbers.
All lib. types For the specified prior release and joined application, indicates whether area libraries for all library types are included in SYSLIB concatenations for the current release
Y   Include area libraries for all library types.
N   Include area libraries for selected library types only.

When you first associate prior releases with your release, there are three options.

  1. Through a series of layered panels, you manually select the releases that you want to associate with your release, the joined applications within each selected release, and the library types to select for each application. This choice provides the maximum control over prior release definitions, which you may need if you must manage the number of libraries concatenated in build JCL. However, this manual process requires the most effort.

  2. All releases scheduled for install before your release are automatically associated with your release, but you manually select the joined applications within each prior release and the library types to select for each application. This partially automated process reduces the work you must do, but it still gives you control over the low level elements of prior release definitions.

  3. All releases scheduled for install before your release are automatically associated with your release, and all joined applications and library types are included in the prior release definitions. This is a quick way to define prior releases, but you have no control over the prior release definitions.

Even when you choose the first option to manually define prior releases, you are given a “select all” choice for joined applications and a “select all” choice for library types. You can build a general “rule” for all applications in a prior release, then add more restrictive “rules” for particular applications in that prior release.

This section describes how to use the manual option to associate prior releases with your release. This is the most complicated option. The other two options for associating prior releases are composed of a subset of the steps and panels in the first option.

Follow these steps to associate prior releases.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type R on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    3. Type R on the Option line of the Release Management Administration Options panel, and press Enter.

    4. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRLS        Release List            Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                            Scroll ===> CSR
    Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept    Aud Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    The Release List panel shows the releases that satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel, or it shows all releases if you did not enter any selection criteria.

  2. On the Release List panel, type line command PR on a release row and press Enter. Line command PR displays prior releases associated with your release, but since your release is new, the Prior Release Selection Options panel is displayed.

    CMNRMPRO                Prior Release Selection Options
    Option ===>
    1 Display   List of prior releases for selection
    2 Select    All prior releases and display update lists
    3 Select    All prior Releases, applications and library types

    This panel shows you three choices for associating prior releases to the release you are creating.

    The steps described in this section use Option 1, the manual process to associate prior releases and select joined applications and library types.

  3. On the Prior Release Selection Options panel, choose Option 1 and press Enter. The release - Prior Release Selection List panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRSL    FIN6430 - Prior Release Selection List      Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
        Release  Request    Install     Last area
        FIN6410             20151219    FINANCE
        FIN6420             20160116    FINANCE
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel lists releases that:

    • Have not been installed.

    • Have a release install date that is prior to the install date of the release you are creating.

    Use this panel to choose which prior releases will be associated with your release.

    This table describes the fields, panel commands, and line commands on the release - Prior Release Selection List panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a Line Command on a release.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    LOCATE release   Locate a release. (Abbreviation: L)
    REFRESH   Refresh the panel display. (Abbreviation: R)
    Line Command Type a line command on a release.
    S    Select a release.
    D   Deselect a release previously selected.
    Release Displays the release name.
    Request Displays the action requested by the line command you entered.
    Install Displays Install From date for the release.
    Last area Displays the name of the final area in the release.

    Use line command S to select prior releases for your release.


    Until you become familiar with this function, select one prior release at a time. If you select more than one prior release, you may get confused about where the process for one prior release ends and the process for the next begins.

  4. When you have finished selecting prior releases on the release - Prior Release Selection List panel, press Enter to process the line commands. The panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

    CMNRMRSL    FIN6430 - Prior Release Selection List      Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
        Release     Request     Install     Last area
        FIN6410     *Select*    20151219    FINANCE
        FIN6420     *Select*    20160116    FINANCE
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    Type additional S and D line commands to change the list of selected prior releases, and press Enter to process the commands and present a new list.

  5. When you are satisfied with the list of selected prior releases, press PF3 to begin processing each prior release that you selected on the list. The first panel displayed for each release is the prior release - Joined Application List panel.

    CMNRMPR3    FIN6410 - Joined Application List       Row 1 to 4 of 4
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Appl    Join date   Description
        ACTP    20160411    ACTP Accounts Payable (Base ZMF)
        ACTR    20160412    ACTR Accounts Receivable
        COMM    20160412    COMM Common Components (Base ZMF)
        GENL    20160413    GENL General Ledger (Db2 Option)
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel shows the applications joined to the prior release that you selected.

    You can use this panel two ways:

    1. Press PF3 to make a set of prior release “rules” that apply to all joined applications in the selected release.

    2. Type S in the line command for one joined application and press Enter to make set of a prior release “rules” that are specific to the release/application combination.

    If you want to create prior release rules for individual joined applications, you can only process one application at a time. If you type S in the line command for several applications, only the first joined application is processed.

    On the prior release - Joined Application List panel, press PF3 or type S in the line command for a joined application row and press Enter. The release - prior release - Prior Release Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMPR0    FIN6430 - FIN6410 Prior Release Parameters - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Install date . . . . . . .  20161219
    Last area . . . . . . . . . FINANCE
    Include areas . . . . . . . N           (Y/N/S/A)
    Area syslib order . . . . . A           (A-Ascending, D-Descending)
    Application . . . . . . . . ACTP
    Enter "/" to select option
        All library types
    Library type count . . . .  00000

    Use this panel to set parameters for the release/application “rule” for the prior release.

    This table describes the fields, commands, and line commands on the release - prior release - Prior Release Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Command Type a command, or leave Command blank to type a panel field entry.
    CANCEL   Cancel panel without update. (Abbreviation: C)
    Install date Displays the Install From date for the prior release.
    Last area Displays the name of the final area in the prior release.
    Include areas Determines what area libraries from the selected release and application are included in the SYSLIB concatenation.
    N   Include only final area libraries.
    S   Include only system area libraries, not subsystem area libraries.
    Y   Include libraries in areas that are in a single path back from the final area. The area path from the final area is walked backwards until an area has more than one area checking in to it; that is the last area to be included in the SYSLIB.
    A   Include all area libraries.
    Area syslib order Determines the order that selected area libraries are concatenated in SYSLIB using the step number of the release area. Where the step number is the same for two selected areas, the area defined most recently is considered to have the higher step number.
    D   Concatenate selected area libraries in descending area step number order. Libraries from areas with higher step numbers are concatenated in front of libraries from areas with lower step numbers.
    A   Concatenate selected area libraries in ascending area step number order. Libraries from areas with lower step numbers are concatenated in front of libraries from areas with higher step numbers.
    Application Name Displays the mnemonic for the selected prior release joined application. NOTE: This field is blank if you pressed PF3 on the prior release - Joined Application List panel to select all joined applications.
    All library types Select this to select all library types in the selected prior release joined application or applications. Omit this field to manually select library types.
    Library type count Displays the count of library types selected in the prior release joined application.

    You can choose library types two ways on this panel.

    • Select the All Library Types field if you want all appropriate library types to be included in library concatenations for prior release build process.

    • Omit the selection to be asked to choose library types from a list.


    Whether you select or not, only appropriate library types are included in build process library concatenations. If you choose library types that are not appropriate for build processes, they are ignored.

  6. If you selected the All Libraries Field on the release - prior release - Prior Release Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel, all library types are automatically selected for the prior release joined application, and you are returned to the release - Joined Application List panel to process the next release you selected on the release - Prior Release Selection List panel. Go to Step 5 above. If all prior releases on that panel have been processed, the release - Prior Release Association panel is displayed. Go to Step 10.

    If you omit the All Libraries Field on the release - prior release - Prior Release Parameters - Part 1 of 2 panel, the release - prior release - Prior Release Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMPR1    FIN6430 - FIN6410 Prior Release Parameters - Part 2  Row 1 to 1 of 1
    Command ===>                                            Scroll ===> CSR
        Library Type
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    Use this panel to select library types in the prior release joined application.

    The first time this panel is displayed for a joined application in a prior release, the panel shows an empty row. Type * in the line command of the empty row to display the a library type selection list.

  7. If you implicitly selected all joined applications for a prior release by pressing PF3 on the prior release - Joined Application List panel in Step 5 above, the GLBL - Library Selection List panel is displayed. If you selected a particular joined application on the prior release - Joined Application List panel, the application - Library Selection List panel is displayed.

    CMNRMLAL    GLBL Library Selection List         Row 1 to 38 of 41
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Type  Request     Description
        CLS               CLIST
        CPY               Copybooks
        CP2               Copybooks for Utilities
        CTC               Control Statements
        DBB               Db2 BIND PLAN Commands
        DBR               Db2 DBRM
        DOC               Documentation
        HTH               HFS resident HTML
        JAR               Java Archives
        JCF               Java Class files
        JCL               Execution JCL
        PKG               Db2 Bind Package Commands
        PRC               Cataloged Procedures
        SDB               Db2 Program Source
        SPD               Db2 Stored Proc Definitions - Non-SQL
        SPN               Db2 Stored Proc Source - Native SQL
        SPQ               Db2 Stored Proc Source - SQL Language
        SRC               Source for Programs to be Linked Executable
        SRS               Source for subprograms to be Linked No b
        STL               Db2 Stored Proc Load Modules
        STP               Db2 Stored Proc Source - External Lan
        TRG               Db2 Trigger Definitions
        TST               Test Library type
        UDF               Db2 User-Defined Function Definitions
        WAR               Java Web Archives
        WCT               Java WAR Build Control

    Type S in the line command for a library type row to select that type for the prior release application or applications. Type D in the line command to deselect a library type you previously selected.

  8. When you have finished typing line commands on the library type selection panel, press Enter to process the commands. The same panel is returned with updated information in the Request column.

    CMNRMLAL    GLBL Library Selection List         Row 1 to 38 of 41
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Type    Request     Description
        CLS                 CLIST
        CPY     *Select*    Copybooks
        CP2     *Select*    Copybooks for Utilities
        CTC                 Control Statements
        DBB                 Db2 BIND PLAN Commands
        DBR                 Db2 DBRM
        DOC                 Documentation
        HTH                 HFS resident HTML
        JAR                 Java Archives
        JCF                 Java Class files
        JCL                 Execution JCL
        JCT                 Java JAR Build Control
        JVL                 HFS - JAVA executable class
        JVS                 HFS - JAVA source type
        JVT                 HFS - text type
        LCT                 Linkedit Control Cards
        LDB                 Db2 Program Load
        LOD     *Select*    Executable Load Modules
        LOS     *Select*    Load for Subprograms to be LinkedNCAL
        LSH                 HFS Listings
        WCT                 Java WAR Build Control

    Type additional S and D line commands to change the list of selected library types. Press Enter to process the line commands and present a new list.

  9. When you are satisfied with the list of selected library types, press PF3 to process your selections. The release - prior release - Prior Release Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMPR1    FIN6430 - FIN6410 Prior Release Parameters - Part 2   Row 1 to 4 of 4
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Library Type
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel displays the library types you selected for the joined application or applications. Update the list by typing D in the line command for a library type to delete the type, or type * to display the library type selection list again to add more types.

  10. When you are satisfied with the library types selected for the joined application or applications, PF3 and you are returned to the release - Joined Application List panel to select process the next release you selected on the release - Prior Release Selection List panel. Go to Step 5 above. If all prior releases on that panel have been processed, the release - Prior Release Association panel is displayed.

    CMNRMPRL    FIN6430 - Prior Release Associa     Prior Release Updated
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Release   Appl Install  Last area  Incl. areas  Order  All lib. types
        FIN6410        20151219 FINANCE         N         A         N
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

    This panel displays release/application “rules” you have created for prior releases.

    This table describes the fields, commands, and line commands on the release - Prior Release Association panel.

    Field Description
    Release Specifies the prior release to which this “rule” applies.
    Appl Specifies the joined application(s) in the prior release to which this “rule” applies.
    blank   Indicates that this “rule” applies to all joined application in the prior release.
    appl   Specifies one joined application in the prior release to which this “rule” applies.
    Install Displays Install From date for the prior release.
    Last area Displays the name of the final area in the prior release.
    Incl. areas For the specified prior release and joined applications, determines which areas are included in SYSLIB concatenations and release audit in the current release.
    Note: All prior release areas that have Exclude Area From SYSLIB set to Y in their area definitions are automatically exclude regardless of the Include Areas indicator here. The exception is a final area where Include Areas is N, in which case the final area is always included, regardless of the setting of the Exclude indicator.
    N   Include only final area libraries.
    S   Include only system area libraries, not subsystem area libraries.
    Y   Include libraries in areas that are in a single path back from the final area. The area path from the final area is walked backwards until an area has more than one area checking in to it; that is the last area to be included in the SYSLIB.
    A   Include all area libraries.
    Order Determines the order that selected area libraries are concatenated in SYSLIB using the step number of the release area. Where the step number is the same for two selected areas, the area defined most recently is considered to have the higher step number.
    D   Concatenate selected area libraries in descending area step number order. Libraries from areas with higher step numbers are concatenated in front of libraries from areas with lower step numbers.
    A   Concatenate selected area libraries in ascending area step number order. Libraries from areas with lower step numbers are concatenated in front of libraries from areas with higher step numbers.
    All lib. types For the specified prior release and joined application, indicates whether area libraries for all library types are included in SYSLIB concatenations for the current release
    Y   Include area libraries for all library types.
    N   Include area libraries for selected library types only.

    A release will appear more than once on this panel if there are different “rules” defined for joined applications in the prior release.

  11. Use the release - Prior Release Association panel to add or delete release/ application “rules” for concatenating prior release libraries in build processing for your release.

    1. Type UR in the line command for a prior release/application row to change the area libraries, concatenation order, or library types that are selected for that “rule”.

    2. Type DR in the line command for a prior release/application to remove that “rule” and the library types you selected for that prior release/application combination.

    3. Type * in the line command for any application to display the release - Prior Release Selection List panel to add a prior release or to add a new release/ application “rule” for a joined release you previously associated with your application.