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Defining Library Types And Staging Library Attributes

A library type definition sets processing rules for the components stored under that library type. The definition also sets the data set attributes for the package stage library that is allocated for the library type. The Application Administrator defines the library types in each application.

Application library types are copied from global library type definitions. Only library types defined in global administration can be defined in an application. However, an application does not have to contain all of the library types defined in global administration, and application library types copied from global administration can be modified.

Defining Library Types for a New Application

Perform these steps to define the library types for a new application.

  1. On the Update Application Administration Options panel, type 2 on the Option line and press Enter. The application - Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNCLLT0          DEMX - Library Types Part 1 of 2         Row 1 to 7 of 7 
    Command ===> ____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
         Lib                                    Order Lke Seq Defer Target Sel 
         type Description                     +                     type   Opt 
    ____ CLS  CLIST                             0     C   ___   Y    ___   __
    ____ JCL  JCL Library Type                  0     P   ___   Y    ___   __
    ____ LCT  Linkedit Control Cards            0     P   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    ____ LST  Listing                           0     P   ___   Y    ___   __  
    ____ NCL  NCAL subroutine load library      0     N   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    ____ OBJ  Object module library             0     O   ___   Y    ___   __
    ____ PKG  Db2 Bind Package Commands         0     P   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    **************************** Bottom of data *******************************
    The following table describes the fields on the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Line Command Type a line command to the left of a panel row.
    S - Select to see the next panel for this library type.
    I - Insert a blank library type row.
    R - Repeat an existing library type row.
    D - Delete an existing library type row.
    * - Display a selection list of available library types.
    Lib type Enter a three-character library type. The following library types are defined by ChangeMan ZMF and are reserved, and if used, they must have the following attributes:
    CPY - Copylib - RECFM=F/FB, LRECL=80
    CTC - Control Cards - RECFM=F/FB, LRECL=80
    DOC Documentation - RECFM=F/FB/V/VB
    JCL - Job Control Language - RECFM=F/FB, LRECL=80
    LCT - Link Edit Control - RECFM=F/FB, LRECL=80
    LOD - Load Modules - RECFM=U, LRECL=0
    LST - Compressed listings - RECFM=F/FB, LRECL=80, BLKSIZE=23440
    PRC - Procedures - RECFM=F/FB, LRECL=80 SRC Source Code - RECFM=F/FB, LRECL=80
    Description Enter free-form text describing the library type.
    Order Enter a number to determine the order in which this list is displayed to users by default. Valid values are 0 to 65535. The display order option must be enabled in application parameters for the display order number to take effect.
    Lke If you choose to create library types other than those designated by ChangeMan ZMF, indicate how they should be processed as follows:
    S - like-SRC: staging is done in batch and the library type must have an associated load library type.
    C - like-CPY: staging is done online and the library type will be concatenated where ever CMN$$SYC is used and the library type allocated.
    L - like-LOD: staging is done in batch and may be concatenated in the CMN$$SYL skeleton wherever used and the library type allocated.
    N - like-NCAL: staging is done in batch and will be concatenated in the CMN$$SYL skeleton wherever used and the library type allocated.
    O - like-Object: staging is done in batch and will be concatenated in the CMN$$SYL skeleton wherever used and the library type allocated.
    P - allocated like any PDS: users may specify the RECFM and BLKSIZE required. Staging is done online, checkout in batch OR online.
    Blank - creates an 'Other' library type: staging and checkout are done in batch only - for which skeletons must be file-tailored. 'Other' library types are displayed in the Query and Unfreeze functions with the Source and Load Components. Skeleton names to be associated with an 'other' type must be in the following format: CMN$$XXX (where XXX is the library type).
    Seq This column is applicable to like-copy and like-load library types only. Enter a value between 001 and 255. To remove a sequence number blank out this field. The library sequence number determines the syslib concatenation for copybook and link library datasets in the stage, relink and recompile JCL generated when components are submitted for build. There are no other restrictions on sequence numbers, you may duplicate numbers and use the same sequence numbering for like-copy and like-load library types if you wish. Any unsequenced library types will be sorted to the top of the concatenation lists. The package staging libraries, promotion and baseline libraries are sorted by library sequence number when the build JCL is created. If the library sequence number is not defined, the libraries are placed in random sequence (in the order they appear in the Package records.)
    Defer Y - To allow users to defer allocation of the staging library until a component of that type is actually staged or checked out.
    N - To require allocation of the library at the time the change package is created.
    Target type For SRC or Like-SRC library types, enter the load library type where the binder will stage the executable module created by the build process.
    Sel Opt This indicates that the library type has a selectable option attached to its definition. By removing the selectable option from this panel you will remove any associated selectable option information. You can associate a selectable option from here if you are licensed for that option, but you must go to the selectable option to define the associated data for the library type.
    D=Db2 Option
    I=IMS Option


  2. When the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel is first displayed for a new application, all of the library types defined on the Global Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel display. The definitions displayed on this panel are the same as those in global administration.

  3. If a library type is not needed for this application, type D (Delete) in the line command for the library type on the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel and press Enter. The library type is deleted.

  4. To add a library type to the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel that you previously deleted:

    1. Type I (Insert) in the line command above where you want to insert the library type and press Enter. An empty library type entry is inserted on the panel.

    2. Type * in the line command for the empty library type definition and press Enter. The Global Library Type Selection List panel is displayed.

      CMNGLTPL       Global Library Type Selection List      Row 1 to 7 of 7 
      Command ===> ________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
      _ Lib Description
      _ CLS CLIST
      _ JCL JCL Library Type
      _ LCT Linkedit Control Cards
      _ LST Listing
      _ NCL NCAL subroutine load library
      _ OBJ Object module library
      _ PKG Db2 Bind Package Commands
      *************************** Bottom of data *******************************


    3. On the Global Library Type Selection List panel, type S in the line command for any global library type that you want to add at the insert point on the Application Library Type Part 1 of 2 panel. You may select multiple library types, but you can not scroll down to select global library types from multiple pages of the Global Library Type Selection List at one time.

    4. Press Enter to return to the Application Library Type Part 1 of 2 panel, where the new library types have been added at the insertion point.

  5. There is a second panel for each library type that defines additional processing rules and the staging library attributes for a library type. Type S in the line command for a library type and press Enter. The Application Library Types Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNCLLT1 DEMX -         Library Types Part 2 of 2 
    Command ===> _____________________________________________________________
    Library type: CLS - CLIST 
    Like value:   C    Defer value:     Y 
    Staging dataset attributes:  
     Management class . . . . . . ________ (Blank for default management class)  
     Storage class  . . . . . . . ________ (Blank for default storage class)   
     Generic unit name  . . . . . SYSDA    (Generic group name or unit)  
     Volume serial  . . . . . . . ________ (Required if generic unspecified)  
     Space units  . . . . . . . . TRK      (trk, cyl or blk)  
     Primary quantity . . . . . . 3        (In above units) 
     Secondary quantity . . . . . 1        (In above units)  
     Directory blocks . . . . . . 5 
     Record format  . . . . . . . FB   
     Record length  . . . . . . . 80   
     Block size . . . . . . . . . 27920  
     Data set type  . . . . . . . PDS      (library, pds, zfs or blank)  
     Data set version . . . . . . ________ (pdse version)   
     Extended attributes  . . . . ________ (no, opt or blank) 
     Save staging versions  . . . NONE     (always/none/prompt) 
    Enter "/" to select option:  
     _ Checkout component description  
     _ Checkout component activity file     Library type . . . .
    The following table describes the fields on the Application Library Type Part 2 of 2 panel.

    Field Description
    Library Type (read only) The type of being specified (as defined to ChangeMan ZMF) and description in free-form text describing the type.
    Like value (read only) Indicates what the type will be staged "like" (e.g. PDS, SRC, etc.).
    Defer value (read only) Indicates whether the staging dataset allocation will occur upon creation ('N'), or if ChangeMan ZMF will wait until the dataset is needed.
    Management class Enter the management class for SMS managed dataset allocation. Leave blank for default class.
    Storage class Enter the storage class for SMS managed dataset allocation. Leave blank for default class.
    Generic unit name Enter the generic unit device name (e.g. 'SYSDA') for allocating staging datasets.
    Volume serial Enter a specific volume. This is required only if Generic unit name is blank.
    Space units Enter a valid unit for space, as follows:
    TRK - Allocate space in tracks.
    CYL - Allocate space in cylinders.
    BLK - Allocate space in blocks.
    Primary quantity Secondary quantity Directory blocks Enter the primary, secondary, and directory block allocations for the staging datasets. These are considered MINIMUM allocations, and will be increased automatically (dynamically reallocated) by ChangeMan ZMF if larger dataset sizes are necessary. The dataset's actual size is passed to ChangeMan ZMF ISPF skeletons; any unused space is freed at Freeze time.
    Record format Type the appropriate record format for this library type. Valid values include:
    F, FA, FB, FBA, FBM, FM, FS, V, VA, VB, VBA, VBM, VM, U
    F - Fixed length records
    V - Variable length records
    U - Undefined format records
    B - Blocked records
    S - Standard blocks
    A - ASA printer control characters
    M - Machine code printer control characters
    Record length Type the logical record length for components in this library type.
    Block size Type the staging library block size for this library type. Type 0 to let SMS calculate the best block size for the storage device.
    Data set type Leave blank for PDS staging library, or type one of the following:
    LIBRARY - By specifying dataset type of LIBRARY, a Partitioned Data Set Extended (PDSE) will be allocated. Except for BLKSIZE, all other DCB attributes will be ignored.
    zFS - zFS directory
    PDSE - PDS library
    Data set version For a PDSE you can enforce version 1, version 2, or allow the system default to be taken.
    Extended attributes NO - Data set cannot have extended attributes or reside in EAS.
    OPT - Data set can have extended attributes and reside in EAS.
    blank - Use default based on data type.
    Save staging versions This value dictates whether prior versions of a component in a change package are saved when a component is updated in the staging. This value may be restricted by global administration types. This value has no effect if this facility is not installed. Prior versions can be displayed and acted upon using the Version Control function within the package Staging and Query functions.
    ALWAYS - Prior versions are always saved for this type.
    NONE - Prior versions are not saved for this type.
    PROMPT - Prior versions are saved for this type except when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
    - The component in staging is being replaced - not deleted.
    - The userid associated with the component already in staging is the same as the user about to replace it.
    - The user requests that the prior version is not saved.

    The prompt option allows a user to make a single logical change to a component over multiple checkout, stage and edit sessions without saving the versions from each session.
    Checkout component description Component Descriptions are initially entered on the Application Administrator Component panels. Selecting this option will make the component description available for update when a user checks out a component of this type. Omit to prevent description update.
    Checkout component activity file This optional file, a free-form record of a component's activity, is maintained as a separate component within a package. When a component is checked out, its Activity File will automatically be checked out with it; users can then update activity records. Select to activate this feature, omit to disable.
    Component activity file type If the option is selected for CHECKOUT COMPONENT ACTIVITY FILE, enter the type (3 characters) that will contain the Activity File for this component. Each component type can have its own Activity File, which must be defined as a type, with Baseline and (if necessary for this component) Promotion and Production libs. The component activity file type cannot be the same as the component’s source file type.
    NOTE: Establish Activity Files as LIKE PDS in Part 1 of 2.


    When this panel is first displayed for a library type in a new application, the fields on the panel are the same as the fields on the Global Library Types Part 2 of 2 panel for the library type.


    You may adjust the values displayed on the Application Library Types Part 2 of 2 to fit the needs of the application you are defining. Library type standardization does not need to include the attributes and rules displayed on this panel.

  6. When you finish updating fields on the Application Library Type Part 2 of 2 panel, press END/PF3 to return to the Application Library Types 1 of 2 panel.

  7. When you finish creating library type definitions on the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel, press PF3 or type End and press Enter to store the application library type definitions in the package master file.

Updating Application Library Types

Perform these steps to update application library type definitions.

  1. On the Update Application Administration Options panel, type 2 on the Option line and press Enter. The Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNCLLT0          DEMX - Library Types Part 1 of 2         Row 1 to 7 of 7 
    Command ===> ____________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
         Lib                                    Order Lke Seq Defer Target Sel 
         type Description                     +                     type   Opt 
    ____ CLS  CLIST                             0     C   ___   Y    ___   __
    ____ JCL  JCL Library Type                  0     P   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    ____ LCT Linkedit Control Cards             0     P   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    ____ LST Listing                            0     P   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    ____ NCL NCAL subroutine load library       0     N   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    ____ OBJ Object module library              0     O   ___   Y    ___   __ 
    ____ PKG Db2 Bind Package Commands          0     P   ___   Y    ___   __
    **************************** Bottom of data *******************************\*

    See the table above that describes fields on this panel.

  2. To delete a library type from the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel, type D (Delete) in the line command for the library type and press Enter.

  3. To add a library type to the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel:

    1. Type I (Insert) in the line command above where you want to insert the library type and press Enter. An empty library type entry is inserted on the panel.

    2. Type * in the line command for the empty library type definition and press Enter. The Global Library Type Selection List panel is displayed.

      CMNGLTPL       Global Library Type Selection List      Row 1 to 7 of 7 
      Command ===> ________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
      _ Lib Description
      _ CLS CLIST
      _ JCL JCL Library Type
      _ LCT Linkedit Control Cards
      _ LST Listing
      _ NCL NCAL subroutine load library
      _ OBJ Object module library
      _ PKG Db2 Bind Package Commands
      **************************** Bottom of data *******************************\*
    3. On the Global Library Type Selection List panel, type S in the line command for any global library type that you want to add at the insert point on the Application Library Type Part 1 of 2 panel. You may select multiple library types, but you can not scroll down to select global library types from multiple pages of the Global Library Type Selection List at one time. d. Press Enter to return to the Application Library Type Part 1 of 2 panel, where the new library types have been added at the insertion point.

  4. To update additional processing rules or the staging library attributes for a library type, type S in the line command for the library type on the Application Library Types Part 1 of 2 panel. The Application Library Types Part 2 of 2 panel is displayed.

    CMNCLLT1                  DEMX - Library Types Part 2 of 2 
    Command ===> ______________________________________________________________
    Library type: CLS - CLIST 
    Like value:   C    Defer value:     Y 
    Staging dataset attributes:  
     Management class . . . . . . ________ (Blank for default management class)  
     Storage class  . . . . . . . ________ (Blank for default storage class)   
      Generic unit name . . . . . SYSDA    (Generic group name or unit)  
      Volume serial . . . . . . . ________ (Required if generic unspecified)  
     Space units  . . . . . . . . TRK      (trk, cyl or blk)  
     Primary quantity . . . . . . 3        (In above units) 
     Secondary quantity . . . . . 1        (In above units)  
     Directory blocks . . . . . . 5 
     Record format  . . . . . . . FB   
     Record length  . . . . . . . 80   
     Block size . . . . . . . . . 27920  
     Data set type  . . . . . . . PDS      (library, pds, zfs or blank)  
     Data set version . . . . . . ________ (pdse version)   
     Extended attributes  . . . . ________ (no, opt or blank) 
     Save staging versions  . . . NONE     (always/none/prompt) 
    Enter "/" to select option:  
     _ Checkout component description  
     _ Checkout component activity file     Library type . . . .


    See the table above that describes fields on this panel.


    You can adjust the values displayed on the Application Library Types Part 2 of 2 to fit the needs of the application you are defining. Library type standardization does not need to include the attributes displayed on this panel.

  5. When you finish updating library type definition fields on the Application Library Type Part 2 of 2 panel, press Enter to return to the Application Library Types 1 of 2 panel.

    On the Application Library Type Part 1 of 2 panel, press PF3 or type End and press Enter to store the application library type definitions in the ChangeMan ZMF package master file.