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Dataset Lifecycle Tasks

Serena XML supports the following dataset lifecycle tasks for general use:

  • Allocate a Dataset - DSS SERVICE ALLOCATE

  • Delete a Dataset - DSS SERVICE DELETE

  • Delete a Dataset Member - DSS SERVICE MBRDEL

  • List Dataset Allocation Information - DSS SERVICE INFO

  • List Dataset Member Directory - DSS SERVICE LIST

  • List ISPF Dataset Allocation Information - DSS ISPFILE INFO

  • List Statistics for Baseline Members - DSS SERVICE BASESTAT

  • Expand Member in SRD Format - DSS SERVICE EXPAND

Allocate a Dataset - DSS SERVICE ALLOCATE

This function allocates an empty dataset on the host. Access permissions for the resources requested must first be defined for you in your mainframe security system.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a message to allocate a host dataset are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="SERVICE">
<message name="ALLOCATE">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


Data structure details for the <request> tag are shown in the following table.

Exhibit 7-1. DSS SERVICE ALLOCATE <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<blockSize> Required 1 Integer (6), variable Block size in bytes.
<dataOrg> Required 1 String (8), variable Data set organization. Values:
DAM = Direct Access Method
ISAM = Indexed Sequential Access Method
MIG = Migrate
NULL = Null File
PDS = Partitioned Data Set
PDSE = Partitioned Data Set, Extended
PS = Physical Sequential
SEQ = Sequential File
VSAM = Virtual Sequential Access Method
<dirBlocks> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Directory allocation for data set in blocks. Required if allocating a PDS
<eAttr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Extended attribute option. Values:
N = Dataset cannot have extended attributes or reside in EAS.
O = Dataset can have extended attributes and reside in EAS.
1 blank = Use default based on data type.
<mvsLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Fully qualified dataset name for dataset to be allocated.
<primarySpace> Required 1 String (8), variable DASD space allocation for primary dataset region, in units specified by <spaceType>.
<recordFormat> Required 1 String(3), variable Code for physical data set record format. Values:
F = Fixed
FA = Fixed ASA
FM = Fixed Machine
FB = Fixed Block
FBA = Fixed Block ASA
FBM = Fixed Block Machine
FBS = Fixed Block Standard
FS = Fixed Standard
FSA = Fixed Standard ASA
FSM = Fixed Standard Machine
V = Variable
VA = Variable ASA
VM = Variable Machine
VB = Variable Block
VBA = Variable Block ASA
VBM = Variable Block Machine
VS = Variable Spanned
VSA = Variable Spanned ASA
VSM =Variable Spanned Machine
U = Undefined
UA = Undefined ASA
UM = Undefined Machine
UB = Undefined Block
UBA = Undefined Block ASA
UBM = Undefined Block Machine
US = Undefined Spanned
USA = Undefined Spanned ASA
USM =Undefined Spanned Machine
<recordLength> Required 1 Integer (6), variable Record length in bytes.
<secondarySpace> Required 1 String (8), variable DASD space allocation for dataset extents, in units specified by <spaceType>.
<spaceType> Required 1 String (3), variable DASD space allocation type. Values:
Blk = Blocks
Cyl = Cylinders
Trk = Tracks
<unitName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Logical unit name for DASD volume in <volume> tag.
<volume> Optional 0 - 1 String (6), variable DASD reference volume serial ID.


No <result> data structure is returned in response to a Serena XML data allocation request. However, the reply message does return a standard <response> data structure to indicate the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.

Delete a Dataset - DSS SERVICE DELETE

This function physically deletes an empty dataset or a sequential file on the host. Delete permissions must first be defined for you in your mainframe security system before you run this function. You may not delete a ChangeMan ZMF package with this function.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a message to delete a host dataset are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="SERVICE">
<message name="DELETE">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


The Serena XML function to delete a dataset on the host requires only one data element in the <request> tag: the name of the dataset to delete. It may also require the serial ID of the DASD volume on which the data set resides if ambiguity exists.

Data structure details for the <request> tag appear in Exhibit 7-2.

Exhibit 7-2. DSS SERVICE DELETE <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<mvsLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Fully qualified dataset name of dataset to be deleted.
<volume> Optional 0 - 1 String (6), variable DASD reference volume serial ID.



No <result> data structure is returned in response to a Serena XML data deletion request. However, the reply message does return a standard <response> data structure to indicate the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.

Delete a Dataset Member - DSS SERVICE MBRDEL

This function physically deletes the named member of a partitioned dataset — for example, a component in a package in the native z/OS PDS or PDSE file management system. This function does not apply to z/OS Unix Hierarchical File System (HFS) files. Delete permissions must first be defined for you in your mainframe security system before you run this function.


Deleting a dataset member does not delete any component records associated with that member in the package and component masters. Component history information is preserved.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for messages that delete a member of a host partitioned data set are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="SERVICE">
<message name="MBRDEL">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


The Serena XML function to delete a partitioned dataset member on the host requires the dataset name (e.g., for a package) and the name of the member (e.g., package component) to delete.

Data structure details for the <request> tag appear in Exhibit 7-3.

Exhibit 7-3. DSS SERVICE MBRDEL <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<component> Required 1 String (8), variable Name of dataset member to delete, max 8 bytes.
<mvsLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Fully qualified dataset name of partitioned dataset containing member to be deleted.



No <result> data structure is returned in response to a Serena XML request to delete a dataset member. However, the reply message does return a standard <response> data structure to indicate the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.

List Dataset Allocation Information - DSS SERVICE INFO

This function lists DASD allocation and usage information for a previously allocated dataset. In addition to the specifications given to allocate the dataset initially, the function returns DASD space actually used, creation and expiration dates, date of last access, and a member count. Included in the scope of this function are active ChangeMan ZMF datasets and (optionally) migrated datasets.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for to list DASD usage information for a dataset are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="SERVICE"> 
<message name="INFO">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


The request message for this function requires the fully qualified dataset name of the dataset desired. A yes/no flag tag provides an option to include migrated datasets.

Data structure details for the <request> tag of the message to list data set information appear in Exhibit 7-4.

Exhibit 7-4. DSS SERVICE INFO <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<mvsLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Fully qualified dataset name for which usage information is requested.
<processMigratedDatasets> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include migrated datasets.
N = No, omit migrated datasets.



Only one <result> data element is returned in a reply message for this function. It is followed by a standard <response> data structure, which indicates the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.

Data structure details for the <result> tag of a message to list data set information appear in Exhibit 7-5.

Exhibit 7-5. DSS SERVICE INFO <result> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<blockSize> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Block size allocated to <mvsLib> dataset in bytes.
<createDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Date dataset was created.
<createJob> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Job in which dataset was created.
<createStep> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Job step in which dataset was created.
<createTime> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Time dataset was created.
<dataOrg> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Data set organization. Values:
DAM = Direct Access Method
ISAM = Indexed Sequential Access Method
MIG = Migrate
NULL = Null File
PDS = Partitioned Data Set
PDSE = Partioned Data Set, Extended
PS = Physical Sequential
SEQ = Sequential File
VSAM = Virtual Sequential Access Method
<dirBlocks> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Directory allocation for dataset in blocks.
<eAttr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Extended attribute option. Values:
N = Dataset cannot have extended attributes or reside in EAS.
O = Dataset can have extended attributes and reside in EAS.
blank = Default based on data type.
<expirationDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Expiration date for dataset.
<extent> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Size of dataset extent area used (total), in units specified by <spaceType>.
<memberCount> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Number of members in dataset.
<mvsLib> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable Fully qualified dataset name for which DASD data is returned.
<percentUsed> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Percent of total DASD allocation used by dataset.
<primarySpace> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Minimum DASD allocation for dataset, in units specified by <spaceType>.
<recordFormat> Optional 0 - 1 String(3), variable Code for logical data set record format. Values:
F = Fixed
FA = Fixed ASA
FM = Fixed Machine
FB = Fixed Block
FBA = Fixed Block ASA
FBM = Fixed Block Machine
FBS = Fixed Block Standard
FS = Fixed Standard
FSA = Fixed Standard ASA
FSM = Fixed Standard Machine
V = Variable
VA = Variable ASA
VM = Variable Machine
VB = Variable Block
VBA = Variable Block ASA
VBM = Variable Block Machine
VS = Variable Spanned
VSA = Variable Spanned ASA
VSM =Variable Spanned Machine
U = Undefined
UA = Undefined ASA
UM = Undefined Machine
UB = Undefined Block
UBA = Undefined Block ASA
UBM = Undefined Block Machine
US = Undefined Spanned
USA = Undefined Spanned ASA
USM =Undefined Spanned Machine
<recordLength> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Record length for dataset in bytes.
<referenceDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Date of last access for dataset.
<secondarySpace> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable DASD allocation for extents, in units specified by <spaceType>.
<spaceType> Optional 0 - 1 String (3), variable Type of DASD space allocation for <mvsLib> dataset. Values:
Blk = Blocks
Cyl = Cylinders
Trk = Tracks
<tracks> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (10), variable Total number of tracks currently allocated to dataset.
<unitName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Logical unit name for DASD volume in <volume> tag.
<usedDirBlocks> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Number of directory blocks actually used.
<usedPages> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (10), variable Total number of pages actually used by PDSE dataset.
<usedTracks> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (10), variable Total number of tracks actually used by non-PDSE dataset.
<volume> Optional 0 - 1 String (6), variable DASD reference volume serial ID for dataset in <mvsLib>.


List Dataset Member Directory - DSS SERVICE LIST

This function lists a directory of dataset member names or sequential file names. Optionally it provides information about DASD usage, usage change history, and access history for each member to authorized requestors. A single directory request can retrieve information about PDS dataset members, sequential files, and ISPF files. Only active ChangeMan ZMF datasets are included in the scope of this function; no directory service is available for migrated datasets.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a message to list a dataset member directory are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="SERVICE"> 
<message name="LIST">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


Serena XML supports two types of dataset member directory lists:

  • Full Directory Contents — Name the dataset of interest in the <mvsLib> tag and set the <listComponentOnly> flag tag value to N. If the component fingerprint or hash token is desired in the listing, set the <returnHashToken> flag tag to Y. The function lists a complete directory of dataset member names, DASD usage, and access history information.

  • Member Name Only — Name the dataset of interest in the <mvsLib> tag and set the <listComponentOnly> flag tag value to Y. The returned listing includes only member names.

Additional filtering by component name or wildcard pattern is supported for both list types. Data structure details for the <request> tag appear in Exhibit 7-6.

Exhibit 7-6. DSS SERVICE LIST <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<component> Optional 0 - 1 String (32), variable Name or wildcard pattern matching dataset members (components) to list.
NOTE: Use asterisk (*) wildcard or omit tag to list all members of a dataset.
<listComponentOnly> Optional 1 String (1) Y = Yes, list component names only. N = No, don’t restrict to component names; list all DASD info.
<mvsLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Fully qualified dataset name whose members are to be listed.
<returnHashToken> Optional 1 String (1) Y = Yes, return fingerprinting hash token for each member in list. N = No, omit hash token.
<typeOfDataset> Optional 1 String(3), variable Dataset organization. Values:
LIB - Librarian
OTH = Other
PAN = Panvalet
PDS = Partitioned dataset
SEQ = Sequential


The Serena XML reply message for this function contains zero to many <result> data elements. Each <result> provides directory information for one dataset member.

A standard <response> data structure follows the final <result> tag to indicate the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher. Because the <response> tag is the last data element returned in the reply, it also serves as an end-of-list indicator.

Data structure details for the <result> data structure appear in Exhibit 7-7.

Exhibit 7-7. DSS SERVICE LIST <result> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<aliasOf> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Name of component for which this member serves as an alias. Returned for load members only.
<amode> Optional 0 - 1 String (10), variable Link-edit parameters for addressing mode of component. Returned for load members only.
<attributes> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable System attribute flags for member. Returned for load members only.
<authCode> Optional 0 - 1 String (2), variable Authentication code for component. Returned for load members only.
<component> Required 1 String (8), variable Name of dataset member returned.
<currentSize> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Current size of member in bytes. Returned for ISPF files only.
<dateCreated> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Date component was created. Returned for ISPF files only.
<dateLastModified> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Date component was last modified. Returned for ISPF files only.
<extCurrentSize> Optional 0 - 1 Long Extended size - current (for ISPF directory type)
<extInitialSize> Optional 0 - 1 Long Extended size - initial (for ISPF directory type)
<extModificationSize> Optional 0 - 1 Long Extended size - modifications (for ISPF directory type)
<hashToken> Optional 0 -1 String (16) Hash token (if requested by returnHashToken)
<initialSize> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Size of member when first created in bytes. Returned for ISPF files only.
<lastUpdater> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable TSO ID of last updater. Returned for ISPF files only.
<linkedDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Date member was last link-edited. Returned for load members only.
<linkedTime> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Time component was last link-edited. Returned for load members only.
<loadSize> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Size of load member in bytes. Returned for load members only.
<modLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (2), variable ISPF modification level of component. Returned for ISPF files only.
<modificationSize> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Size of last modification to member in bytes. Returned for ISPF files only.
<relativeTrack> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Relative offset of starting track for this dataset member. Returned for load members only.
<rmode> Optional 0 - 1 String (10), variable Link-edit parameters for residency mode of component. Returned for load members only.
<setssi> Optional 0 - 1 String (8) SETSSI for LOAD directory type.
<timeLastModified> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Time component was last modified. Returned for ISPF files only.
<typeOfDirectory> Required 1 String (8), variable Code for type of directory containing dataset member. Values:
1 = ISPF
2 = Load
3 = None
NOTE: If value is 1, the following tags are also returned: <currentSize>, <initialSize>, <modificationSize>, <dateCreated>, <dateLastModified>, <timeLastModified>, <version>, <modLevel>, & <lastUpdater>.
NOTE: If value is 2, the following tags are also returned: <aliasOf>, <attributes>, <authCode>, <relativeTrack>, <loadSize>, <amodeRmode>, <setssi>, <linkedDate>, & <linkedTime>.
<version> Optional 0 - 1 String (2), variable ISPF version number of component. Returned for ISPF files only.


List ISPF Dataset Allocation Information - DSS ISPFILE INFO

This function lists temporary dataset allocation information for a ChangeMan ZMF started task. Typically this information concerns datasets used for ISPF file tailoring. Returned information includes the dataset name, DASD unit name, and DASD allocation amounts for each temporary dataset known to the started task at the global level.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a message to list ISPF dataset allocation information are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="ISPFILE"> 
<message name="INFO">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


The Serena XML request message for this function includes an empty <request> data element (that is, one that contains no subtags). The <request> tag itself is required.


XML syntax allows both a long form and a short form for empty tags. An empty <request> tag can therefore be coded in one of two ways.

Long form:

Equivalent short form:



The Serena XML reply message for this function contains zero to many <result> data elements. Each <result> provides DASD allocation information for one ISPF file tailoring dataset (or other temporary dataset).

A standard <response> data structure follows the final <result> tag to indicate the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher. Because the <response> tag is the last data element returned in the reply, it also serves as an end-of-list indicator.

Data structure details for the <result> data structure appear in Exhibit 7-8.

Exhibit 7-8. DSS ISPFILE INFO <result>

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<blockSize> Optional 1 Integer (6), variable Block size allocated to <mvsLib> dataset in bytes.
<eAttr> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Extended attribute option. Values:
N = Dataset cannot have extended attributes or reside in EAS.
O = Dataset can have extended attributes and reside in EAS.
blank = Default based on data type.
<lastNodeOrigin> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), variable Code for origin of last node in dataset name when dataset used to store a component in a temporary dataset. Values:
1 = Component library type
2 = Component language
3 = Component name
<mvsLib> Optional 1 String (255), variable Fully qualified dataset name for which DASD data is returned.
<primarySpace> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Minimum DASD allocation for dataset, in units specified by <spaceType>.
Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable DASD allocation for extents, in units specified by .
<spaceType> Required 1 String (3), variable Type of DASD space allocation for <mvsLib> dataset. Values:
Blk = Blocks
Cyl = Cylinders
Trk = Tracks
<unitName> Required 1 String (8), variable Logical unit name for DASD volume in <volume> tag.


List Statistics for Baseline Members - DSS SERVICE BASESTAT

This function lists statistics for baseline library members stored in PDS or SRD (stacked reverse delta) format.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a message to list statistics for baseline members are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="SERVICE">
<message name="BASESTAT">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


The following example shows how you might code a Serena XML request to list the statistics for a baseline library component. Data structure details for the <request> tag appear in Exhibit 7-9.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="DSS">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="BASESTAT">
                <test> </test>


Exhibit 7-9. DSS SERVICE BASESTAT <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Required 1 String (4), variable Application name.
<component> Required 1 String (8), variable Component name.
<libType> Required 1 String (3) Library type.
<version> Required 1 Integer (3) Baseline version number.



Only one <result> data element is returned in the reply message for this function. It is followed by a standard <response> data structure, which indicates the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.

The following example shows what a reply message might look like. Data structure details for the <result> tag appear in Exhibit 7-10.



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="DSS">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="BASESTAT">
                <statusMessage>CMN8700I - Baseline stat service completed**</statusMessage>


Exhibit 7-10 DSS SERVICE BASESTAT <result> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<createDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Date created.
<dateLastModified> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Date last modified.
<maxVersion> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (3) Total number of baseline versions.
NOTE: This tag is only returned for a SRD baseline member. The maximum versions for a PDS member is not known.
<timeLastModified> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Time last modified.
<user> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable User ID of user who last modified component.


Expand Member in SRD Format - DSS SERVICE EXPAND

This function expands a baseline library member stored in stacked reverse delta (SRD) format and writes it to a data set.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a message to expand a baseline member are:

<service name="DSS">
<scope name="SERVICE">
<message name="EXPAND">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


The following example shows how you might code a Serena XML request to expand a baseline library component in SRD format and write it to the dataset specified in the <targetLib> subtag. Data structure details for the <request> tag appear in Exhibit 7-11.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="DSS">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="EXPAND">
                <test> </test>


Exhibit 7-11 DSS SERVICE EXPAND <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<baseLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Baseline library name.
<component> Required 1 String (8), variable Component name.
<deltaLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Delta library name.
<targetLib> Required 1 String (255), variable Dataset name where expanded component will be written.
<version> Required 1 Integer (3) Version number.



No <result> data structure is returned for this function. However, the reply message does return a standard <response> data structure to indicate the success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.

In a successful request, the SRD component will be expanded and written to the dataset specified in the subtag.

The following example shows what a successful reply message looks like.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="DSS">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="EXPAND">
            <response> <statusMessage>CMN8700I - Expand service completed</statusMessage>