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Setting the Export Options

To access the Export Options panel, select option 4 (EXPORT) from the Profile panel. The Export Options panel, shown below, appears.

SEREXPOP Export Options 
Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

Enter "/" to select option   
  / Autooverride (Single changes override base records) 
  / Export conflicts (Export with unresolved conflicts)   
  _ Export prefix (Incl analysis statistics as comments)   
  _ Renumber (Renumber consolidated version lines)   
  _ Line signature (Mark origin in consolidated version)

The following table describes the information that you must enter in the fields of the Export Options panel.

Field Description
Autooverride The default for Autooverride is selected by default. This eliminates the need to manually delete base lines that are already deleted or replaced in one of the derivatives. If you want to have total control over which code lines will be included in the consolidated final versions, set the Autooverride option to off.
Export conflicts Export Conflicts is set on by default. If you want to prevent incidental export action when there are still some unresolved conflicts, set this option to NO.
Export prefix By selecting, you elect to prefix the Analysis table to the exported data. The default is off. The advantage of prefixing is that a record of the statistics, conflicts, and consolidation effort, stays with the member. The disadvantage is that, although the Analysis records are formatted as comments in most programming languages, the compiler might flag them and you would have to edit them manually.
Renumber Renumber provides a choice to trace the changes incorporated in the consolidated version on export. M+R supports both standard and COBOL sequence numbers, and follows the ISPF sequence numbering rules. The code lines from the base version are numbered over their original sequence numbers. The code lines from the derivative versions and the user inserted and replaced code lines have numbers that are between the numbers of the two surrounding base code lines. When such numbers are not available (as from too many inserts), the entire consolidated version is renumbered on export.
Line signature Line signature is an alternative to the Renumber option that provides detailed tracing of the origin of each code line of the exported consolidated version. In the line sequence number area (positions 73 to 80), a line signature is formatted that includes the IDs of all of the versions that have that line in that place. Common across all versions, the base records have their original sequence numbers as line signatures.