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Notifying Area Check-off Approvers

Check-off approval signifies that an area is ready for check-in to the next area.

Check-off approval notification starts the check-off approval process. Check-off approvals cannot be entered until the check-off approval notification function is executed, even if there are no notifications defined for any of the approvers.

An area must be blocked to notify check-off approvers.

If the approval rule for an area is set to require check-off approval, and there are no check-off approvers defined for the area, execution of the check-off approval notification function will set the check-off approval flag to Y.

Follow these steps to notify check-off approvers.

  1. Follow these steps to access the area in which you want to notify check-off approvers.

    1. Type =7 on the Command or Option line of any panel in ChangeMan ZMF, then press Enter.

    2. Type release selection criteria in fields on the Release List Specifications Parameters panel, or leave the fields blank, and press Enter.

      The Release List panel is displayed.

      CMNRMRLF            Release List            Row 1 to 2 of 2
      Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
          Release Sta Install  Work request   Dept Aud    Creator Pkgs
          FIN6410 DEV 20160328 WR 9010        FINANCE     USER015 00001
          FIN6430 DEV 20160328 WR 9030        FINANCE     USER015 00003
      ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

      The Release List panel shows releases that satisfy the selection criteria you typed on the Release List Parameters panel.

    3. On the Release List panel, type line command AR on a release row to select the release that contains the area you want to approve for check-off. The release Release Area List panel is displayed.

      CMNRMALF        FIN6410 Release Area List       Row 1 to 3 of 3
      Command ===>                                    Scroll ===> CSR
          Area Status Area Prior Next
          Name     Type   Aud BLK CIA COA CIR COR step area     area
          ACCTPAY  SUBSYS 00   N   N   N   N   N  0001          FINANCE
          GENLEDGR SUBSYS      N   N   N   N   N  0002          FINANCE
          FINANCE  SYSTEM      N   N   N   N   N  0003 GENLEDGR
      ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

      The release Release Area List panel shows all areas that are defined in the release that you selected.

      The fields on release Release Area List panel are described in step 1 of Notifying Area Check-in Approvers.

  2. On the release Release Area List panel, type NO in the line command for the area you want to approve for check-off. Press Enter, and the notifications is sent to checkoff approvers according to the approver order number.

    CMR4600I - Change Man Release FIN6430 Area ACCTPAY Check-off awaits your approval.
  3. If you attempt to send notifications for an area that is not blocked, you will receive this error message:

    CMNRMALF        FIN6410 Release Area List       Invalid Status
        | CMR7001I - Release FIN6410 Area ACCTPAY is not blocked. |
  4. When check-off notifications have been sent, you are returned to the release Release Area List panel, where a short ISPF message tells you that area approvers were notified.

    CMNRMALF        FIN6410 Release Area List   Area Approvers Notified
    Command ===>                                Scroll ===> CSR
            Area                Status          Area Prior    Next
        Name     Type   Aud BLK CIA COA CIR COR step area     area
        ACCTPAY  SUBSYS 00   N   N   N   N   N  0001          FINANCE
        GENLEDGR SUBSYS      N   N   N   N   N  0002          FINANCE
        FINANCE  SYSTEM      N   N   N   N   N  0003 GENLEDGR
    ******************************* Bottom of data *******************************
  5. Check-off approver notification is complete.