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Removing Unneeded Component History

Utility program CMNRAHAR deletes superfluous rows from the CMNRLSHST Db2 table to reduce the size of the table.

Release history table CMNRLSHST was originally designed to provide full component history to various ERO functions. ZMF has evolved to the point where release audit is the only function that uses this table. Audit needs only the latest row for each component and the latest checkin row for each component That is a maximum of two rows.

ERO already drops all history rows for components in a release when that release is archived. Utility CMNRAHAR drops non-essential rows from the history table for an active release.


The ERO component history that is removed by utility CMNRAHAR is not used by ZMF or ERO. However, before you run this utility, make sure that you are not using the data for custom processes.

**Sample JCL Member CMNRAHAR
**Suggested Frequency As needed to keep the release history table from growing too large.
**SERNET Status ChangeMan ZMF should be down.
**Parameters There are two execution parameters for program CMNRAHAR:
Db2= Db2 subsystem ID
ZMF= One-character subsystem ID of the SERNET started task
**Comments 1   See comments in the sample JCL for Db2 BIND, GRANT, and utility CMNRAHAR execution instructions.
2    For best ERO performance, execute RUNSTATS and REBIND on table CMNRLSHST after running job CMNRAHAR.