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About Package Audit

Package audit uses information in the package master, component master, and the impact analysis data space to validate the integrity of package components. A package must pass audit before it can be installed. Your ChangeMan ZMF administrator determines the level of level of audit flexibility that is allowed for packages to pass. Audit results are displayed in the Audit Report.

Package audit verifies the synchronization of each package component with other versions of the component in baseline libraries, promotion libraries, and participating packages.

Audit checks the synchronization of components contained within components, such as subprograms in statically linked load modules and copybooks included in compiled source. Audit enforces other rules such as designated compile procedures, and it ensures that package components have not been changed by tools outside of ChangeMan ZMF.

These are examples of errors that audit is intended to catch before package installation:

  • You modify a copybook in your package after you compile a source component that references it.

  • Someone else installs a change to a subprogram after you link edit a composite load that includes the baseline version of the subprogram NCAL load.

  • You compile a program that includes a copybook in your package, then you delete the copybook from your package.

  • You check a component out but do not stage it.

  • You check out and stage a component, but you make no changes.

    The auto resolve facility of package audit automatically submits restage, recompile, and relink jobs to resolve synchronization problems detected by audit.


The audit return code is also written to the Activity Log. Select Activity Log Code 50 to display this information.