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Package Search and Summary Tasks

Serena XML supports several types of multi-package queries and statistical analysis for general use. These are:

  • General Package Search - PACKAGE GENERAL SEARCH

  • Search for Limbo Packages - PACKAGE LIMBO SEARCH

  • Search for Packages Pending Approval - PACKAGE APPROVE SEARCH

  • Search for Linked Packages - PACKAGE PKG_LINK SEARCH

  • Package Summary Statistics - PACKAGE SERVICE SUMMARY

A general package search retrieves comprehensive information about one or more packages listed in the package master on the queried LPAR. Only one ChangeMan ZMF instance is included in the scope of this function. Limbo packages are also outside the scope of this function.

The Serena XML service/scope/message tags and attributes for messages to search for any package are:

<service name="PACKAGE">
<scope name="GENERAL">
<message name="SEARCH">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


General package search criteria can include any of the following options:

  • Semicolon-delimited name lists and/or wildcard patterns for package names, component names, user IDs, and work change request IDs.

  • Yes/no flag tag sets for desired package level, type, status, and scheduler.

  • Standalone yes/no flag tags for packages pending completion, packages with deleted staging libraries, packages checked into a release, packages linked to other packages, and the like.

  • Date range criteria for lifecycle state history such as date frozen, date promoted, date approved, date installed, and date baselined. Date ranges need not include an end-ofrange date if all packages after the given start date are desired in the results.

  • Selective package search criteria for packages that share a common install site, requestor department, approval entity, audit return code, package master record type, component library type, online form number, complex/super package name, linked package name, or release name.

  • String search for words in the package title.

The following example shows two of these options used in combination, it requests a list of packages that begin with ACTP, that are also in the Approval Pending state.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="PACKAGE">
    <scope name="GENERAL">
        <message name="SEARCH">

Details of the Serena XML general package search <request> data structure appear in Exhibit 6-1.

Exhibit 6-1. PACKAGE GENERAL SEARCH <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<approvalEntity> Optional 0 - 1 String (8) TSO user ID of approval entity.
<auditLockUserid> Optional 0 - 1 String (8) TSO user ID that locked package for audit.
<auditReturnCode> Optional 0 - 1 String (2), variable Return code issued by package audit function. Values:
00 = No major errors found
04 = Errors found, fix suggested
08 = Major errors found
12 = Possibly fatal errors found
<complexSuperPackage> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable ZMF name of complex or super package to which a participating package belongs. NOTE: Returned only if value in <packageLevel> = 4.
<component> Optional 0 - 1 String (256), variable ZMF component names in package.
NOTE: A maximum of 25 names may be specified, delimited by semicolons. The total length of the <component> subtag may not exceed 256 bytes. Each component name may be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard. If components are PDS members, each member name is max 8 bytes, no qualifiers. If components are HFS files, each component has Unix-style long file name, optionally prefixed by path from installation root. Each name may have a maximum of 64 bytes, but the total length of the <component> subtag may not exceed 256 bytes.
<componentType> Optional 0 - 1 String (3) ZMF component type in package.
<creator> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable One or more 8-byte TSO user IDs for package creators, delimited by semicolons.
NOTE: Each creator ID in list may be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<formNumber> Optional 0 - 1 String (3) ZMF online form number in package.
<lastPromoter> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable TSO user ID of most recent promoter/ demoter of desired package(s).
<lastPromotionLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (2), variable Most recent numeric promotion level of package in promotion hierarchy.
<lastPromotionName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Name corresponding to code in <lastPromotionLevel>.
<lastPromotionSite> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable ZMF name of site where most recent promotion action took place.
<linkPackage> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable One or more ZMF link package name(s) of up to 10 bytes each, delimited by semicolons.
NOTE: Each package name in list may be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<linkRequestor> Optional 0 - 1 String (20), variable Link requestor.
<package> Required 0 - 1 String (255), variable One or more ZMF package name(s) of up to 10 bytes each, delimited by semicolons.
NOTE: Each package name in list may be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<packageTitle> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable Exact search words for text search in package working title.
<release> Optional; ZMF with ERO only 0 - 1 String (255) Name of release to which desired packages are attached.
<requestorDept> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable Workgroup or department code for desired packages.
<requestorName> Optional 0 - 1 String (25), variable Name of developer or contact person responsible for current work status of package(s) in motion.
<requestorPhone> Optional 0 - 1 String (15), variable Phone number of developer or contact person responsible for current work status of package(s) in motion.
<searchForApprovalPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include approval pending pkgs
N = omit approval pending pkgs
<searchForApprovedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include approved packages
N = omit approved packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForAuditPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include audit pending pkgs
N = omit audit pending pkgs
<searchForBackedOutStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include backed out pkgs
N = No, omit backed out pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForBackoutPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include backout pending pkgs
N = omit backout pending pkgs
<searchForBaselineStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include baselined pkgs
N = No, omit baselined pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForBuildXNodePending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include build xnode pending pkgs
N = omit build xnode pending pkgs
<searchForClosedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include closed packages
N = No, omit closed packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForCmnScheduler> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find packages that use ChangeMan scheduler
N = No, omit ChangeMan scheduler
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForComplexLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include complex packages
N = No, omit complex packages
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package level is included, default value is "N".
<searchForCustComponents> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages with custom comp.
N = omit packages with custom comp.
<searchForDeletedStageLib> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find deleted staging libs
N = No, omit deleted staging libs
<searchForDeletedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include deleted packages
N = No, omit deleted packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
NOTE: In the context of this service, "delivered" means "distributed."
Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include distributed pkgs
N = No, omit distributed pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForDevelopmentStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include development pkgs
N = No, omit development pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForDistributionPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages that are distribution pending.
N = omit packages that are distribution pending.
<searchForFreezePending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages that are freeze pending
N = omit packages that are freeze pending
<searchForFrozenStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include frozen packages
N = No, omit frozen packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForInstallPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages that are install pending
N = omit packages that are install pending
<searchForInstalledStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include installed packages
N = No, omit installed packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForLinkedPackage> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find linked packages
N = No, omit linked packages
<searchForLoadComponents> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Find load components
N = Omit load components
<searchForManualScheduler> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find packages that require manual installation
N = No, omit manual install packages
NOTE: Part of package scheduler tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package scheduler are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package scheduler is included, default value is "N".
<searchForNonSource Components> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find packages with non source components
N = No, omit packages with non source components
<searchForOpenedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include opened packages
N = No, omit opened packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForOtherScheduler> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find packages that used 3rd-party installation scheduler
N = No, omit packages that use 3rd-party scheduler
NOTE: Part of package scheduler tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package scheduler are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package scheduler is included, default value is "N".
<searchForPackageCheckedIntoRelease> Optional, with ERO only 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find packages checked into a release area.
N = No, omit packages checked into a release area.
<searchForPartLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include participating pkgs
N = No, omit participating pkgs
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package level is included, default value is "N".
<searchForPlannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include planned perm pkgs
N = No, omit planned perm pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchForPlannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include planned temp pkgs
N = No, omit planned temp pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchForPostApprovalPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Find post approval pending pkgs
N = Omit post approval pending pkgs
<searchForPostApproversAdded> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find packages with newly added post-approvers
N = No, omit packages with newly added post-approvers
<searchForPostRejected> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages rejected in post approval
N = omit packages rejected in post approval
<searchForRecordType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Search all staging libraries for a specific record type in the package master. Values:
4 = Source or non-source
5 = Load component
6 = Non-source component
7 = Online forms or custom comp
8 = Rename utility component
9 = Scratch utility component
A = Source component
B = Utility component
<searchForRejectedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include rejected packages
N = No, omit rejected packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForRenameComponents> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages with renamed components
N = omit packages with renamed components
<searchForRevertPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Find revert pending pkgs
N = Omit revert pending pkgs
<searchForScratchComponents> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages with scratched components
N = omit packages with scratched components
<searchForShortApproverListUsed> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages using short approver list
N = omit packages using short approver list
<searchForSimpleLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include simple packages
N = No, omit simple packages
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package level is included, default value is "N".
<searchForSourceComponents> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = find packages with source components
N = omit packages with source components
<searchForSsvDeleted> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, find deleted saved staging versions
N = No, omit deleted saved staging versions
<searchForSuperLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include super packages
N = No, omit super packages
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is “Y”. If any yes/no filter tag for package level.
<searchForTempChangeCycledStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include TCC packages
N = No, omit TCC packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/ no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForUnplannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include unplanned perm
N = No, omit unplanned perm pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchForUnplannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include unplanned temp pkg
N = No, omit unplanned temp pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchForXNodeBuildRequired> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include build xnode required pkgs
N = omit build xnode required pkgs
<searchFromDateApproved> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of approval dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages approved on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateApproved> tag.
<searchFromDateBackedOut> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of backout dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages backed out on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateBackedOut>.
<searchFromDateBaselined> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of baselined dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages baselined on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateBaselined> tag.
<searchFromDateCreated> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of creation dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages created on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateCreated> tag.
<searchFromDateFrozen> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of freeze dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages frozen on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateFrozen> tag.
<searchFromDateInstalled> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of install dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages installed on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateInstalled> tag.
NOTE: Invalid with complex or super packages.
<searchFromDateRejected> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of rejection dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages rejected on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateRejected> tag.
<searchFromDateReverted> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of revert dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages reverted on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateReverted> tag.
<searchToDateApproved> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of approval dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages approved before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateApproved> tag.
<searchToDateBackedOut> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of backout dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages backed out before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateBackedOut>
<searchToDateBaselined> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of baseline dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages baselined before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateBaselined> tag.
<searchToDateCreated> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of creation dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages created before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateCreated> tag.
<searchToDateFrozen> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of freeze dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages frozen before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateFrozen> tag.
<searchToDateInstalled> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of install dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages installed before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateInstalled> tag.
NOTE: Invalid with complex or super packages.
<searchToDateRejected> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of rejection dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages rejected before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateRejected> tag.
<searchToDateReverted> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of revert dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages reverted before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateReverted> tag.
<siteName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Name of site where desired packages reside.
<sourceLinkIpAddress> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable String of masked link package URLs.
<sourceLinkPortid> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Link package port number.
<stager> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable One or more 8-byte TSO user IDs for package version stagers, delimited by semicolons.
NOTE: Each stager ID in list may be masked by asterisk (*) wildcard.
<tempChangeDuration> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (3) Number of days for temporary package to remain in production before automatic deletion.
<workChangeRequest> Optional 0 - 1 String (12), variable Work order ID or change request number for desired packages.


The Serena XML reply message to a general package search request returns zero to many <result> tags. Each <result> tag contains detailed information about any packages found that satisfied the search criteria in the request.

A standard <response> data structure always follows the <result> tags, if any, to indicate the overall success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher. As the last data element returned in a reply message, the <response> tag also serves as an end-of-list indicator.

An example Serena XML reply to a general package search request follows. Data structure details for the <result> tag appear after the example in Exhibit 6-2.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="PACKAGE">
    <scope name="GENERAL">
        <message name="SEARCH">
                <packageTitle>TURNOVER 17 IVP NEW CMNIAU00</packageTitle>
                <statusMessage>CMN8600I - The Package search list is complete.</ statusMessage>
                <statusReturnCode>00</statusReturnCode> <statusReasonCode>8600</statusReasonCode>

Exhibit 6-2. PACKAGE GENERAL SEARCH <reply> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable ZMF application name for packages to include in statistics.
NOTE: May be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<approvalEntity> Optional 0 - 1 String (8) TSO user ID of approval entity.
<auditLockUserid> Optional 0 - 1 String (8) TSO user ID that locked package for audit.
<auditReturnCode> Optional 0 - 1 String (2), variable Return code issued by package audit function. Values:
00 = No major errors found
04 = Errors found, fix suggested
08 = Major errors found
12 = Possibly fatal errors found
<complexSuperPackage> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable ZMF name of complex or super package to which a participating package belongs. NOTE: Returned only if value in <packageLevel> = 4.
<creator> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable TSO user IDs for package creators.
<dateApproved> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package approved.
<dateBackedOut> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package backed out.
<dateBaselined> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package baselined.
<dateCreated> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package created.
<dateDelivered> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date distributed.
<dateFrozen> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package frozen.
<dateInstalled> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package actually installed.
NOTE: This is the actual install date, not the scheduled install date. The latter appears in the <installDate> tag.
<dateReceived> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package received at remote site.
<dateRejected> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package rejected.
<dateReverted> Optional 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package reverted.
<isApprovalPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y =package approval outstanding
N = package approval not outstanding
<isAuditPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y =package audit outstanding
N = package audit not outstanding
<isBuildXNodePending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = build xnode outstanding
N = build xnode not outstanding
<isCmnSchedulerUsed> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = CMN scheduling
N = Non CMN scheduling
<isFreezePending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = package freeze outstanding
N = package freeze not outstanding
<isInstallPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = package install outstanding
N = package install not outstanding
<isManualSchedulerUsed> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Manual scheduling
N = No manual scheduling
<isOtherSchedulerUsed> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Other scheduling
N = No other scheduling
<isPackageLinked> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, linked to remote pkg
N = No, not linked to remote pkg
<isPostApprovalPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = post approval pending pkg
N = non post approval pending pkg
<isPostApproversAdded> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, post-approver list added
N = No, list not added
<isPostRejected> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, package post-rejected
N = No, not post-rejected
<isRevertPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = revert pending pkg
N = non revert pending pkg
<isShortApproverListUsed> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, post-approver list has emergency approvers only
N = No, not using emergency list of package approvers
<isStageLibDeleted> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, staging library deleted
N = No, staging lib not deleted
<isXNodeBuildRequired> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = build xnode required pkg
N = non build xnode required pkgs
<lastPromoter> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable TSO user ID of most recent promoter/ demoter.
<lastPromotionLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (2), variable Previous numeric promotion level of package in promotion hierarchy.
<lastPromotionName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Name corresponding to level code in <lastPromotionLevel>.
<lastPromotionSite> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Site name where most recent promotion action took place.
<package> Required 1 String (10), fixed Fixed-format ZMF package name.
<packageCheckedIntoRelease> Optional, ZMF with ERO only 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, checked into release
N = No, not checked into release
<packageId> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), fixed ZMF package number, zero-filled.
<packageLevel> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (1) Code for package complexity level. Values:
1 = Simple package
2 = Complex package
3 = Super package
4 = Participating package
NOTE: If value = 4, the complex or super package in which this package participates is named in <complexSuperPackage>.
<packageStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Code for status of package in change lifecycle. Values:
1 = Approved
2 = Backed out
3 = Baselined
4 = Complex/super pkg closed
5 = Deleted (memo delete)
6 = Development
7 = Distributed
8 = Frozen
9 = Installed
A = Complex/super pkg open
B = Rejected
C = Temporary change cycle completed
K = Release package blocked
<packageTitle> Optional 0 - 1 String (72), variable Working title of package.
<packageType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Package install type code. Values:
1 = Planned permanent
2 = Planned temporary
3 = Unplanned permanent
4 = Unplanned temporary
<releaseArea> Optional, ZMF with ERO only 0 - 1 String (8) Name of starting release area for release package check-in.
<releaseJoinedDate> Optional, ZMF with ERO only 0 - 1 Date (8), yyyymmdd Date package joined release.
<releaseJoinedTime> Optional, ZMF with ERO only 0 - 1 Time (8), hhmmss Time package joined release, 24-hour format.
<requestorDept> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable Workgroup or department code associated with package.
<requestorName> Optional 0 - 1 String (25), variable Name of developer or contact person responsible for package.
<requestorPhone> Optional 0 - 1 String (15), variable Phone of developer or contact person responsible for package.
<siteName> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Name of development site where package resides.
<tempChangeDuration> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (3) Number of days for temporary package to remain in production before automatic deletion.
<workChangeRequest> Optional 0 - 1 String (12), variable Work order ID or change request number for package.

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a message to search for limbo packages are:

<service name="PACKAGE">
<scope name="LIMBO">
<message name="SEARCH">

These tags appear in both request and reply messages.


The <request> data structure for a limbo package search request is identical to that for a general package search (Exhibit 6-1). The <scope> attribute limits the scope of what would otherwise be a general search, so that only packages in limbo appear in the results.

This service uses the following subset of tags used by the package general search service.



The <result> data structure for a limbo package search request is also identical to that for a general package search (Exhibit 6-2). The Serena XML reply message to a limbo package search request returns zero to many <result> tags, each of which contains information about one limbo package that also satisfied your search criteria. If no such packages are found, no <result> tag is returned.

A standard <response> data structure always follows the <result> tags, if any, to indicate the overall success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher. As the last data element returned in a reply message, the <response> tag also serves as an end-of-list indicator.

A search for packages pending approval retrieves comprehensive information about all packages in the "pending approval" state for a specified application.

The Serena XML service/scope/message tags and attributes for messages to search for packages pending approval are:

<service name="PACKAGE">
<scope name="APPROVE">
<message name="SEARCH">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.


A request to search for pending packages for an application contains one subtag and is defined in Exhibit 6-3.

Exhibit 6-3. PACKAGE APPROVE SEARCH <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Required 1 String (4), variable ZMF application name.


The Serena XML reply message to a Package Approve Search request returns zero to many <result> tags. Each <result> tag contains detailed information about each package found that is pending approval for the requested application. Data structure details for the <result> tag are identical to those for a general package search (see Exhibit 6-2).

A standard <response> data structure always follows the <result> tags, if any, to indicate the overall success or failure of the request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher. As the last data element returned in a reply message, the <response> tag also serves as an end-of-list indicator.

Serena XML provides a means to search for packages on remote LPARs or non-mainframe servers that are linked (via external software) to an explicitly named ChangeMan ZMF package on the local mainframe LPAR.

The Serena XML service/scope/message tags and attributes for messages to search for linked packages are:

<service name="PACKAGE">
<scope name="PKG_LINK">
<message name="SEARCH">

These tags appear in both requests and replies.

Serena XML supports the following linked package search options:

  • Semicolon-delimited name lists and/or wildcard patterns for package names, linked package names, and IP addresses.

  • Yes/no flag tag sets for desired package level, type, and status.

  • Standalone yes/no flag tag for packages pending approval.

  • Date range criteria for date installed.

  • Selective package search criteria for packages that share a common approval entity or for specific linked package information (such as package name, requestor, IP address, and port ID).

The following example shows how you might code a request to search for all remote, linked packages for a named local package using Serena XML.


<?xml version="1.0"?> 
<service name="PACKAGE">
    <scope name="PKG_LINK">
        <message name="SEARCH">

Data structure details for the linked package search <request> tag appear in Exhibit 6-4.

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<approvalEntity> Optional 0 - 1 String (8) TSO user ID of approval entity.
<linkPackage> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable Name of a linked package on remote server. Package naming conventions are those of remote system.
NOTE: May be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<linkRequestor> Optional 0 - 1 String (20), variable Name or TSO user ID of package link requestor.
<package> Required 0 - 1 String (255), variable One or more ZMF package name(s) of up to 10 bytes each, delimited by semicolons.
NOTE: Each package name in list may be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<searchForApprovalPending> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include approval pending pkgs
N = omit approval pending pkgs
<searchForApprovedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = include approved packages
N = omit approved packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForBackedOutStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include backed out pkgs
N = No, omit backed out pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForBaselineStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include baselined pkgs
N = No, omit baselined pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForClosedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include closed packages
N = No, omit closed packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForComplexLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include complex packages
N = No, omit complex packages
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package level is included, default value is "N".
<searchForDeletedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include deleted packages
N = No, omit deleted packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
NOTE: In the context of this service, "delivered" means "distributed."
Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include distributed pkgs
N = No, omit distributed pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForDevelopmentStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include development pkgs
N = No, omit development pkgs
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForFrozenStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include frozen packages
N = No, omit frozen packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForInstalledStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include installed packages
N = No, omit installed packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForOpenedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include opened packages
N = No, omit opened packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForPartLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include participating pkgs
N = No, omit participating pkgs
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package level is included, default value is "N".
<searchForPlannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include planned perm pkgs
N = No, omit planned perm pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchForPlannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include planned temp pkgs
N = No, omit planned temp pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchForRejectedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include rejected packages
N = No, omit rejected packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForSimpleLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include simple packages
N = No, omit simple packages
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package level is included, default value is "N".
<searchForSuperLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include super packages
N = No, omit super packages
NOTE: Part of package level tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package level are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package level is included, default value is "N".
<searchForTempChangeCycledStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include TCC packages
N = No, omit TCC packages
NOTE: Part of package status tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package status are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package status is included, default value is "N".
<searchForUnplannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include unplanned perm
N = No, omit unplanned perm pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchForUnplannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include unplanned temp pkg
N = No, omit unplanned temp pkgs
NOTE: Part of package type tag group. If all yes/no filter tags for package type are omitted from request, default value is "Y". If any yes/no filter tag for package type is included, default value is "N".
<searchFromDateInstalled> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Starting date in desired range of install dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages installed on or after this date if not paired with <searchToDateInstalled> tag.
NOTE: Invalid with complex or super packages.
<searchToDateInstalled> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Ending date in desired range of install dates for package(s).
NOTE: Returns all packages installed before or on this date if not paired with <searchfromDateInstalled> tag.
NOTE: Invalid with complex or super packages.
<sourceLinkIpAddress> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable Network IP address for remote server where linked package resides.
NOTE: May be masked using asterisk () wildcard.
NOTE:* ZMF stores address as provided by external link management software. May contain server name known to that software instead of an IP address.
<sourceLinkPortid> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Network port ID for remote server where linked package resides.

The linked package search reply contains zero to many <result> tags. Each <result> contains information about a package on the local LPAR that is linked to at least one remote package with the requested characteristics. Remote package information, such as link package name, requestor, and IP address are included, as they are stored in the package master records for the local package. Information such as package level, type, and status pertain to the local package, not the linked remote package(s).

A standard <response> data structure follows the <result> tags, if any, to indicate the success or failure of the search request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher. As the last data element returned in a Serena XML reply message, the <response> tag serves as an end-of-list marker.

An example reply to a linked package search request follows.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="PACKAGE">
    <scope name="PKG_LINK">
        <message name="SEARCH">
                <statusMessage>CMN8600I - The Package search list is complete.</statusMessage>

Data structure details for the linked package search <result> tag appear in Exhibit 6-5.

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable ZMF application name. Same as first 4 bytes of <package>.
<installDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Planned install date for local package.
<linkControlCodePage> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), fixed Link code page.
<linkDateStamp> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable Name(s) of one or more linked package(s) on remote server, delimited by semicolons. Naming conventions are those of remote system.
<linkRequestor> Optional 0 - 1 String (20), variable Name or TSO user ID of package link requestor.
<linkTimeStamp> Optional 0 - 1 Time, hhmmss Link time.
<package> Optional 0 - 1 String (10), fixed ZMF fixed-format package name for local package.
<packageId> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (6), fixed ZMF package ID number. Same as last 6 bytes of <package>.
<packageLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Code for package level of local package. Values:
1 = Simple package
2 = Complex package
3 = Super package
4 = Participating package
<packageStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Code for status of local package. Values:
1 = Approved
2 = Backed out
3 = Baselined
4 = Complex/super pkg closed
5 = Deleted (memo delete)
6 = Development
7 = Distributed
8 = Frozen
9 = Installed
A = Complex/super pkg open
B = Rejected
C = Temporary change cycle completed
K = Release package blocked
<packageType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Code for package install type of local package. Values:
1 = Planned permanent
2 = Planned temporary
3 = Unplanned permanent
4 = Unplanned temporary
<sourceLinkIpAddress> Optional 0 - 1 String (255), variable Network IP address for remote server where linked package resides.
NOTE: ZMF stores address as provided by external link management software. May contain server name known to that software instead of an IP address.
<sourceLinkPortid> Optional 0 - 1 String (8), variable Network port ID for remote server where linked package resides.

Package Summary Statistics - PACKAGE SERVICE SUMMARY

The Serena XML service/scope/message names for a request to calculate package summary statistics are:

<service name="PACKAGE">
<scope name="SERVICE">
<message name="SUMMARY">

These tags appear in both request and reply messages.


A package summary statistics request obtains a count of the packages on the local Changeman ZMF server that conform to your search criteria. Subtotals by package level, package type, package status, and other categories are provided along with a total package count. You can request package counts by application, by release, by requestor department, by planned install date rate, and by a variety of yes/no flag tags.

An example of how you might code a Serena XML request for a package summary statistics report follows. Data structure details for the <request> tag appear in Exhibit 6-6.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="PACKAGE">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="SUMMARY">


Exhibit 6-6. PACKAGE SERVICE SUMMARY <request> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable ZMF application name for packages to include in statistics.
NOTE: May be masked using asterisk (*) wildcard.
<filterApprovedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include approved pkgs
N = No, omit approved pkgs
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterBackedOutStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include backed out pkgs
N = No, omit backed out pkgs
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterBaselineStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include baselined pkgs
N = No, omit baselined pkgs
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterClosedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include closed packages
N = No, omit closed packages
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterComplexLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include complex packages
N = No, omit complex packages
NOTE: Part of level tag group. If no level filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any level filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterDeletedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include deleted packages
N = No, omit deleted packages
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterDeliveredStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include delivered pkgs
N = No, omit delivered pkgs
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterDevelopmentStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include development pkgs
N = No, omit development pkgs
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterFrozenStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include frozen packages
N = No, omit frozen packages
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterInstalledStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include installed packages
N = No, omit installed packages
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterOpenedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include opened packages
N = No, omit opened packages
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterPartLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include participating pkgs
N = No, omit participating pkgs
NOTE: Part of level tag group. If no level filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any level filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterPlannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include planned perm pkgs
N = No, omit planned perm pkgs
NOTE: Part of type tag group. If no type filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any type filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterPlannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include planned temp pkgs
N = No, omit planned temp pkgs
NOTE: Part of type tag group. If no type filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any type filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterRejectedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include rejected packages
N = No, omit rejected packages
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterSimpleLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include simple packages
N = No, omit simple packages
NOTE: Part of level tag group. If no level filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any level filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterSuperLevel> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include super packages
N = No, omit super packages
NOTE: Part of level tag group. If no level filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any level filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterTempChangeCycled Status> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include TCC packages
N = No, omit TCC packages
NOTE: Part of status tag group. If no status filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any status filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterUnplannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include unplanned perm
N = No, omit unplanned perm pkgs
NOTE: Part of type tag group. If no type filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any type filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<filterUnplannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 String (1) Y = Yes, include unplanned temp
N = No, omit unplanned temp pkgs
NOTE: Part of type tag group. If no type filter tags appear in request, default value is "Y". If any type filter tag appears in request, default value is "N".
<fromInstallDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd Start of range for planned install date of packages to include.
NOTE: Does not apply to complex or super packages.
<release> Optional; ZMF with ERO only 0 - 1 String (8), variable Name of release with which packages are associated.
<requestorDept> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable Workgroup or department code associated with package.
<toInstallDate> Optional 0 - 1 Date, yyyymmdd End of range for planned install date of packages to include.
NOTE: Does not apply to complex or super packages.
<workChangeRequest> Optional 0 - 1 String (12), variable Work order ID or change request number for package.


A maximum of one <result> tag appears in a package summary statistics reply. It contains counts of the packages that meet your search criteria. Subtotals for level, type, and status should each add up to the grand total provided in the <packageTotalCount> tag.


If you do not identify a specific requestor department, work change request, install date range, or release name in your request message, package subtotals cannot be calculated for these items. The related <result> subtags will be omitted from the reply.

A standard <response> data structure follows the <result> tag, if any, to indicate the success or failure of the package summary statistics request. Successful requests have a return code of 00. Unsuccessful requests have a return code of 04 or higher.

An example Serena XML reply message for a package summary statistics request appears below. Data structure details for the <result> tag follow in Exhibit 6-7.



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<service name="PACKAGE">
    <scope name="SERVICE">
        <message name="SUMMARY">

Exhibit 6-7. PACKAGE SERVICE SUMMARY <reply> Data Structure

Subtag Use Occurs Data Type & Length Values & Dependencies
<applName> Optional 0 - 1 String (4), variable ZMF application name for packages summarized.
<packageTotalCount> Optional 1 Integer (5), variable Count of all packages that meet search criteria.
<releaseTotals> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of packages in named release that also meet other search criteria.
NOTE: Value returned only if release specified in XML request.
<totalsByApprovedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of approved packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByBackedOutStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of backed out packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByBaselineStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of baselined packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByClosedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of closed packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByComplexLevel> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of complex packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of level tag group. Sum of level tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByDeletedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of deleted packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByDeliveredStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of delivered packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByDept> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of packages for named department that also meet other search criteria.
NOTE: Returned only if department specified in XML request.
<totalsByDevelopment Status> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of packages in development that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByFrozenStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of frozen packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByInstallDate> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of packages with planned install dates within named date range and that also meet other search criteria.
NOTE: Returned only if install date range included in XML request.
<totalsByInstalledStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of installed packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByLevel> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of simple packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of level tag group. Sum of level tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByOpenedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of opened packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByPartLevel> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of participating packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of level tag group. Sum of level tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByPlannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of planned permanent packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of type tag group. Sum of type tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByPlannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of planned temporary packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of type tag group. Sum of type tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByReasonCode> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of packages that meet search criteria.
<totalsByRejectedStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of rejected packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsBySimpleLevel> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of simple packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of level tag group. Sum of level tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Totals by status.
<totalsBySuperLevel> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of super packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of level tag group. Sum of level tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByTempChangeCycledStatus> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of temporary packages that have cycled past their automatic uninstall date & meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of status tag group. Sum of status tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByType> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Totals by type.
<totalsByUnplannedPermType> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of unplanned permanent packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of type tag group. Sum of type tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByUnplannedTempType> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of unplanned temporary packages that meet search criteria.
NOTE: Part of type tag group. Sum of type tag subtotals should equal <packageTotalCount>.
<totalsByWorkChangeRequest> Optional 0 - 1 Integer (5), variable Count of packages for specified work change request that also meet other search criteria.
NOTE: Returned only if work change request number specified in XML request.