Administrator’s Guide for ArcSight Command Center for ESM 7.3

  Administrator’s Guide for ArcSight Command Center for ESM 7.3
    Understanding Command Center for ESM
      Understanding the ESM for Fusion Architecture
      Understanding the ESM for Fusion Components
    Planning Installation and Deployment
      Installation Checklist
      Understanding the Installation Process
        Components Needed for Deployment
        Methods of Deployment
        Securing Communication Between Components
      Installation Options
        Installation Using Scripts
        Manual Installation
        Deciding to Use the Scripts or Manual Installation Method
      Installing ESM for Fusion and ESM on the Same Node
    Installing CDF and Deploying ESM for Fusion
      Preparing Your Environment
      Installing ESM for Fusion by Using Scripts
        Understanding the Installation Scripts
        Using the Installation Scripts
      Installing ESM for Fusion Manually
        Preparing Your Environment for CDF
        Installing the CDF
        Deploying ESM for Fusion
      Deploying ESM for Fusion in an Existing Cluster
        Deploying Fusion to an Existing Cluster
      Post-Installation Configuration
        Add Dashboard Roles and Permissions to the User Management Pod
        Labeling Nodes
        Connecting to an SMTP Server
        Integrating Fusion Single Sign-On
        Securing NFS
      Verifying the Installation
    Configuring ESM for Fusion
      Integrating Data and Users from Enterprise Security Manager
        Understanding How ESM Users Access ESM for Fusion
        Importing Users from ESM
        Enabling Single Sign-on with ESM
        Integrating Data from Enterprise Security Manager
      Integrating Data from Interset
      Creating Widgets for the Dashboard
        Using the Widget SDK
        Considerations for Updating the Widget Store
      Adding Users and Groups to ESM for Fusion
    Upgrading Fusion
      Upgrade Checklist
      Upgrading ESM for Fusion
        Reviewing the Prerequisites
        Upgrading the CDF
        Uninstalling Analytics
        Upgrading ESM for Fusion
    Managing ArcSight Command Center for ESM
      Configuring the Dashboard
      Using REST APIs with Fusion
      Restarting Nodes in the Cluster
        Restarting Nodes by Using Scripts
        Restarting Nodes Manually
      Resetting the CDF Administrator Password
      Renewing CDF Certificates
        Renewing Certificates Before Expiration
        Renewing Certificates After Expiration
      Creating and Adding CDF Certificate Authority
      Configuring the Log Level
      Collecting Diagnostic Logs
      Understanding the Pods that Manage Deployed Containers
        Pods for the Deployed Capabilities
        Pods for the CDF Management Portal
        Authentication Failure while accessing ArcSight Command Center
        Identifying Location of the Scripts Available in the Installer For ESM for Fusion
        Checking the Log File of a Specific Pod/Container Using Kubernetes Dashboard
        Debugging the Old Logs for a Specific Container
        Configuring Log Level in the CDF Management Portal for Detailed Logs
        Monitoring the Health of the Nodes and Pods using Kubernetes Dashboard
        Checking the Status of the Pods for All the Namespaces
        Checking the Physical and Internal IP Details of All the Pods
        Checking the Log File of a Specific Pod/Container using Command Line
        Encountering an Unsuccessful Installation
        Understanding which Functionality is Affected if there is an Error in a Container’s Log
      Uninstalling ESM for Fusion
        Uninstalling by Using the Script
        Uninstalling Manually
    Legal Notice