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Recycling the ChangeMan ZMF Started Task

The next steps in implementing the VSAM File Interface are to:

  • Add a DD statement to identify the VSAM Interface File to the ChangeMan ZMF started task.
  • Recycle the ChangeMan ZMF started task.

Coding the DD Statement for the VSAM Interface File

To identify the VSAM Interface File to ChangeMan ZMF, include the following DD statement in the JCL of the procedure you use to bring up the ChangeMan ZMF started task:

     CMNINFO DD DSN=vsamfilename,DISP=SHR


CMNINFO : Is the DD name that identifies the VSAM Interface File. You must use this DD name.

vsamfilename : Is the fully qualified name of the VSAM Interface File that you created according to the instructions in Creating and Maintaining the VSAM Interface File.

Recycling the ChangeMan ZMF Started Task

You can use the following operator commands in the System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) to recycle the ChangeMan ZMF started task.

  1. Enter the following command to bring down ChangeMan ZMF gracefully if it is currently active:

         /f stc_name,sh,1

    where stc_name is the name of the ChangeMan ZMF started task. After you enter this command, wait for the following message to appear on the SERPRINT listing associated with the started task, which indicates that ChangeMan has been brought down gracefully:

         CMN1313I CMNSTART Termination Complete

  2. Then, enter the following command to bring ChangeMan back up:

         /s stc_name

    These messages in the SERPRINT listing indicate that the VSAM File Interface is active and that ChangeMan initialization is complete. The name of the target VSAM Interface File is displayed in message CMN1800I.

    CMN1129I CMNINFVS Attempting INFO API Connect CMNINFVS

    CMN1800I CMNINFAP Opened VSAM file PROD3.SERP1.CMNINFO : <==Name of the VSAM Interface File (in this example)

    CMN1132I CMNINFVS INFO Connection complete

    CMN1303I CMNSTART Initialization Complete


If you do not see the messages shown above, something is wrong. Check the following and make any needed corrections:

  1. Ensure that you have applied the license for the INFO Option. See the SER10TY User Guide for details.

  2. Ensure that the VSAM Interface File exists. See Creating and Maintaining the VSAM Interface File.

  3. Ensure that you have responded YES to the INFO VSAM File Interface prompt on the Global Info/Management Rule panel in ChangeMan ZMF. See Requesting the VSAM File Interface.

  4. Ensure that you have added the DD statement that identifies the VSAM Interface File to the JCL procedure that brings up the ChangeMan ZMF started task. See Coding the DD Statement for the VSAM Interface File.

  5. Recycle the ChangeMan ZMF started task. See Recycling the ChangeMan ZMF Started Task.

Contact customer support if the SERPRINT listing associated with the ChangeMan started task still indicates that you have not been able to establish the VSAM Interface File connection.