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Workplace (Option 3)

The Consolidation Workplace panel displays in response to option 3 (WORKPLACE).

-------------------------- CONSOLIDATION WORKPLACE --------- ROW 1 TO 14 OF 14
COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR 
   Project: CDFTEAM/USER37
@===b... _ APLQAAA                  APLQAAA   APLQAAA   APLQAAA     SEQ
@$$=b... _ APLQMBLE                 APLQMBLE  APLQMBLE  APLQMBLE    SEQ
@$.$b... _ APLQONLY                 APLQONLY            APLQONLY    SEQ
@.$.b... _ APLQP                              APLQP                 SEQ
..@=b... _                                    APLQXYZ   APLQXYZ     SEQ
@$$$b... _ APL00000                 APL00000  APL00000  APL00000    SEQ
@==$b... _ APL01000                 APL01000  APL01000  APL01000    SEQ
@==$b... _ APL02000                 APL02000  APL02000  APL02000    SEQ
.@==b... _                          APL03000  APL03000  APL03000    SEQ
..@$b... _                                    APL04000  APL04000    SEQ
...@b... _                                              APL05000    SEQ
@$$$b... _ APL06000                 APL06000  APL06000  APL06000    SEQ
@.=$b... _ APL07000                           APL07000  APL07000    SEQ
@$..b... _ APL08000                 APL08000                        SEQ 
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

In the member list displayed above, the third and fourth lines remain constant on each scrolled page. They remind you about the library being used as a base version and the column headings. When an Active Project is in force, the project name and owner's user ID are displayed on the third line, instead of the base library.

Consider this panel a table whose columns are the derivative version libraries. If you scroll to the right you will see the fifth to seventh derivatives as well as the LANGUAGE column (source code). The BASE MEMBER column refers to the base library. The nicknames specified in the Versions panel are used as column headers for the corresponding derivative libraries.

The rows contain same-named members in the base and derivatives.


You can process ten-character PANvalet member names. If you have used masks to filter and match member names, each row will contain differently-named members, like COBOLBAS, COBOLDV1, and COBOLDV2 for the suffix masks *BAS, *DV1, and *DV2.

Each cell of the table represents a version of that particular member in that specific base/ derivative. An empty cell indicates that such-named member is not found.

The rows are ordered by their first filled cell so that the table can be browsed through scrolling and the Locate command just like in ISPF/PDF.


The DIFFERENCE column depicts the differences and similarities between the versions. It is built in two stages from two separate sources.

  • Before the compare and merge, as a result of the Instant Impact Analysis performed on the ISPF statistics of the member versions.

  • After the execution of the compare and merge, as a result of a direct comparison of the derivatives with the base code.


This means that the derivative is considered different if either the ISPF statistics or the content are different from the base.

The following table describes the meaning of the characters:

Character Description
$ Indicates that the derivative is different from the base.
= Indicates that the derivative is equal to the base.
@ Indicates the base version.
. Signifies that the member is missing in the corresponding version library.
b Indicates that the file is a banner. Banners are not compared, but only merged on the top of the consolidated version.


The ACTION column contains the last action performed on the base/derivative sets of members.

  • Blank for not yet executed member versions.

  • *Execute - for compared and merged member versions.

  • *Reconcl - for fully or partially reconciled member versions.

  • **Export - for exported consolidated member versions.

COMPLexity Column

The COMPL column (Degree of Complexity) indicates the corresponding levels of differences (low, middle, and high) between the versions. M+R calculates the degree of complexity after the execution. An initial value of None means that all versions are equal; thus, no reconciliation is needed. You can immediately export such member sets and start reconciling different versions. Be aware that, when all versions are equal, the actions against such member sets are marked as =Execute, =Reconcl, and ==Export, respectively.

Reconciliation Commands

You can use the member versions table as a consolidation workplace to reconcile, analyze, and export sets (that is, rows) of base/derivative versions. In front of each set, you can enter one of the following line commands:

  • S for Select: if this member set has already been executed, its WIS file is automatically loaded and the Reconcile panel is displayed so that you can continue your reconciliation. If this is a new execution, the base is compared with the derivatives and the Reconcile panel is displayed for you to start reconciling.

  • F for Force: use it instead of Select when a member set has already been executed but you have just changed some profile settings. For instance, if you change to a higher comparison resolution or specify a language type, and you want a reexecution, you should use the Force line command.

  • A for Analysis: can be issued against an executed or exported member set and displays the Analysis panel that shows the progress in the reconciliation (e.g., the number of conflicts resolved and how many still remain unresolved).

  • P for Print: can be issued against the just-reconciled member set and results in a snapshot of the current reconciliation effort depending on the last view on your Reconcile panel. The report is routed to the Print DSNAME data set specified in your profile. You can browse the snapshot or direct it to a local printer.

  • E for Export: can be issued against the just-reconciled member set and results in formatting the reconciliation and writing it into the export data set. The status of that member will be updated to **Export.

When M+R is used for Vendor Code reconciliation, newer versions of a software product may contain members absent in the older version (used as a base). In such a case, the first derivative which contains this member is used as a "base" in the execution.

For example, in the following panel, member APLQXYZ is not present in the base and first derivative; thus, its version in the second derivative is treated as the base version to be compared with the version in the third derivatives and the sequential file of the fourth derivative.

If a derivative is specified as a sequential data set, it is included in all sets; in this case, it will be marked with SEQ under its column in all rows and as 'b' for banner in the DIFFERENCE column.

The important difference between such a banner file and the library derivatives is that the banner is not compared with the base version; instead it is only merged at the top of the consolidated version.

The same rule applies to a derivative that is a specific member of a library; the specified member name will be present in all rows under that derivative column and as 'b' for banner in the DIFFERENCE column.

Select from Consolidation Workplace

When you select a new (not executed) member from the Consolidation Workplace panel, an Execute in Progress panel is displayed. If the previously reconciled member has not been exported or saved, a warning message is issued and the selection is ignored. With repeated Select commands, the selected member is executed or loaded from the WIS PDS but the previous reconciliation is lost. Alternatively, you can save or export the previous work, and then select a new member; see message SER059I "WIS" Will Be Overlaid for further details.

After you successfully complete your edits on the Reconcile panel, press the END command to return the Consolidation Workplace.


The literal *Reconcl is placed in the ACTION column for the member that you have just reconciled. The Degree of Complexity is placed in the COMPL column.

-------------------------- CONSOLIDATION WORKPLACE --------- ROW 1 TO 14 OF 14
COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR
   Project: CDFTEAM/USER37
@===b... _ APLQAAA                  APLQAAA   APLQAAA   APLQAAA      SEQ
@$.$b... _ APLQONLY                 APLQONLY            APLQONLY     SEQ
@.$.b... _ APLQP                              APLQP                  SEQ
..@=b... _                                    APLQXYZ   APLQXYZ      SEQ
@$$$b... _ APL00000                 APL00000  APL00000  APL00000     SEQ
@==$b... _ APL01000                 APL01000  APL01000  APL01000     SEQ
@==$b... _ APL02000                 APL02000  APL02000  APL02000     SEQ
.@==b... _                          APL03000  APL03000  APL03000     SEQ
..@$b... _                                    APL04000  APL04000     SEQ
...@b... _                                              APL05000     SEQ
@$$$b... _ APL06000                 APL06000   APL06000 APL06000     SEQ
@.=$b... _ APL07000                            APL07000 APL07000     SEQ
@$..b... _ APL08000                 APL08000                         SEQ
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************


Force Execution from Consolidation Workplace

If you have changed some of the comparison profile settings and want a re-execution, do the following:

  • From the Consolidation Workplace panel (using the above panel), force a re-execution of an executed or exported member by entering F or f in front of it.


The Execute In Progress panel will be presented for a brief moment, then you can start the reconciliation anew. If the previously reconciled member has not been exported or saved, no warning message is issued—M+R simply goes ahead and force-executes the member set.

Export from Consolidation Workplace

You can export the just-completed reconciliation from the Consolidation Workplace by entering E or e in front of it.

Assuming that APLQMBLE has just been exported, the Consolidation Workplace is refreshed with a message and a new literal "**Export" under the ACTION column header for that member. (See member APLQMBLE below).

-------------------------- CONSOLIDATION WORKPLACE --------- ROW 1 TO 14 OF 14
COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR
   Project: CDFTEAM/USER37
@===b... _ APLQAAA                  APLQAAA   APLQAAA   APLQAAA      SEQ
@$.$b... _ APLQONLY                 APLQONLY            APLQONLY     SEQ
@.$.b... _ APLQP                              APLQP                  SEQ
..@=b... _                                    APLQXYZ   APLQXYZ      SEQ
@$$$b... _ APL00000                 APL00000  APL00000  APL00000     SEQ
@==$b... _ APL01000                 APL01000  APL01000  APL01000     SEQ
@==$b... _ APL02000                 APL02000  APL02000  APL02000     SEQ
.@==b... _                          APL03000  APL03000  APL03000     SEQ
..@$b... _                                    APL04000  APL04000     SEQ
...@b... _                                              APL05000     SEQ
@$$$b... _ APL06000                 APL06000   APL06000 APL06000     SEQ
@.=$b... _ APL07000                            APL07000 APL07000     SEQ
@$..b... _ APL08000                 APL08000                         SEQ
******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

If you attempt to export a member other than the one you just reconciled, an appropriate message is issued and your attempt is ignored. (See SER093A Nothing to Export and SER094A Wrong Member to Export for more information.)

Analyze from Consolidation Workplace

You can invoke the Analysis function for any executed member (that is, marked '*Execute', '*Reconcl', or '*Export' in the ACTION column) by entering A or a in front of it.

If an attempt is made to analyze a not executed member, an appropriate message is issued. (See message SER095I Wrong Member to Analyze) Batch Job (Option 4)

You can invoke the Print function for this just-reconciled member to format a snapshot of the current reconciliation effort depending on the last view on the Reconcile panel.

The last view is always displayed on the top left side of the Reconcile panel title.

For example, to get a snapshot of the current consolidated version (i.e., the exported file), you should issue the View REmaining primary command on the Reconcile panel and press the END command to get back to the Consolidation Workplace; then, you can issue the Print command for that member by entering P or p in front of it.

If an attempt is made to print a member other than the just-reconciled one, an appropriate message will be issued. (See message SER098I Nothing to Print and SER099A Wrong Member to Print for details.)