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System Setup Parameter List - SYSTEM SERVICE LIST

This multipurpose function accepts a setup keyword as input and returns its value for the current instance of ChangeMan ZMF. Typically these are the names of external software systems with which ChangeMan ZMF communicates, such as the security system, the scheduling system, the job review system, or the mail system.

The Serena XML service/scope/message tags and attributes for a system setup parameter list message are:

<service name="SYSTEM">
<scope name="SERVICE">
<message name="LIST">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


This function requires a single tag as input. This tag, <systemTypeDesc>, is not really the description of a system type, but rather a keyword used to retrieve a setup parameter value from a dataset coded in the ChangeMan ZMF started task procedure. All keywords entered in this tag must be in upper case.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="SYSTEM">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="LIST">

Data structure details for the <request> data element appear in Exhibit 12-1.

Exhibit 12-1 SYSTEM SERVICE LIST <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<systemTypeDesc> Required 1 String (8), variable System setup parameter name or keyword for ZMF started task. Values:
CHUNKING - SERNET chunking value
CMN - ZMF license status
DISTRIB - File distribution system
FILE - File system(s) used
JES4XJR - Job review system used
MAIL - Mail system used
SCHEDULE - Scheduler used
SECURITY - Security system used
NOTE: Entry is case-sensitive.
NOTE: When value is "FILE", all supported file systems are requested as a group.



This function returns zero to many <result> data elements. In most cases, a single <result> contains the requested parameter value in the <systemName> tag, or a null value if no such system type is used with ChangeMan ZMF. Two exceptions exist, however:

  • Chunking Parameter — The value returned in <systemName> is not a system name, but the ChangeMan ZMF chunk size in bytes.

  • File System Parameters — Multiple <result> tags are returned, one for each file system supported by this ChangeMan ZMF instance. Each <result> contains a file system name (e.g., "PDSE") in <systemName> and its corresponding ChangeMan ZMF code (e.g., "7") in <systemType>.

The table in Exhibit 12-2 lists the possible values of <systemName> returned for any request parameter supplied in <systemTypeDesc>.

Exhibit 12-2 SYSTEM SERVICE LIST <systemTypeDesc>, <systemName> XREF

Parameter Name <systemTypeDesc> Returned Values <systemName>
CHUNKING Numeric; chunking size in bytes.
CMN CMN = ZMF is licensed blank = ZMF not licensed
DISTRIB NDM = Network Data Mover (AKA CONNECT:Direct) is ZMF file distribution system
BDT = IBM bulk data transfer is ZMF file distribution system
IEBCOPY = IBM IEBCOPY utility is ZMF file distribution system
XCOM62 = Legent’s XCOM62 is ZMF file distribution system
FTP = File Transfer Protocol is ZMF file distribution system
NETMASTR = NetMaster is ZMF file distribution system
NETVIEW = Netview is ZMF file distribution system
FILE IMS = IMS database mgmt system
DB2 = DB2 database mgmt system
PDS = Partitioned data sets
PDSE = Partitioned data sets, extended
SEQ = Sequential files
LIB = CA Librarian
LIBA = CA Librarian Archie
PAN = CA Panvalet
VSAM = VSAM files
HFS = Hierarchical File System
OTHER = Other file system
JES4XJR JES2 = Job review system active under JES2
JES3 = Job review system active under JES3
blank = Job review system not active
MAIL MVSSEND = MVS SEND messaging used for notifications
EMC2 = EMC2 Tao mail system used for notifications
EMAIL = E-mail system used for notifications
PROFS = VM PROFS mail system used for notifications
DISSOS = DISSOS mail system used for notifications
MEMO = MEMO mail system used for notifcations
CCMAIL = cc:Mail mail system used for notifications
CMN = ZMF scheduler used
CA7 = Computer Associates job scheduler E
SP = ESP scheduling system
OPCESA = OPC/ESA scheduling system
JOBTRAC = JobTrac scheduling system
CONTROLM = Control-m scheduling
MANUAL = Manual job scheduling
OTHER = Other scheduling system
SECURITY SAF = IBM Security Access Facility
RACF = IBM Resource Access Facility
ACF2 = CA Access Control Facility
TSS = CA Top Secret
OS2/UPM = OS/2 User Profile Management

Following the <result> data element is the standard <response> data element, which indicates the success or failure of the XML request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="SYSTEM">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="LIST">
                <statusMessage>. . . .
                <statusReturnCode>. . . .
                <statusReasonCode>. . . .

Data structure details for the <result> data element appear in Exhibit 12-3.

Exhibit 12-3 SYSTEM SERVICE LIST <result> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<systemType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Code corresponding to file system named in <systemName>.
NOTE: Returned only for FILE parameter.
<systemName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Value of system setup parameter. Usually a system name such as RACF (for security) or FTP (for distribution).
NOTE: Returns blank if requested system type is not used with ZMF.
NOTE: For CHUNKING parameter, value is SERNET chunk size in bytes.
