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In keeping with the ChangeMan ZMF methodology of flexibility in rule enforcement, the decision as to the degree of the VSAM Interface File’s participation in processing ChangeMan ZMF change packages is left up to the global and local (application) administrators.

Global and application administrators can specify different levels of rules to control the level of participation of the VSAM Interface File in ChangeMan ZMF change packages.

Typically, the global administrator specifies a more relaxed global rule and the application administrator specifies a more restrictive rule at the application level. The more restrictive rule prevails.


If you change one of the specifications that is described in this chapter, you must recycle ChangeMan ZMF for the change to take effect.

Global Administration

The global administrator for ChangeMan ZMF has the authority to specify the global administrative rules to be used with the VSAM File Interface. These rules include:

  • Whether the VSAM File Interface or the INFO Option is used.

  • The global change rule that determines the role that the VSAM Interface File is to play in all ChangeMan ZMF applications.

  • Whether a VSAM Interface change record can be reused if the ChangeMan ZMF change package to which it applies is deleted.

  • Whether a non-ChangeMan ZMF user application (through the target VSAM Interface change record) is allowed to reject a change package.

  • Whether to allow the ChangeMan ZMF user to create an unplanned, temporary change package if the target VSAM Interface change record that is specified in a changepackage creation request does not exist.

The following sections describe these rules in detail.

Requesting the VSAM File Interface

If you want to use the VSAM File Interface instead of the INFO Option, you must specifically choose the VSAM File Interface. You do this on the ChangeMan ZMF Global INFO/Management Rule panel (panel CMNGOINF). To bring up this panel:

  1. Sign on to ChangeMan ZMF.

  2. Select option A (Admin) on the Primary Options Menu and press Enter.

  3. Select option G (Global) on the Administration Options panel and press Enter.

  4. Select option O (Options) on the Global Administration Options panel and press Enter.

  5. Select option 3 (INFO) on the Global Selectable Options panel and press Enter.


    If option 3 (INFO) does not appear on the Global Selectable Options panel, you have not correctly applied the license for INFO Option. Refer to the SER10TY User Guide for details.

  6. The Global INFO/Management Rule panel appears:

    CMNGOINF                  GLOBAL Info/Management Rule 
    Command ===> _____________________________________________________________
    Info/Management change rule . . . 0 (0-5)    
    Enter "/" to select option   
     _ Info VSAM file interface   
     _ Info System Bus interface  
     / Info Change System 
     Info System Bus Soap Member . . . ________


    As an navigation alternative, you can specify A.G.O.3 as a shortcut on the Primary Options Menu and press Enter to bring up this panel.

  7. Respond YES to the INFO VSAM FILE INTERFACE prompt. You must respond YES if you want to use the VSAM File Interface. If you respond NO, the VSAM File Interface is not used.

  8. After you respond YES to this prompt, you must recycle the ChangeMan ZMF started task for your response to become effective. See Recycling the ChangeMan ZMF Started Task for details.

You can specify the remaining global and application administrative rules to be applied to package creation and maintenance now or later, any time after you recycle the ChangeMan ZMF started task.

Specifying the Global INFO/Management Change Rule

You can choose among six global rules (0-5) to determine the role that a non-ChangeMan ZMF user application is to play in the creation, maintenance, and approval of ChangeMan ZMF change packages.

The global rule you choose applies to all change packages in all ChangeMan ZMF applications. Therefore, you typically specify a relaxed change rule at the global level. You can specify a more restrictive change rule on an application-by-application basis at the application level.

CMNGOINF                       GLOBAL Info/Management Rule 
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

Info/Management change rule . . . 0     (0-5)    

Enter "/" to select option   
 _ Info VSAM file interface   
 _ Info System Bus interface   
 / Info Change System 

Info System Bus Soap Member . . . ________

In this example, rule 0 is chosen. Rule 0 is the most relaxed rule. This enables the application administrator to determine the change rule that is most appropriate for each ChangeMan ZMF application.

Refer to the section titled Local (Application) Administration for a more detailed discussion of each rule.

Reusing a VSAM Interface Change Record

If you select the INFO VSAM FILE INTERFACE prompt on the preceding Global INFO/ Management Rule panel (panel CMNGOINF) and press Enter, the Global INFO VSAM Interface Options panel (panel CMNGVINF) appears.

CMNGVINF                   GLOBAL Info VSAM Interface Options 
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

Enter "/" to select option   
 _ Reuse INFO record number for deleted packages 
 _ INFO Management cannot reject packages   
 _ Create temporary package if INFO record not found   
 _ Approve package if INFO record is approved   
 _ Bypass INFO record updates during housekeeping 

Respond YES to the following prompt if you want to be able to reuse the VSAM Interface change records that apply to ChangeMan ZMF change packages that have been deleted:

     Reuse INFO record number for Deleted Packages

Respond NO if you do not want to reuse the VSAM Interface change records.

Rejecting Change Packages

CMNGVINF                   GLOBAL Info VSAM Interface Options 
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

Enter "/" to select option   
 _ Reuse INFO record number for deleted packages 
 _ INFO Management cannot reject packages   
 _ Create temporary package if INFO record not found   
 _ Approve package if INFO record is approved   
 _ Bypass INFO record updates during housekeeping 

Select the following prompt to prevent the INFOMGMT approval entity that you have defined for the user application from being able to reject a package:

     INFO Management cannot Reject Packages

In this case, an R (Reject) value specified for the Certification Overall Approve field

(INFVAPRV) in the target VSAM Interface change record is treated the same as a P (Pending) value. That is, the non-ChangeMan ZMF user application cannot specifically reject the target change package.

Deselect if you want the R (Reject) value in the target VSAM Interface change record if you want the non-ChangeMan ZMF user application to be able to specifically reject the associated change package.

Allowing the Creation of a Unplanned Temporary Change Package

CMNGVINF                   GLOBAL Info VSAM Interface Options 
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

Enter "/" to select option   
 _ Reuse INFO record number for deleted packages 
 _ INFO Management cannot reject packages   
 _ Create temporary package if INFO record not found   
 _ Approve package if INFO record is approved   
 _ Bypass INFO record updates during housekeeping 

If you select the following prompt, an unplanned, temporary change package will be created if the most restrictive global or application change rule is from 1-5 even if you request a package of a different type or time span:

     Create Temporary Package if INFO Record not found

If the most restrictive global or application change rule is 0, a package of whatever type and time span that you specify in the change package creation request will be created.

If you deselect, you will get the following diagnostic message if the most restrictive global or application change rule is from 1 to 5 and you try to create a package of any type or time span:

    INFO Subsystem Error
    CMN8010I - Unable to locate INFO change record 99999999

where 99999999 is the Work Request Id that you specified in the change package creation request.

If the most restrictive global or application change rule is 0, a package of whatever type and time span that you specify in the change package creation request will be created.

Local (Application) Administration

You can choose among six rules (0-5) to determine the role that a non-ChangeMan ZMF user application is to play in the creation, maintenance, and approval of change packages that are associated with a specific ChangeMan ZMF application.

You specify a change rule for a specific ChangeMan ZMF application on the application INFO/Management Rule panel (panel CMNLOINF), as follows:

  1. Select option A (Admin) from the Primary Options Menu and press Enter.

  2. Select option A (Application) from the Administration Options panel and press Enter.

  3. Specify the name of the target application in the APPLICATION field, select option O

    (Options) from the Application Administration Options panel, and press Enter. The INFO/Management Rule panel for the target application appears. (The target application is named GENL in this example.)

    CMNLOINF                      ACTP - Info/Management Rule 
    Command ===> _____________________________________________________________
    Info/Management change rule . . . 0
  4. Specify a number from 0 to 5 in response to the Info/Management change rule prompt.

  5. Press Enter to process your request.

These rules have the same effect as the global rules, except that they apply to a specific ChangeMan ZMF application rather than globally across all applications.

Keep the following tips in mind when you select an application rule:

  • You typically select a more relaxed global rule and a more restrictive rule for an application.

  • Select rule 0 (if global rule is also 0) if you want a non-ChangeMan ZMF user application to play no role in the creation, maintenance, or approval of changes packages that are created within ChangeMan ZMF for the application.

    You are still required to specify a Work Request Id when you create a change package. However, that Work Request Id does not have to identify an existing VSAM Interface change record. If it does identify an existing VSAM Interface change record, ChangeMan ZMF will update fields in that record with selected information about the change package. However, ChangeMan ZMF will not read the target VSAM change record to obtain any information concerning the change package that might be stored there.

  • Select rule 1 if you want ChangeMan ZMF to update the target VSAM Interface change record with information about the change package. However, ChangeMan ZMF will not read to target VSAM Interface change record to obtain any change package updates from that record.

  • Select rule 2 or higher if you want to enable two-way communication between ChangeMan ZMF and a non-ChangeMan ZMF user application through the VSAM Interface File. ChangeMan ZMF will read the target VSAM change record to obtain updates to selected fields in a change package and will also update the target VSAM change record with any updates that the ChangeMan ZMF user makes to a change package.

  • Select rule 3 or higher if you want the non-ChangeMan ZMF user application to participate in the change package approval process through approval identified in the target VSAM Interface change record. See Configuring the INFOMGMT Security Entity for details.

  • Select rule 4 if you want to ensure that a VSAM Interface change record exist for every planned, permanent change package that you want to create in ChangeMan ZMF for the target application. Rule 4 will still allow you to create unplanned, temporary packages even if a corresponding VSAM Interface change record does not exist (if your response to the following prompt on the Global INFO VSAM Interface Options panel is YES):

    Create Temporary Package if INFO Record not found


    If the INFO record is not found, an unplanned temporary package is created with a duration of 1 day by default. If you specify a greater duration on the create panel, that duration is used.

    If your response to this prompt is NO, you will not be able to create a change package of any type or duration for the target application within ChangeMan ZMF.

  • Select rule 5 if you want to ensure that a VSAM Interface change record exist for every change package (regardless of type or duration) that you want to create within ChangeMan ZMF for the target application.