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Detaching Package from Release

When you detach a package from an ERO release, you sever all relationships to the release, its areas, and area libraries. You break relationships to components in area libraries for that release, and you break relationships to components in area libraries for releases that define that release as a prior release.


You cannot detach a package from a release if there are components from your package in area libraries for the release or if components have been promoted to a promotion site/level that has been defined for the release. Retrieve package components from all areas before you detach the package. See Retrieving a Package for steps to retrieve a package.

You can detach your package using either the base ChangeMan ZMF product or the ERO Package menu.

Detach Using Package Update

Follow these steps to detach a change package from an ERO release using the package update functions in the base ChangeMan ZMF product.

  1. Access the Package - package - Release Options panel through the following menu path.

    1. On the Primary Option Menu, choose option 1 Build and press Enter to display the Build Options panel.

    2. On on the Build Options panel, choose option 2 Update and press Enter to display the Update: Package Information panel.

    3. On the Update: Package Information panel, fill in the Package ID field, then choose option R and press Enter to display the Package - package - Release Options panel.

    CMNRMBRO        Package - ACTP000032 - Release Options
    Option ===>
        Current Release : FIN6430   Area : ACCTPAY
    1 Update    Update package current Release and/or Area
    2 Detach    Detach package from Release Management


    This panel can also be accessed through option UR on the Change Package List panel.

  2. On the Package - package - Release Options panel, choose option 2 Detach and press Enter. You request is processed, and the Current Release and Area fields are cleared on the Package - package - Release Options panel.

    CMNRMBRO        Package - ACTP000032 - Release Options   Package Detached
    Option ===>
        Current Release : FIN6430   Area : ACCTPAY
    1 Update    Update package current Release and/or Area
    2 Detach    Detach package from Release Management
  3. Detach package is complete.

Detach Using ERO Package Option

Follow these steps to detach a package using the ERO Package menu.

  1. Follow these steps to access the package you want to detach from a release.

    1. Type =7 on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Specifications Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank, and press Enter.

    3. The Release List panel is displayed.


       CMNRMRLF        Release List            Row 1 to 2 of 2
       Command ===>                            Scroll ===> CSR
           Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Pkgs
           FIN6410 DEV 20180329 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 00001
           FIN6430 DEV 20180329 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 00003
       ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

      The Release List panel shows releases that:

      • Satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel.

      • Have change packages attached to them.

    4. On the Release List panel, type line command PK on a release row and press Enter. The release - Release Package List panel is displayed.


       CMNRMPLF        FIN6430 - Release Package List      Row 1 to 1 of 1
       Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
           Package    Sta Area    Install  DT/TM Last Promotion    Aud Chkd In
           ACTP000032 DEV ACCTPAY 20180329 2359  SERT6 S6P1IT  00          N
           ACTP000131 DEV ACCTPAY 20180329 2359  SERT6 S6P1IT  00          N
       ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

      The panel shows all packages attached to the release that you selected.

      The fields on the release - Release Package List panel are described in Accessing Release Packages and Components.

  2. On the release - Release Package List panel, type DP in the line command of the package you want to detach, and press Enter. The package detach panel is displayed (CMNRMPD1).


    CMNRMPD1            FIN6430 - Package Detach
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Package: ACTP000131     Status: DEV     Install date: 20180329
        Enter "/" to select option
        / Validate package detach only
        / Auto demote retrieve with detach
        Attach to a different release
        New Package Install     Time
                    Date        From To
    Job statement information:
        //USER015Q JOB  (X170,134),'DETACH',
        //              CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,TIME=4,NOTIFY=USER015,
        //              REGION=4M
  3. Select the field ’Validate package detach only’ and press ENTER. This will warn if there is a problem for example Detach Error. Press PF1 for the long message:


    CMNRMPD1 FIN6430 - Package Detach Detach Error
    Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR
    Package: ACTP000131 Status: DEV Install date: 20180329
    Enter "/" to select option
    / Validate package detach only
    / Auto demote retrieve with detach
    Attach to a different release
    New Package Install Time
    Date From To
    Job statement information:
    //USER015Q JOB (X170,134),'DETACH',
    // REGION=4M
    | CMR7550I - Package ACTP000131 is Checked in and promoted. |
  4. The package detach will detach the package from a release. It will allow you to automatically demote components from the promotion libraries and retrieve components from the area libraries if you have the proper access authority to do so. Keep in mind that a demotion is a batch job and since this is an automatic function once the batch jobs are successfully submitted the package will be retrieved and detached even though the batch demotion job may not have completed. This also includes attach to a new release if selected.

    You can also optionally attach the package to a different release.

    If no automatic demote/retrieve are selected a standard validate and package detach is executed. If no release is selected the package is just detached.

    Package - The change package to be detached

    Status - The change package status (must be DEV status)

    Install Date - The change package current install date.

    Validate package detach only - Enter '/' to instruct ChangeMan to only validate the package detach. This option will not detach the package but will let you know if the package has components promoted and/or checked into the release.

    Auto demote retrieve with detach - Enter '/' to instruct ChangeMan to automatically demote the package components if promoted and retrieve components from the release if the package is checked into the release prior to the detach.

    Attach to a different release - Enter '/' to instruct ChangeMan to attach the change package to another release.

    New Package Install Date, Time From To - Apply a new install date and time to the change package. This date and time will be applied to all sites for the change package. If not entered the current package date and time will remain if the change package is within the new release install range. If not within the release install range the change package install date and time will automatically be taken from the new release it is being attached to. The release from date plus 1 day will be used as the package install date.

    Job statement information - Enter the Job card information for the auto-demote. This is required for the demotion process if the package is promoted.

    Invalid install dates will also be reported, press PF1 for the long message:


    CMNRMPD1        FIN6430 - Package Detach        Invalid Install Date
    Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
        Package: ACTP000131 Status: DEV Install date: 20180329
    Enter "/" to select option
        / Validate package detach only
        / Auto demote retrieve with detach
        Attach to a different release
    New Package Install     Time
                Date        From To
                20180401    1200 1300
    Job statement information:
        //USER015Q JOB (X170,134),'DETACH',
        // REGION=4M
    | CMR7512I - Install date must be within release date 20180430 to 20181231. |

    Detach Processing - If no options are specified this will do a standard detach and it will be stopped with a message if the package is promoted or checked into the release.


    CMNRMPD1            FIN6430 - Package Detach
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Package: ACTP000131 Status: DEV Install date: 20180329
    Enter "/" to select option
        Validate package detach only
        Auto demote retrieve with detach
        Attach to a different release
        New Package Install     Time
                    Date        From To
    Job statement information:
        //USER015Q JOB  (X170,134),'DETACH',
        //              CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X,TIME=4,NOTIFY=USER015,
        //              REGION=4M
    CMNRMPLF    FIN6430 - Release Package Li    Release Detach Error
    Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
        Package    Sta Area     Install  Dept Work request Promotion Aud Chkin
        ACTP000129 FRZ START01  20171221 DEV  WORK01        00             N
        ACTP000130 DEV START01  20180525 DEV  WORK01        00             N
     DP ACTP000131 DEV START01  20180329 DEV  WORK01        01 ACTP        Y
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
    | CMR4402I - Package ACTP000131 has components in the Release, RP to Retrieve. |

    Select Auto demote retrieve with detach:

    CMNRMPD1            FIN6430 - Package Detach
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Package: ACTP000131     Status: DEV         Install date: 20180329
    Enter "/" to select option
        Validate package detach only
        / Auto demote retrieve with detach
        Attach to a different release
    New Package Install Time
                Date    From To
    Job statement information:
        //USER015Q JOB (X170,134),'DETACH',
        // REGION=4M
  5. The list of packages on the panel is updated to remove the package that you detached from the release.


    CMNRMPLF        FIN6430 - Release Package List      Package Detached
    Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> CSR
        Package    Sta Area    Install DT/TM Last Promotion     Aud Chkd In
        ACTP000032 DEV ACCTPAY 20160429 2359 SERT6 S6P1IT   00          N
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  6. Detach package is complete.