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Update Application Administration

Add library types, a language and procedure for SQL stored procedures, baseline libraries, and production libraries to all applications where you want to manage Db2 components.

In any particular application, you only need application administration entries for the kinds of components you want to manage in that application.


Libraries containing stored procedure load modules must be PDSE. This includes staging, promotion, baseline, and production libraries. If stored procedure load libraries are defined as PDS, a link edit for stage, recompile, or relink of the stored procedure may fail with message IEW2606S.

Add Application Library Types for Db2

Follow these steps to add global library type definitions in each application with components managed by the Db2 Option:

  1. From anywhere in the ChangeMan ZMF ISPF client, type =A.A.2 on the Command or Option line and press Enter to display the application - Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel.

  2. Follow the instructions in the ChangeMan ZMF Administrator Guide to copy global library type definitions into the application - Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel. See the Db2 library types in this example:


    CMNCLLT0             ACTP - Library Types Part 1 of 2         Row 1 to 28 of 28
    Command ===> _________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
         Lib                                         Order Lke Seq Defer Target Sel
         type Description                          +                     type   Opt
         CPY  Copybooks                              0      C  001   Y
         CP2  Copybooks for Utilities                0      C  002   Y
         CTC  Control Statements                     0      P        Y
         DBB  Db2 BIND PLAN Commands                 0      P  001   Y           D
         DBR  Db2 DBRM                               0      P  001   Y           D
         JVS  HFS - JAVA source type                 0      S        Y    JVL
         JVT  HFS - text type                        0      p        Y
         LCT  Linkedit Control Cards                 0      P        Y
         PKG  Db2 Bind Package Commands              0      P        Y           D
         PRC  Cataloged Procedures                   0      P        Y           D
         SDB  Db2 Program Source                     0      S   003  Y    LDB
         SPD  Db2 Stored Proc Definitions - Non-SQL  0      P        Y           D
         SPN  Db2 Stored Proc Source - Native SQL    0      P        Y           D
         SPQ  Db2 Stored Proc Source - SQL Language  0      p        Y    STL    D
         SRC  Source for Programs to be Linked Exec  0      S        Y    LOD 
         SRS  Source for subprograms to be Linked N  0      S        Y    LOS
         STL  Db2 Stored Proc Load Modules           0      L        Y           D
         STP  Db2 Stored Prod Source - External Lan  0      S        Y    STL    D
         TRG  Db2 Trigger Definitions                0      P        Y           D
         TST  Test Library type                      0      p        Y
         UDF  Db2 User-Defined Function Definitions  0      P        Y           D
     ****************************** Bottom of data *********************************          
  3. Type S on the line command for the new application library types to display the application - Library Types Part 2 of 2 panel. Note that to fully support native SQL SPs generated by Data Studio, you need to use VB and LRECL 255 records.

    1. Adjust the parameters from the global definition to fit the application, if necessary.

    2. For libraries containing stored procedure load modules, the Data Set Type field should be LIBRARY (PDSE).

  4. Exit the application - Library Types panels and save your changes.

Add Application Language and Procedure for External SQL SPs

This is an optional step, only required if you need to continue to support External SQL SPs.

Follow these steps to add a language and procedure for External SQL stored procedures to every application that will manage those components.

  1. From anywhere in the ChangeMan ZMF ISPF client, type =A.A.3 on the Command or Option line and press Enter. The application - Language Names panel is displayed.

  2. Follow the instructions in the ChangeMan ZMF Administrator Guide to copy the global language name for SQL started procedures into the application - Language Names panel CMNCLLNG.

    Language SQL is used in this example.

    CMNCLLNG                ACTP - Language Names               Row 1 to 8 of 8
    Command ===> _______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
         Language Order
         ASM      0
         COBOL    0
         COBOLE   0
         COBOL2   0
         JAVA     0
         PLI      0
         PLIE     0
         SQL      0
    ***************************** Bottom of data ******************************      
  3. Exit the application - Language Names panel and save your changes.

  4. From anywhere in the ChangeMan ZMF ISPF client, type =A.A.4 on the Command or Option line and press Enter. The application - Compile Procedures panel is displayed.

  5. Follow the instructions in the ChangeMan ZMF Administrator Guide to copy the global compile procedure for SQL started procedures into the application - Compile Procedures panel.

    CMNCLPRC             ACTP - Compile Procedures            Row 1 to 10 of 10
    Command ===> _____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
         Language  Procedure  Description                                 Order
         ASM       CMNASM     Stage Assembler Source                        0
         C         CMNCEE     C build procedure                             0
         COBOLE    CMNCOBE    Stage IBM Enterprise COBOL source             0
         COBOL2    CMNCOB2    COBOL2 source                                 0
         COBOL2    CMNCO2OB   COBOL2 source to object                       0
         JAVA      CMNJAR     Create Java archive                           0
         JAVA      CMNJAVA    Stage Java source                             0
         PLI       CMNPLI     Stage PL/I Source                             0
         PLIE      CMNPLIE    Stage Enterprise PL/I source                  0
         SQL       CMNSQL     Translate, compile, and link SQL Stored Proc  0               
    ****************************** Bottom of data *****************************
  6. Exit the application - Compile Procedures panel and save your changes.

Add Baseline Libraries for Db2 Components

Add baseline libraries for each library type you added for Db2 components in this application.

  1. From anywhere in the ChangeMan ZMF ISPF client, type =A.A.B on the Command or Option line and press Enter. The application - Baseline Configuration Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

  2. Follow the instructions in the ChangeMan ZMF Administrator Guide to insert a baseline library type row and specify a baseline library description for each kind of Db2 component you will manage in this application.

    See the baseline configuration for Db2 library types in this example:

    CMNCBAS1      ACTP - Baseline Configuration Part 1 of 2   Row 1 to 34 of 34
    Command ===> _____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
                          Install    storage
         Type   Levels    in prod    means 
         CPY      10         N       SD
         CP2      10         N       SD
         CTC      10         Y       SD
         DBB      10         Y       SD
         DBR      3          Y       SD
         DOC      10         N       SD
         HTH      3          N       H
         JAR      3          Y       H
         JCF      3          N       H
         JCL      10         Y       SD
         JCT      3          N       H
         JVL      2          Y       H
         JVS      2          Y       H
         JVT      2          Y       H
         LCT      10         N       SD
         LOD      3          Y       P
         LOS      3          N       P
         LSH      3          N       H
         LST      3          N       P
         OBJ      10         N       SD
         PKG      10         Y       SD
         PRC      10         Y       SD
         SPD      10         Y       SD
         SPN      10         Y       SD
         SPQ      10         Y       SD
         SRC      10         N       SD
         SRS      10         N       SD
         STL      3          Y       P
         STP      10         N       SD
         TRG      10         Y       SD
         TST      10         N       SD
         UDF      10         Y       SD
         WAR      3          Y       H
         WCT      3          N       H
    ****************************** Bottom of data *****************************
  3. Type S on the Line Command for each new library type row to display the application - Baseline Configuration Part 2 of 2 panel.

    1. Follow the instructions in the ChangeMan ZMF Administrator Guide to verify existing libraries that you will use as baseline libraries or to allocate new libraries.

    2. Ensure that the Data Set Type field for libraries containing stored procedure load modules is LIBRARY (PDSE).

    See the baseline libraries for Db2 library type DBB in this example:

    CMNCBAS2     ACTP - Baseline Configuration Part 2 of 2      Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===> _____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
         Library type:        DBB
         Levels maintained:   10
         Storage means:       Stacked Reverse Delta
         Lvl Dataset name      +                                Status
         0   CMNTP.S6.V810.BASE.ACTP.DBB                        *Verified
         009 CMNTP.S6.V810.BASE.ACTP.DBB.DELTA                  *Verified
    **************************** Bottom of data *******************************
  4. Exit the application - Baseline Configuration panels and save your changes.

Add Production Libraries for Db2 Components

If you specified Y in Install in Production in a baseline configuration for a Db2 component type, you must define production libraries for that library type.

  1. From anywhere in the ChangeMan ZMF ISPF client, type =A.A.P on the Command or Option line and press Enter. The application - Production Libraries panel CMNCPRDL is displayed.

  2. Follow the instructions in the ChangeMan ZMF Administrator Guide to insert a production library type and specify a set of production libraries for each type.


    Temporary installs for stored procedures, user defined functions, and triggers are not supported. For these library types, type NULLFULE in the second production library line.

    See the production libraries in this example for one Db2 bind control library type and one user defined function library type.

    CMNCPRDL         ACTP - SERT6 Production Libraries        Row 8 to 16 of 16
    Command ===> _____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
         Type Production dataset name     +
              Temporary dataset name      +
              Backup dataset name         +
         DBB  CMNTP.S6.V810.PROD.DBB
         UDF  CMNTP.S6.V810.PROD.UDF
    **************************** Bottom of data *******************************
  3. Exit the application - Production Libraries panel and save your changes.