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Copying a Release

After you have built one or more releases in ERO, you can copy the structure of an existing release to create a new release.

The Copy Release facility copies the structure of the existing release to a new release, but it does not copy the contents of the old release. Area libraries are not allocated in the new release, and no components in the existing release are copied to the new release.

All elements of the existing release structure are copied to the new release, including:

  • Release parameters

  • Install approvers

  • Release area definitions and parameters

  • Area approvers

  • Joined applications

  • Application library types

  • SYSLIB concatenations

  • Associated prior releases

    After the new release is created, you can update any element of the release to fit the requirements for the new release.


Normally, you will adjust the install From and To date/times for the new release, and you will change the associated prior releases.

Follow these steps to copy a release.

  1. Access the Release List through the following menu path.

    1. Type =A on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.
    2. Type A on the Option line of the Administration Options panel, and press Enter.
    3. Type R on the Option line of the Release Management Administration Options panel, and press Enter.
    4. Type R on the Option line of the Release Management Configuration Options panel, and press Enter.
    5. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank. Press Enter, and the Release List panel is displayed.
    CMNRMRLS        Release List        Row 1 to 3 of 3
    Command ===>                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Created
        FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
        FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
        FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  2. Type CR on the line command of the release you want to copy and press Enter. The Create Release Copy panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRCP            Create Release Copy
    Command ===>
    Release Name To Create . . .
  3. On the Create Release Copy panel, type the name of the new release you want to create and press Enter. The release Release Management Parameters Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRC0    FIN6470 Release Management Parameters - Part 1 of 2
    Command ===>
    Release description . . . . . FIN6460 Release for April
    Creator . . . . . . . . . . . USER015
    Creator's Phone Number . . .  11292
    Work request . . . . . . . .  WR 9050
    Department . . . . . . . . .  FINANCE
    Minimum audit level . . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5)
    Minimum approval rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3)
    Minimum blocking rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Minimum Check-in rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
    Minimum retrieve rule . . . . 0     (0,1,2,3)
    SYSLIB concatenation order .  A     (A-Ascending,D-Descending)
    Default IHA audit setting . . N     (Y/N/C)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Enforce IHA default setting
        Bypass checkin package requirements
        Allow empty packages to process in release
        Auto cleanup of packages in DEV status
        Auto cleanup of packages in FRZ status
        Auto cleanup of packages in APR status

    This panel shows the new release name at the top, but the rest of the information on this panel comes from the release you copied.

    Use this panel to change the description and parameters for the new release.


    Changes to minimum rules will not be enforced unless you update release area definitions.

  4. When you have finished changing the information on the release Release Management Parameters Part 1 of 2 panel, press Enter and the release Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNRMRC1    FIN6470 Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2
    Command ===>
    Install Date: from . . . 20160227 080000 to . . . 20160228 235900
    Default scheduler . . .  MANUAL (CMN, Manual or Other)
    Contingency . . . . . .  1 (1,2,3)
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Add Associated Install Approvers
        / CMN scheduler
        / Manual scheduler
        / Other scheduler
    Release Implementation Instructions:
        All packages attached to this release will be installed between
        February 27 and February 28. If there are problems with
        any part of this release, call the Release Manager.

    This panel also shows the new release name, but the rest of the information on this panel comes from the release you copied.

    Use this panel to set the install dates and times for the new release, and to update installation instructions.

  5. When you have finished changing the information on the release Release Management Parameters - Part 2 of 2 panel, press Enter and the Release List panel is displayed showing the new release you just created.

    ``` CMNRMRLS Release List Release Created Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR

    Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Created
    FIN6410 DEV 20151219 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6420 DEV 20160116 WR 9020        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6430 DEV 20160220 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20151126
    FIN6440 DEV 20160227 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20160111
    FIN6470 DEV 20160527 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 20160420

    **** Bottom of data **** +-----------------------------------------------------------+ | CMR0521A - Release FIN6470 has been successfully created. | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ ```

    Use the line commands on this panel to make further changes to the definition of the new release. Normally, you will change the prior releases.