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Exporting the Consolidated Version (Option 6)

The ultimate goal of the reconciliation is to produce a consolidated version from the base and its derivatives. To export a consolidated version, select option 6 (EXPORT) from the Member Reconciliation menu. You will receive an acknowledgment that your consolidated version has been exported.

When your reconciliation has not resolved all the conflicts, M+R will ignore your initial attempt to export it, and will issue a warning message. Your second attempt to export your reconciliation will succeed, but the consolidated version will have some unresolved conflicts. However, if your profile setting for "Export Conflicts" is NO, you won't be able to export with unresolved conflicts.


In case of profile setting AutoOverride=YES, be aware that when you export the consolidated version, all base records that have been changed (replaced or deleted) in one derivative will be substituted with these changes. The same rule applies when a base record is changed in the same way in all derivatives. In other words, all single changes to base records will be incorporated in the consolidated version.

The scenario described in the above warning happens automatically. To prevent an AutoOverride of certain lines, do the following:

  • To export base records replaced by derivative records, delete the derivative records; replaced base records are marked like'< 0456'while the replacing derivative records are marked like'<>_B__'.

  • To export base record deleted in one or all the derivatives, repeat the base records; deleted base records are marked like'< _B__.

Before exporting, you can browse the consolidated version by issuing the View REmaining primary command.