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TEST - XML Batch Client Trace

The <test> tag in the header of an XML Services request turns on SERCLIEN tracing in clients SERXMLAC, SERXMLBC, SERXMLCC and SERXMLRC.

A trace on the client side of the communication between the client and the SERNET started task is output to the SERPRINT DD statement in the client job. This trace is similar to the communication trace in the SERNET started task generated by the NETTRACE modify command.


<test>T</test> turns on the SERCLIEN trace for this request
<test> </test> leaves the SERCLIEN trace off for this request

The <test> tag is generally used only at the request of Serena Support for diagnostic purposes. This client side trace is unaffected by the NETTRACE or TRACE settings in the SERNET started task.