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0ther Primary Commands

Command Argument Description
BEGIN, B nnnn Reorient Display to start from the base record with nnnn sequence number
CANCEL, CAN Cancel and do not save user- made changes in current reconciliation session
CHANGE, C string_1 string_2 Change string_1 to string_2 in current context. RChange [PF6/ PF18] available for subsequent iterations
CHANGE, C ALL string_1 string_2 Change string_1 to string_2 in all non-deleted records
CUT Cut a block of records as determined by Copy or Move line commands
END Normal termination of session that saves the user-made changes
EXPORT, EXP copybook name As a copybook, export a block of records as determined by Copy or Move line commands
FIND, F string_1 Find string_1 in all records within current context. RFind [PF5/PF17] available for subsequent iterations
FIND, F ALL string_1 Find string_1 in all non-deleted records
LOCATE, L nnnn Position to a base record with nnnn sequence number
LOCATE, L (no argument) Position to the next base record
PASTE, PAS Insert a block of records as identified by previous CUT command depending on the destination command (After or Before) placed on a particular line
RESET, RES (no argument) Reset any command conflict
SAVE, SAV Save user-made changes and continue reconciling


  • FIND and CHANGE commands can have the position N of string_1 as an additional argument.

  • Commands can be typed fully or abbreviated as indicated.