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Release Package and Component Behavior

You bring a package and the components it contains under the control of a release by attaching the package to the release. The package components remain under the control of the package, and for the most part, you execute standard change package life cycle functions to prepare these components for installation into production.

However, ERO alters package and component behavior in important ways:

  • You cannot change the package install date so that it falls outside the range of the release install date.

  • You can check out, recompile, and relink components from release area libraries in the release your package is attached to, from area libraries in prior releases, and from baseline libraries.

  • Release area libraries for your application and area libraries for related applications defined in your release are included in SYSLIB concatenations when you stage, recompile, and relink components in your package. The same library concatenations are used by package audit.

  • Installation JCL in the package X node library is created when the release is blocked, not when the package is frozen.

  • Components are installed from release final area libraries, not from package staging libraries. Test area in the final release area guarantees that the area components are the same as package components.

  • When test area is executed in the final release area, automated cleanup can delete components from your package, and even detach a package if it is empty. Automated cleanup must be enabled for DEV, FRZ, and/or APR package status in the release definition.