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Synchronizing Package Count

Utility program CMNRPKSN synchronizes the count of packages attached to a release with the actual number of attached packages.

When a package is attached to a release or when a package is detached from a release, two records are updated in the package master:

  • The release name and starting area name are updated in the package record.

  • The count of attached packages is updated in the release record.

These record updates are executed serially. If there is a system interruption between these updates, the count of attached packages displayed on the Release List panel (CMNRMRLF) will not match the number of packages displayed on the release - Release Package List panel. (The release - Release Package List panel is accessed through option PK-Package Functions from the Release List.)

**Sample JCL Member CMNRPKSN
**Suggested Frequency As needed when the displayed count of packages attached to a release does not match the actual number of packages.
**SERNET Status ChangeMan ZMF must be running to update the package master with release information.
**Parameters RLS=   SYSIN control statement to provide release name or pattern. Multiple release names or patterns can be coded as follows:
   - Additional RLS= parameter statements
   - Separated by semicolon (:) in the same RLS= parameter statement
   These parameter statements are equivalent: RLS=ABCDE RLS=FGH* or RLS=ABCDE;FGH*
   This parameter causes all release package totals to be synchronized: RLS=\
