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Dataset Management

Serena XML lets you work directly with z/OS datasets and members on the mainframe. Partitioned datasets (PDS and PDS/E), ISPF files, and baseline members in stacked reverse delta (SRD) format are supported. Tasks are provided to create, delete, or list a dataset, dataset member, or dataset directory on the host system.

The syntax that identifies a dataset management message in Serena XML appears in the name attribute of the <service> tag, as follows:

<service name="DSS">

z/OS Unix Hierarchical File System (HFS) files are not supported by these services. DB2 database tables and IMS database files are likewise not supported.

Services to manage z/OS Unix Hierarchical File System (HFS) files are discussed in Hierarchical File System Services.

Database files and tables managed under IMS or DB2 are discussed in Database Management.