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Configuring ZMF for Java/zFS

This chapter provides instructions for setting up ChangeMan ZMF to manage Java components in zFS directories under Unix System Services.

Configure USS for ZMF

Before you can start making global and application administration entries to support Java application components, you must configure Unix System Services and your security system so that the SERNET / ZMF started task can create a secure environment in an zFS file system in USS.

The instructions in this section describe commands for z/OS Security Server RACF. If you use CA ACF2 or CA Top Secret, consult with your security administrator to determine the corresponding actions that are required in those security systems to accomplish the same objectives.

In the commands that follow, these conventions are used:

  • SERUSER is the user-id assigned to the SERNET / ZMF started task.

  • SERGRP is the RACF group assigned to the SERNET / ZMF started task.

  • /serdir is the high-level zFS directory created for user-id SERUSER.

Set ZMF User-ID Security for USS File Systems

Prior to Version 7.1, the ChangeMan ZMF Installation Guide directed you to create an OMVS segment with UID(0) for the userid assigned to the SERNET / ZMF started task. Starting with ZMF 7.1, SERNET and ChangeMan ZMF can perform all necessary USS functions with more restrictive privileges.

Adjust USS privileges for SERUSER, the user-id (owner) of SERNET / ZMF started tasks:

  1. Assign a non-zero UID to SERUSER by manually assigning the next available value:

  2. Permit access for SERUSER to two resources so it can manage zFS in USS:

  3. Ensure that the SERUSER default group SERGRP has a GID:



In early editions of this manual, instructions for setting up security for USS file systems included steps to activate profile FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID in the UNIXPRIV class to ensure that anything created by the started task user ID inherits the started task GID. The intention was to guarantee that the entire zFS directory/file structure has consistent owner/group assignments.

It has been determined that the default behavior for USS is to propagate group ownership downwards for all directories and files that ChangeMan ZMF creates under the top level ZMF directory. Therefore, profile FILE.GROUPOWNER.SETGID is not required, and instructions for enabling it are removed from later editions of this book.

Create Top-Level Directory for ZMF zFS Files

Create a directory where ZMF can create and manage zFS directories and files. This is not necessarily the directory where baseline, promotion, and production libraries reside, but staging libraries should be created in this directory.

  1. Create a top-level directory for USS files that will be managed by ChangeMan ZMF instances that are owned by user-id SERUSER:

    1. Create a top level directory:

    2. Change the owner and group owner of /serdir to SERUSER and SERGRP respectively, and propagate the change to all directories and files that may have been created under the top-level directory.

      chown -R sert:cmntp /serdir
    3. Set the permission bits for /serdir to allow SERUSER and ZMF Administrators in group SERGRP to READ, WRITE and EXECUTE, and allow all others to READ EXECUTE.

      chmod 755 /serdir
  2. Create and mount the zFS data set for /serdir:

    1. Create the zFS data set for /serdir.

    2. Mount the zFS data set at /serdir:

      MOUNT FILESYSTEM('zFS datasetname') mountpoint('/serdir') TYPE(ZFS) MODE(RDWR) AUTOMOV
    3. Add the mount of /serdir to the BPXPRMnn member in the primary SYS1.PARMLIB to ensure that the mount for /serdir is executed at IPL.

Adjust Security on zFS Files Managed by ZMF

For any path entered into ZMF Administration for baseline, production, or promotion libraries, adjust the permissions to give the ZMF started task ownership with permission 755.


Exit exit program CMNEX093 makes it possible to override the ChangeMan ZMF default 755 permission for USS staging libraries. See the comments in the CMNEX093 program source delivered in the ASMSRC library.


Unix System Services limits the number of simultaneous processes running under a userid (UID), even if the processes are initiated from multiple address spaces. ChangeMan ZMF can potentially create a large number of parallel processes inside USS as Java build jobs are file tailored and submitted under the ZMF UID.

The number of parallel processes per UID is limited by the MAXPROCUSER entry in BPXPRMxx. When this value is exceeded, USS fails the creation of new processes, which will cause jobs or tasks inside ZMF to fail. When creation of a process is failed, message BPXP005I is issued with a return code of 70 (unless suppressed by USS specifications).

A rough calculation for the number of processes required is:

   2 * (# of parallel USS related jobs *executing* concurrently)
+  2 * (# of concurrent ZMF users logged on) 


If you do not want to increase the global limit using the MAXPROCUSER entry in BPXPRMxx, use the PROCUSERMAX parameter on the OMVS segment of the RACF profile for the ChangeMan ZMF userid.


This command is described in "Unix System Services Planning", Section 3.

Enable CMNEX026 for LSH Listing

Listings from Java build processing are stored in zFS files in library type LSH. Library type LSH is coded in Java build skeletons, but it is not a reserved library type.

The following code is delivered in CMNEX026 to allocate an LSH staging library when language JAVA is processed.

* The following sample ensures that the zfs based listings libtype
* is allocated whenever a language name of JAVA is used
      CLC   X26$LANG,=CL8'JAVA'   java language?
      JNE   X26$O010              .no, skip java
      MVI   X26$WORK,C'Y'         indicate something added
      MVC   0(3,R2),=CL3'LSH'     alloc lsh for java
      LA    R2,3(,R2)             bump for next entry 

Follow the instructions at the top of exit program CMNEX026 to enable the exit. There is no need for you to add Java library types to table X26@LTYP. You may also like to examine CMNEX032.

Configure ZMF Global and Application Administration

This section shows you entries in ChangeMan ZMF global and application administration that are required to manage Java components and work in zFS.

When you enter zFS paths and directories for staging and baseline files, those paths should be under the exclusive control of the user-id assigned to the SERNET / ZMF started task. We recommend that the path be under the high-level directory you defined in Create Top-Level Directory for ZMF zFS Files.

The paths for production and promotion directories should also be under the exclusive control of the SERNET / ZMF started task, although your environment may require some sharing of write permission.

Global Staging Library Model zFS Name

When you check out a component that is stored in an zFS file, the staging library allocated for that component must be an zFS directory. On the Global Parameters – Part 7 of 8 panel (CMNGGP07), enter a Dev model zFS name to tell ChangeMan ZMF how to structure the staging path and directory name.

CMNGGP07                Global Parameters - Part 7 of 8
Command ===>

Staging library model dataset names
 Dev model dsname . . . CMNTP.S6.????.STG6.#######
 Dev model zfs name . . /cmntp/s6/????/#######/d +

    "????" is placeholder for application name.
    "#######" is placeholder for package number (.#000123).

zfs temp folder . . . . /u/sert/C001/tmp/s6                  +

 Package master . . . . CMNTP.S6.V810T06.CMNZMF.CMNPMAST
 Cpnt mstr (short) . . . CMNTP.S6.V810T06.CMNZMF.CMNCMPNT
 Cpnt mstr (long) . . . CMNTP.S6.V810T06.CMNZMF.CMNCMPNL
 Delay file . . . . . . CMNTP.S6.V810T06.CMNZMF.CMNDELAY
 Ser#parm . . . . . . . CMNTP.SER810.C6.TCPIPORT
 Impact analysis . . . . CMNTP.S6.V810T06.CMNZMF.IADSP

 Email server . . . . . +
         port . . . . . 00025 


You can use the same general naming pattern you use for PDS(E) libraries, substituting a slash for each period. However, the path should start with the high-level directory you defined in the Security for zFS section of this document.


ChangeMan ZMF does not use the information in the Prd model zfs name field on this panel. Instead, the Prd staging model zfs on the site Site Information - Part 2 of 2 panel (where site is a variable value) is used.

Global zFS Temporary Folder

Some component processes in ZMF create temporary files. When you are working with a package component that is stored in an zFS file, temporary files will also be zFS files.

You specify a directory path for temporary zFS files on the Global Parameters – Part 7 of 8 panel (CMNGGP07) shown above in field zfs temp folder. This field initially shows a top-level directory value of /tmp. Add at least one subdirectory to create a path where ZMF will create zFS temporary files.

zfs temp folder ===> /tmp/s4


The SERNET started tasks running ChangeMan ZMF, File Tailoring started procedures initiated by ChangeMan ZMF, and users who access ChangeMan ZMF must have rights to create files in this folder.

Global Site zFS Production Staging Model DSNAME

The site Site Information – Part 2 of 2 panel (CMNGRST2) requires the PRD staging model zFS path for a remote site.

This example of the site Site Information – Part 2 of 2 panel (CMNGRST2) shows the Prd staging model zFS path for a development site, where the path is the same as the Dev model zFS name on the Global Parameters - Part 7 of 8 panel (CMNGGP07).

CMNGRST2              SERT6 Site Information - Part 2 of 2
Command ===>

ChangeMan ZMF subsytem id . . 6
Logical unit name . . . . . . BUCKS                                 +
JES node name . . . . . . . . C001
Default unit name . . . . . . SYSDA       (Generic disk unit)
Default volume serial . . . .
ChangeMan ZMF delay file . . . CMNTP.S6.V810T06.CMNZMF.CMNDELAY
Ser#parm . . . . . . . . . . . CMNTP.SER810.C6.TCPIPORT
Prd staging model dsname . . . CMNTP.S6.????.STG6.#######
Prd staging model zFS . . . . /cmntp/s6/????/#######/d              +
Transmission vehicle . . . . . IEBCOPY (IEBCOPY or Other)
Time difference . . . . . . . +0000 (+/- HHMM)
IP address or DNS name . . . . +
Port . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Site job statement information:
 //             CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X

This example shows the Prd staging model zFS path for a remote site, where the path is different from the Dev model zFS name on the Global Parameters - Part 7 of 8 panel (CMNGGP07).

CMNGRST2                SERT6P1 Site Information - Part 2 of 2
Command ===>

ChangeMan ZMF subsytem id . . 7
Logical unit name . . . . . . BUCKS                           +
JES node name . . . . . . . . C001
Default unit name . . . . . . SYSDA     (Generic disk unit)
Default volume serial . . . .
ChangeMan ZMF delay file . . . CMNTP.S7.V810.CMNZMF.CMNDELAY
Ser#parm . . . . . . . . . . . CMNTP.SER810.C6.TCPIPORT
Prd staging model dsname . . . CMNTP.S7.????.STG7P1.#######
Prd staging model zFS . . . . /cmntp/s6/????/#######/p1       +
Transmission vehicle . . . . . IEBCOPY (IEBCOPY or Other)
Time difference . . . . . . . +0000 (+/- HHMM)
IP address or DNS name . . . .                                +
Port . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Site job statement information:
 //             CLASS=A,MSGCLASS=X

Global and Application Library Types

Define like-source, like-load, and like-PDS library types for your Java components in global and application library types. This application - Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel (CMNCLLT0) from a Java-only application shows the relationship between like-source and like-load Java library types.

CMNCLLT0           JZFS - Library Types Part 1 of 2          Row 1 to 11 of 11
Command ===>                                                Scroll ===> CSR

     Lib                                  Order   Lke   Seq  Defer  Target Sel
     type Description                   +                           type   Opt
 ___ HTH zFS resident HTML                0       P     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ JAR Java Archives                    0       L     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ JCF Java Class files                 0       L     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ JCL Execution JCL                    0       P     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ JCT Java JAR Build Control           0       S     ___  Y      JAR    ___
 ___ JVL zFS - JAVA executable class      0       L     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ JVS zFS - JAVA source type           0       S     ___  Y      JVL    ___
 ___ JVT zFS - text type                  0       P     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ LSH zFS Listings                     0       P     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ WAR Java Web Archives                0       L     ___  Y      ___    ___
 ___ WCT Java WAR Build Control           0       S     ___  Y      WAR    ___
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************



In some cases, library type definitions for Java components may not be intuitive because a component must be defined as like-source to initiate a build process, and the output of a build process must be defined as like-load so a source-to-load relationship can be recorded. How the library types in this example work in Java build processing is explained in Working With Java.

The global and application Library Types Part 2 of 2 panels (CMNCLLT1) generally look like this with only Data Set Type specified in Staging Dataset Attributes.

CMNCLLT1            JZFS - Library Types Part 2 of 2
Command ===>

Library type: HTH  -  zFS resident HTML
Like value:   P     Defer value:     Y

Staging dataset attributes:
 Generic unit name . . . . . . _________ (Generic group name or unit)
 Volume serial . . . . . . . . _________ (Required if generic unspecified)
 Space units . . . . . . . . . _________ (trk, cyl or blk)
 Primary quantity . . . . . .  _________ (In above units)
 Secondary quantity . . . . .  _________ (In above units)
 Directory blocks . . . . . .
 Record format . . . . . . . .
 Record length . . . . . . . .
 Block size . . . . . . . . .
 Data set type . . . . . . . . ZFS       (library, pds, zfs or blank)
 Extended attributes . . . . .           (no, opt or blank)
 Save staging versions . . . . ALWAYS    (always/none/prompt)

Enter "/" to select option:
 __ Checkout component description
 __ Checkout component activity file   Library type . . . . __



Staging Versions may be enabled for any text component, which includes zFS library types HTH, JCT, JAV, and WCT in the example provided here.

Global and Application Language and Compile Procedures

These are the only two language/procedure combinations required for Java.

CMNCLPRC              JZFS - Compile Procedures               Row 1 to 2 of 2
Command ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR

     Language  Procedure    Description                         Order
 ___ JAVA      CMNJAR       Create Java archive                   0
 ___ JAVA      CMNJAVA      Stage Java source                     0
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Define the JAVA language and the procedures shown here on the global and application Language Names and Compile Procedures panels.

Application Baseline Libraries

On the application - Baseline Configuration Part 1 of 2 panel (CMNCBAS1), specify a Baseline Storage Means of H for all Java baseline repositories. Prior versions of baselined Java components are full copies, not delta decks.

CMNCBAS1       JZFS - Baseline Configuration Part 1 of 2     Row 1 to 10 of 10
Command ===>                                                Scroll ===> CSR

                     Install    storage
     Type   Levels   in prod    means
  __ HTH    3        N          H
  __ JAR    3        Y          H
  __ JCF    3        N          H
  __ JCT    3        N          H
  __ JVL    2        N          H
  __ JVS    2        N          H
  __ JVT    2        N          H
  __ LSH    3        Y          H
  __ WAR    3        Y          H
  __ WCT    3        N          H
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************


In the example shown here, only executable library types JAR and WAR are installed in production execution libraries (directories), along with build listings in library type LSH to provide a diagnostic reference in case of a production problem.

On the application - Baseline Configuration Part 1 of 2 panel (CMNCBAS1), type line command S by a library type to display the application - Baseline Configuration Part 2 of 2 panel (CMNCBAS2) where you allocate new baseline paths and directories or verify existing directories.

CMNCBAS2       JZFS - Baseline Configuration Part 2 of 2      Row 1 to 2 of 2
Command ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR

   Library type:         JVS
   Levels maintained:    2
   Storage means:        zFS

    Lvl     Dataset name +                              Status
 __ -000    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/base/jvs/lvl-0
 __ -001    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/base/jvs/lvl-1
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************



JAR and WAR build processing uses path names to collect files to be included. Exercise care when defining directory paths for baseline and promotion libraries. The following naming structure is common for MVS baseline libraries, but it would result in -1 and -2 level libraries being included in JAR or WAR builds.

-000 /cmntp/s4/v710/base/jzfs/jav
-001 /cmntp/s4/v710/base/jzfs/jav/lvl-1
-002 /cmntp/s4/v710/base/jzfs/jav/lvl-2


On the application - Baseline Configuration Part 1 of 2 panel (CMNCBAS2), type line command A next to a path name to create the path.

CMNCBAS2       JZFS - Baseline Configuration Part 2 of 2       Row 1 to 2 of 2
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

 Library type:        JVS
 Levels maintained:   2
 Storage means:       zFS

    Lvl    Dataset name +                                    Status
 __ -000   /cmntp/s6/jzfs/base/jvs/lvl-0                     *Allocated
 A  -001   /cmntp/s6/jzfs/base/jvs/lcl-1
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************



When you allocate an zFS baseline path and directory from the application – Baseline Configuration Part 2 of 2 panel, there is no additional panel for library attributes as there is for PDS(E) library allocations.

On the application - Baseline Configuration Part 1 of 2 panel (CMNCBAS2), type line command V next to a path name to verify the path and display the zFS Information panel if the path exists.

CMNCBAS2        JZFS - Baseline Configuration Part 2 of 2      Row 1 to 2 of 2
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

 Library type:       JVS
 Levels maintained:  2
 Storage means:      zFS

     Lvl     Dataset name +                        Status
 ___ -000    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/base/jvs/lvl-0         *Verified
  V  -001    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/base/jvs/lcl-1
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
CMNDAIH              ZFS Information
Command ===>

Pathname . . . /cmntp/s6/jzfs/base/jvs/lvl-2 +

Permissions .  755
File size . .  00008192
File owner . . SERT
Group owner .  CMNTP
Created . . .  2015-03-22 21:25:49
Modified . . . 2015-03-22 21:25:49
Accessed . . . 2015-03-22 21:25:49
Link count . . 00002 

Application Production Libraries

On the application - site Production Libraries panel (CMNCPRDL), specify paths for zFS components that you want copied to production execution libraries at package installation.

CMNCPRDL            JZFS - SERT6 Production Libraries         Row 5 to 7 of 7
Command ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR

       Type   Production   dataset name     +
              Temporary dataset name        +
              Backup dataset name           +
   ___ JVS    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prod/jvs
   ___ JVT    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prod/jvt
   ___ JVL    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prod/jvl
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************



zFS components cannot be included in a temporary package. The Temporary Dataset Name is just a placeholder to satisfy ISPF panel edits.

Application Promotion Libraries

On the application/site – Promotion Libraries panel (CMNLRPM3), specify paths for test libraries you want to populate from staging directories.

CMNLRPM3         JZFS/SERT6 - Promotion Libraries         Row 3 to 8 of 8
Command ===>                                             Scroll ===> CSR

Promotion name:  S6P1UT         Level:  10

     Lib  exclude   Target libraries
  __ JVS     N      /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prom10/jvs                   + Shadow
                    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prom10/jvs                   + Library 1
                                                                + Library 2
                                                                + Library 3
 __ JVT      N      /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prom10/jvt                   + Shadow
                    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prom10/jvt                   + Library 1
                                                                + Library 2
                                                                + Library 3
 __ JVL      N      /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prom10/jvl                   + Shadow
                    /cmntp/s6/jzfs/prom10/jvl                   + Library 1
                                                                + Library 2
                                                                + Library 3 


Deploy Java Applications To WebSphere

ChangeMan ZMF can build a Java Web Application (EAR file) and deploy it to WebSphere on a z/OS system. Deployment means that the application is delivered to a location accessible to WebSphere, and a post-processing task uses published WebSphere APIs to refresh the running application.

ISPF file tailoring of ZMF skeleton CMNJAR generates batch job JCL to create JAR/WAR/

EAR files. Standard ZMF promotion, install, and backout skeletons deliver EAR files to a WebSphere accessible location (typically the webapps folder). Three skeletons create JCL for post-processing of delivered EAR files:

  • CMN$$WSP imbedded in promotion skeleton CMN$$PRO

  • CMN$$WSI imbedded in install skeleton CMN20

  • CMN$$WSB imbedded in backout skeleton CMN50

CMN$$WSP, CMN$$WSI and CMN$$WSB call WebSphere scripting APIs to refresh the application being updated. These skeletons must be customized for each environment to set variables for each application/libtype. The following table lists the variables that must be customized in each of these skeletons. Most of these values can be obtained from your WebSphere Application Server administrator.

Variable Description
WSHOST WebSphere HOST System - The host where WebSphere is located
WSPORT WebSphere SOAP port - The WebSphere SOAP port
WSUSER WebSphere Administrative ID
WSPASS WebSphere Administrative id password
WSSERVER WebSphere Server - The WebSphere server name where the application is located
WSNODE Websphere Node - The WebSphere Node name where the application is located
WSAPPL WebSphere Application - The WebSphere application name
WSSCRIPT Jython Script file to execute - The script file to execute. The default is zmfws.jy. The path to this file also must be updated.


Also, the following details must be configured in each skeleton:

  • Configure path to wsadmin - The path to the WebSphere wsadmin tool.

  • Add component in CMN$$WSI - Component names must be added for the install skeleton.