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Demoting Packages and Components

This section describes how to demote packages and components.

Selecting A Demotion Site And Options

Follow these steps to select a demotion site and choose demote options.

  1. On the Primary Option menu, type 3 in the Option field and press Enter. The Promote/ Demote A Change Package panel is displayed.

    CMNRPM00                Promote/Demote a Change Package
    Option ===>______________________________________________
              P Promote               D Demote
        Package . . . ACTP000038 
  2. On the Promote/Demote A Change Package panel, type a Package ID, type D in the Option field, and press Enter. The Demote Site List panel is displayed.

    CMNRPM01                   DEMOTE Site List                     Row 1 to 2 of 2
    Command ===> ---------------------------------------------------Scroll ===> CSR
        Package: DEMO000182         Status: DEV     Install date: 20230120
            Demote reqd ------------- Last promotion details ------------------
     Site   prior sites   Type          Promotion Lvl  Date        Time    User
    _D001       N         Full Promote  1 D001LV1      2018/01/11  08:20   USER27
    _LOCAL      Y                       0
    ********************************* Bottom of data *******************************


    You can access the Demote Site List panel from the Change Package List by typing option DM beside a package.

    This table describes the fields on the Demote Site List panel.

    Field Description
    *package user variables Package user variables USR0101-USR0810 and USR1601- USR7205 now appear at the top of the Promote/Demote Site List (CMNRPM01) panel. (Not shown in the example above.)
    Package Displays the Package ID of the current change package
    Status Displays the current status of the change package.
    Install date Displays the date when this package is proposed for installation. (yyyymmdd).
    Site Displays the promotion site names defined for the application.
    Demote reqd prior sites Indicates the restriction on promoting to more than one site at the same time.
    • Y: A package cannot be promoted in this site until it is fully demoted in all other sites.
    • N: A package can be promoted in this site at the same time it is promoted in other sites if the Demote reqd prior sites is N for those sites also.
    Last promotion details Displays the last successful promote or demote action for this package in each site.
    Type Displays the type of action taken, if any.
    • Full Promote: The package was fully promoted.
    • Part Promote: Package components were selectively promoted.
    • 1st Promote: Package components were selectively promoted while the package was at Level 0 (not promoted).
    • Full Demote: The package was fully demoted.
    • Part Demote: Package components were selectively demoted.
    Promotion lvl Displays the numeric promotion level and the name of the last promotion or demotion target.
    Date Displays the date of the last action. (yyyymmdd)
    Time Displays the time that the last action was completed. (hh:mm)
    User Displays the TSO ID of the person who initiated the last action.
  3. On the Demote Site List panel, type an S next to the Site where you want to demote the package or components, and press Enter. The Demote Options panel is displayed.

    CMNRPM04                    Demote Options
    Option ===>______________________________________
        F Full demotion         S Selective demotion
        H Display history
         Package: ACTP000001    Status: DEV    Install date: 20171119
    Promotion site:           SERT6
    Current promotion level:  S6P1UT + 10
    Demote from level . . . . 10       (blank, * or 0 for a list)
    Schedule: date . . . . .  _______  time . . . . . . _____
    Enter "/" to select option
      / User variables        _ Suppress batch messages
    Job statement information:
       //USER015B JOB (SM-1IKF-SM),'DEMOTE',
       //* JOB TO DEMOTE 

    This table describes the fields on the Demote Options panel.

    Field Description
    Option Type a one-character code for the promotion action you want to perform:
    • F: Fully demote the change package.
    • S: Selectively demote components in the change package.
    • H: Display all promote or demote actions that were initiated for this package.
    Promotion site Displays the promotion site name selected on the previous panel.
    Current promotion level Displays the nickname and level number of the current promotion level. If STAGING + 0 is displayed, then the package is not currently promoted. NOTE Component promotion levels are not displayed here.
    Demote from level Type the promotion level from which demotion will take place. This field is preset to the current package promotion level. You can type blank, 0, or * to see a list of promotion levels available for this site in this application.
    Schedule date - The date (yyyymmdd) to demote the package or component.
    time - The time (hh:mm) to demote the package or component.
    User Variables Enter '/' to specify user variables V01 through V10 on panel CMNUSV1 to pass information to skeleton file tailoring.
    Suppress batch messages Select to broadcast a SEND message at the completion of the promotion job to tell you whether the promotion function was a success.
    Job statement information Job card information for promotion jobs that will run on the same MVS image as the user.
  4. On the Demote Options panel, type the appropriate entries and press Enter.

    1. To fully demote your package, type F in the Option field.

    2. To selectively demote components in your package, type S in the Option field.

    3. To display the promotion and demotion history of the package for this site, type H in the Option field. See Displaying Promotion/Demotion History For A Site

Full Demote

If you executed the steps above, and if you selected Option F on the Demote Options panel, ChangeMan ZMF builds full demote job JCL and submits the first job.

If the batch demotion process is successful, MVS sends a message telling you that your package was demoted and indicating the site, nickname and promotion level from which it was demoted and the date and time that the process was completed.

Selective Demote

This section assumes that you executed the steps above and that you selected Option S on the Demote Options panel.

  1. When you select Option S on the Demotion Option panel and press Enter, the following panel is displayed.

    CMNRPM05    DEMOTE FROM: SERT6 Lvl 10 (S6P1UT)                Row 1 to 10 of 10
    Command ===>                                                   Scroll ===> CSR
        Package: ACTP000038     Status: DEV       Install date: 20150218
      Name    +    Type Status   Promotion     Date       Time   User       REQUEST
    _ ACPSRCCE     LOD           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRCCE     SRC           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRCEE     LOD           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRCEE     SRC           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRC1A     LOD           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRC1A     SRC           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRC6A     LOD           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRC6A     SRC           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRC92     LOD           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    _ ACPSRC92     SRC           10 S6P1UT     2015/02/01 22:16  USER015
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    This table describes the fields on the Demote: package Components panel.

    Field Description
    Package Displays the Package ID of the current change package.
    Status Displays the current status of the change package.
    Install date Displays the date when this package is proposed for installation. (yyyymmdd).
    Name Displays the names of the package components that are ACTIVE and in a library type set up for promotion for the target promotion level.
    Type Displays the library type of the listed component.
    Status Displays the status of listed components that are currently in this package promoted.
    • Blank: Component has never been promoted in this package or has not changed since it was last promoted.
    • RESTAGED: Component was staged again in this package since it was last promoted in this package. These components are treated as if they are at promotion level 0.
    • OVERLAID: Component has been overlaid in the promotion library by another package since the last promotion in this package. These components are treated as if they are at promotion level 0.
    • DELETED: Component was promoted in this package but deleted from the package. These components will only show on the demotion list and are only eligible for demotion.
    Promotion Displays the level number and nickname of the last promotion level to which the component was promoted in this package.
    Date Displays the date when the component was last promoted in this package. (yyyymmdd)
    Time Displays the time when the component was last promoted in this package. (hh:mm)
    User Displays the userID of the person who last promoted the component in this package.
    REQUEST Displays the action requested for each listed component. Type S beside a component and press Enter to change the Request field to *SELECT*. Type D beside a selected component to change the Request back to blank.
  2. Type S beside each component you want to selectively demote.

    1. Press Enter to change the Request field to *SELECT*.

    2. Type D beside any selected component to deselect it and exclude it from selective promotion.

    3. Press PF3 or type End on the Command line and press Enter to execute the selective demote.

  3. ChangeMan ZMF builds selective demote job JCL and submits the first job.

    If the batch promotion process is successful, MVS sends a message telling you that your package was demoted and indicating the site, nickname and promotion level from which it was demoted and the date and time that the process was completed.