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Workplace (Option 3)

Option 3 on the Source/Copy Libraries Synchronization menu allows you to display the Consolidation Workplace panel, which was created by merging member lists of up eight source code libraries.

When you select a member version set (a row of the table displayed on the Consolidation Workplace panel), M+R does the following:

  • Determines the source code language.

  • Parses the source code versions for the proper keywords that signify the inclusion of outside code into the source (like COPY in COBOL, INCLUDE in SQL, ++INCLUDE for CA Panvalet source libraries, -INC for CA Librarian libraries, etc.).

  • Copies the parsed copybooks from the corresponding Copy/Include Libraries; that is, expands the base source code with the copybooks from the base copy/include library, expands the first derivative source code with the copybooks from the first derivative copy/include library, etc.

  • Parses and copies nested copybook up to seven levels.

  • Marks the copied code with C in front of each code lines.

  • Compares the expanded versions.

  • Merges the versions and marks the origin of the source code differences with the IDs of the source code libraries, and the copy code differences with the IDs of the copy/ include libraries.