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About Long Names in ERO

Component names in USS file systems can be 256 characters long, and path names can be 1024 characters long.

The topic, Working with Long Fields in ISPF, in the ChangeMan ZMF User’s Guide describes three ways users can see a long component or path name on ZMF ISPF panels whose total width is limited to 80 characters.

  • Scroll in the panel field

  • Zoom in on the field with EXPAND

  • Display an alternate panel

ERO uses dynamic ISPF panels to make lists of components for functions like check-in, retrieve, query component, test area, test release, and promotion. ISPF does not support scroll RIGHT and LEFT on dynamic panels.

To display as much meaningful information in the long name column as possible where scroll is not supported, ERO right justifies long names on dynamic panels, truncating any extension on the file name.

In this example, release package JHFS00023 contains the following files with names that include a partial path:


See how these component names are displayed on ERO panel CMNCKI02, right justified with the extension html stripped off.

CMNCKI02 RELEASE CHECKIN JHFS000023 Components            Row 000001 Of 000006
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR
Component        Type  Status   Changed    Procname User        Area
adapters/package HTH   ACTIVE   20101124 141227     USER240     ACCTPAY
m/filter/package HTH   ACTIVE   20101124 141231     USER240     ACCTPAY
om/input/package HTH   ACTIVE   20101124 141232     USER240     ACCTPAY
m/output/package HTH   ACTIVE   20101124 141234     USER240     ACCTPAY
org/jdom/package HTH   ACTIVE   20101124 141235     USER240     ACCTPAY
ransform/package HTH   ACTIVE   20101124 141237     USER240     ACCTPAY
******************************* Bottom of Data *******************************


Long names on ERO dynamic panels may be displayed using the PF4 zoom function to display the entire name in a pop-up window.