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Generating ChangeMan ZMF Batch Reports

This section provides instructions for requesting ChangeMan ZMF general batch reports online and manually submitting batch reporting jobs.

Submitting Batch Report Jobs Online

Follow these steps to run batch reports from global administration. (The same steps apply to application administration.)

  1. On the Define/Generate Batch Reports panel (CMNREPT0), select option 2 Reports. The Generate Batch Reports panel (CMNREPT3) is displayed.


    CMNREPT3                      Generate Batch Reports 
    Command ===>______________________________________________________________
    Job Statement Information: 
        //        CLASS=A, 
        //        NOTIFY=USER015, 
        //        MSGCLASS=X


    In local administration, the Generate Application application Batch Reports panel (CMNREPT4) is displayed for jobcard details, then after pressing Enter you will see the Report Selection List panel (CMNREPT6).

  2. Supply appropriate JOB statements to be used when the selected report is submitted for execution and press Enter. The Report Selection List panel (CMNREPT6) is displayed. All reports that you have defined in the global administration report definition process described in Defining General Batch Reports will appear on this panel. (If you are accessing this panel in application administration, only the reports defined for the target application appear on the list.)


    CMNREPT6              Report Selection List              Row 1 to 24 of 24 
    Command ===> ____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR 
    Release id . . . . . . . . . ________
    Release area . . . . . . . . ________
    Application mnemonic . . . . * 
    Package Number . . . . . . . ________
    Report Variable  . . . . . . ___________________________________________ + 
    Date range: from . . . . . . ________   (yyyymmdd) 
                to . . . . . . . ________   (yyyymmdd)  
    Enter "/" to select option   
    _ Extended Report   
    _ Mixed Case     
      Id  Report Description 
    _ 010 Summary of Planned and Unplanned Packages   
    _ 050 Installed Package History Report   
    _ 060 Installed Simple Package History Report   
    _ 070 Package Staging Versions Report 
    _ 080 Package Component Content 
    _ 500 Package Information Report   
    _ 700 ERO release configuration and status report   
    _ 710 ERO Release contents report   
    _ 720 ERO Release package report   
    _ 730 ERO Release component history report   
    _ 740 ERO Release area discrepancy report   
    _ 910 Packages Using the CMN Scheduler   
    _ 950 Report of Delinquent Packages   
    _ 970 Packages Pending Approval by Application 
    *************************** Bottom of data ******************************* 

    The following table describes the fields on the Report Selection List panel (CMNREPT6).

    Field Description
    Report selection field Enter S to select one or more reports. Enter D to "de-select" a report that you have selected in error.
    Application Mnemonic (optional) Four byte application name, can be masked with '*'. Blank assumes '*'. The following reports cannot be filtered by application - CMN900, CMN980, CMN990, CMN992.
    Package Number (optional) ● Six byte package number, can be masked with '*'. Blank assumes '*'.
    ● If application is masked this field is ignored.
    ● The following reports cannot be filtered by package - CMN010, CMN100, CMN240, CMN920, CMN930, CMN940, and CMN960.
    Report Variable (optional) It is only used currently for the following reports, and is ignored for all others. Maximum length is 50 bytes.
    ● CMN110 - Work request (up to 12 bytes)
    ● CMN180 - component name (up to 8 bytes for ZMF, or 50 bytes for zFS)
    ● CMN185 - component name (up to 8 bytes for ZMF, or 50 bytes for zFS)
    ● CMN900 - component name (up to 8 bytes for ZMF, or 50 bytes for zFS)
    ● CMN960 - component name (up to 8 bytes for ZMF, or 50 bytes for zFS)
    ● CMN980 - site name (up to 8 bytes)
    Can be masked with '*', blank assumes '*'.
    Report Date Range From and To (optional) Enter a range of inclusive dates for the report(s). If these fields are left blank, defaults are 19600101 for From date, and today for To date.
    The following reports cannot be filtered by date.
    CMN010, CMN100, CMN240, CMN900, CMN920, CMN930, CMN940, CMN960, CMN980, CMN990, and CMN992.
    Extended Report (optional) This will append an 'E' to the selected report if one exists. It expands component names to 256 bytes, and dataset names to 1024 bytes.
    This option should be used when managing zFS components. The following reports have an extended equivalent.
    CMN070, CMN080, CMN100, CMN170, CMN180, CMN200, CMN210, CMN400, CMN500, CMN710, CMN730, CMN740, CMN900, CMN940, CMN960, CMN965.
    Mixed Case By default, all fields are folded to upper case. However, if 'Mixed Case' option is selected then the report variable field is left as is. Whichever case you enter will then be processed.
    Report ID The report identification number is displayed for each report.
    Report Description A concise descriptive name is displayed for each report.


  3. To run the selected report or reports, press PF3 or type End on the Command line and press Enter.

Manually Submitting a Batch Report Job

Instead of submitting ChangeMan ZMF report jobs online through the ISPF interface, you can submit your own batch job outside of ChangeMan ZMF to generate a report.

  1. Customize the REPORTS member of the CNTL library according to the JCL comments:

    • Provide a valid JOB statement.

    • Specify the appropriate filter fields and variable for the specified report.

    • Specify the appropriate library names in job DD statements.

  2. Submit the JCL.


The ChangeMan ZMF ISPF client does not have to be running, but the started task does. The batch job connects directly to the SERNET started task.

Viewing Report Output


This has changed dcb characteristics.

Report output is written to DDname SYSTSPRT, which is defined with attributes RECFM=VBA and LRECL=2044 so a BLKSIZE=2048. The first character of each report record is a print control character. In the JCL thus:


If you request multiple reports in the same job, each report is executed in a separate job step that is named REPnnn, where nnn is the report number.

Use a facility such as the Spool Display and Search Facility (SDSF) to view report output online.

Running Reports Against Backup Data

Sample job REPORTS can be run with package master and component master backup data if four DD statements are added:

  • CMNPMAST - VSAM file in the same format as the package master attached to the started task.

  • CMNCMPNT - VSAM in the same format as the component master attached to the started task.

  • CMNCMPNL - VSAM in the same format as the long name component master attached to the started task.

  • MAPDATA - Sequential file created by sample job XMLLOAD when the XMLSPACE file is created.


Not all reports may be run when the instance is down, SERXMLRC does not support all services in "offline" mode and therefore does not fully support all XML reports in "offline" mode. These include the 100, 180, 185, 900, 920, 930, 960 and 990 reports.

Sample JCL for running ChangeMan ZMF reports when the ZMF instance is down:


//USER015A JOB (X170,374),'S6.V820',
//JOBLIB   DD DISP=SHR,                             * Custom Load
//         DD DISP=SHR,                             * Custom Load
//         DD DISP=SHR,                             * Vendor Load
//            DSN=CMNTP.S8.V820.CMNZMF.LOAD
//         DD DISP=SHR,                             * Vendor Load
//            DSN=CMNTP.S8.V820.SERCOMC.LOAD
// PARM='CMN050 * 4 USER015 . .'
//SYSEXEC DD DISP=SHR,                              * Custom Prod
//         DD DISP=SHR,                             * Vendor Prod
//            DSN=CMNTP.S8.V820.CMNZMF.REX
//         DD DISP=SHR,                             * Vendor Prod
//            DSN=CMNTP.S8.V820.SERCOMC.CEXEC
//CMNPMAST DD DISP=SHR,                             * Package Master



//            DSN=CMNTP.S8.V820.CMNZMF.CMNPMAST,
//            AMP=('STRNO=255,BUFND=255,BUFNI=66')
//CMNCMPNT DD DISP=SHR,                             * Short name
//            DSN=CMNTP.S8.V820.CMNZMF.CMNCMPNT,
//            AMP=('STRNO=255,BUFND=255,BUFNI=66')  * component master
//CMNCMPNL DD DISP=SHR,                             * Long name
//            DSN=CMNTP.S8.V820.CMNZMF.CMNCMPNL,
//            AMP=('STRNO=255,BUFND=255,BUFNI=66')  * component master
//MAPDATA DD DISP=SHR,                              * MAPDATA


The XML MAPDATA dataset is the same as that used by XMLSERV.

Notes on Batch Report Job JCL

Note the following regarding JCL that is file tailored from ZMF skeleton CMN$$RPT when you initiate a ZMF report online or when you manually submit a batch reporting job modeled on CMNZMF CNTL member REPORTS:

  • REXX report programs are located in the library concatenation at the SYSEXEC DD statement. The source for ZMF REXX report programs is shipped. If you use the REXX compiler at your installation, you can compile the delivered source into a CEXEC library and add that library to the SYSEXEC DD concatenation.

  • You always need a SER#PARM DD statement to locate the ZMF instance to which you want to connect.

  • TCP/IP is used for communication across address spaces when a report is run. TCP/IP messages are written to SYSPRINT.

  • Diagnostic messages are written to SERPRINT.

  • Report output is written to SYSTSPRT.

  • If an abend should occur when you are running a report, information about the abend is written to SYSABEND.