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Selecting Packages for Approve Functions

Follow these steps to select packages for approval functions.

  1. When you access the approve package function, you are presented first with the Approve Package Parameters panel (CMNAPPRV).


    CMNAPPRV                         Approve Package Parameters
    Command ===>______________________________________________________
    Specify selection criteria:
    Package . . . . . . . . . . ACTP000027  (Full name or pattern, blank for list)
    Approval entity name . . .              (Approvals for this security entity)
    Notified user . . . . . . .             (Packages for which user was notified)
    Work request . . . . . . .
    Department . . . . . . . .
    Site affected . . . . . . .
    Package level . . . . . . .             (1-Simple, 4-Participating)
    Package type . . . . . . .              (Planned or Unplanned)
    Package time span . . . . .             (Permanent or Temporary)
    Install date: from . . . .              (yyyymmdd)
                  to . . . . .              (yyyymmdd)
    Creation date: from . . . .             (yyyymmdd)
                   to . . . . .             (yyyymmdd)
    Enter "/" to select option
       Other parameters

    Type selection criteria on the Approve Package Parameters panel to display packages with approvals pending.

    This table describes the fields on the Approve Package Parameters panel.

    Field Description
    Package Type one of the following:
    • Package ID: Select one package regardless of any other selection criteria entered on the Approve Package Parameters panel. (You can omit leading zeros in the package number.)

      If you specify a Package ID, you can specify a package in FRZ, REJ, INS, BAS or TCC status
    • Application: Select packages in this application.
    • Package ID Pattern: Use * or ? as wildcard characters to specify Package IDs to select. See Building Lists Using Patterns.
    • blank: Select packages from all application.
    Approval entity name Type an approval entity to select.

    You can see what approval entity is associated with a package approval by querying the package, choosing Approval List, then selecting an approver. Your application administrator or security administrator will know who is associated with an approval entity in your security system.
    Notified user Type 1-8 character ID to select an approver that was notified.

    Note: You cannot select on IDs longer than 8 characters, even though some notification vehicles use longer IDs, such as e-mail addresses.
    Work request Type a work request to select. This is a 12-character free-form field.
    Department Type a department to select. This is a 4-character free-form field.
    Site affected Type a site to select package to be installed at that site.
    Package level Type a package level to select.
    • 1: Simple packages
    • 4: Participating packages
    Package type Type a package type to select.
    • PLANNED: Planned packages
    • UNPLANNED: Unplanned packages
    • Note: If you type an entry in this field, you must also type an entry in Package Time Span.
    Package time span Type a package time span to select.
    • PERM: Permanent packages
    • TEMP: Temporary packages
    • Note: If you type an entry in this field, you must also type an entry in Package Type.
    Install date: from Type the low end of a range of package install dates to select. This date is inclusive. Blank is the same as 00000000.
    Install date: to Type the high end of a range of package install dates to select. This date is inclusive. Blank is the same as 99999999.
    Creation date: from Type the low end of a range of package create dates to select. This date is inclusive. Blank is the same as 00000000.
    Creation date: to Type the high end of a range of package create dates to select. This date is inclusive. Blank is the same as 99999999.
    Other parameters Select to display the Extended Search Criteria panel where you can enter more parameters to be used to select packages for the Approve Package List.

    If you select the Other Parameters field on the Approve Package Parameters panel, the Extended Search Criteria panel (CMNQRY01) is displayed.

    CMNQRY01                      Extended Search Criteria
    Command ===>____________________________________________________
    Enter "/" to select:
      Component records      _ Nonsource    _ Source     _ Load
                             _ Rename       _ Scratch    _ Forms
      Scheduling system      _ CMN    _ Manual    _ Other
    Component type . . . .
    Component name list    (Blank, Full name or Mask separated by ;)
    Component userid list (Blank, Full name or Mask separated by ;)
    Release id list (Blank, Full name or Mask separated by ;) 

    The following table describes the fields on this panel. All field entries are optional. If you leave any field blank, all change packages in the system that satisfy the specified selection criteria are presented.

    Field Description
    Component records Select for each package component type to select.
    Scheduling system Select for each installation scheduler to select.
    Component type Type a component type or pattern to select.
    Component name list Type a list of component names or patterns to select, separated by semicolons (;). The maximum length of each component name or mask is 16 characters.
    Component userid list Type a list of TSO IDs or patterns to select who worked on a package component, separated by semicolons (;).
    Release id list Type a list of release IDs or patterns to select, separated by semicolons (;). (only appears if you are licensed for ERO).

    When you have entered your selection criteria on the Approval Package Parameters panel and the Extended Search Criteria panel, press Enter. The information you type on these panels is processed as follows:

    • Fields on these panels are combined with logical AND operators to select change packages with approvals pending. Field values within a specific field, such as COMPONENT RECORDS, are combined with logical OR operators; the results of using patterns in such fields as RELEASE ID LIST are also combined with logical OR operators.

    • Packages in APR status that are in Monitor/Limbo are also selected.

    • If you specify a specific package ID, you can select packages in FRZ, REJ, INS, BAS or TCC status.

    • All fields on these panels are optional. Blank fields are treated as select all.

    • Patterns and wildcard characters are not allowed except in the Package ID field. See Building Lists Using Patterns.

    • Package selection criteria that you type are stored and displayed the next time these panels display.

  2. If there are packages that fit your selection criteria, the Approve Package List panel (CMNAPPL1)is displayed.

    CMNAPPL1                    Approve Package List                  Row 1 to 1 of 1
    Command ===>                                                     Scroll ===> csr
       package    sta   install     lvl  type    dept   promotion    Aud     Creator
       ACTP000027 FRZ   20150228    SMPL PLN/PRM IDD    00 STAGING   00      USER015
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

    On the Approve Package List panel, you can enter one of these line commands on a package row:

    • S (Select) - Display the Approve/Reject Options menu.

    • Q (Query) - Display the Package Information panel of the query package function.

    • A (Approve) - Automatically enter all approvals that you are authorized to enter for the package.


    The A (Approve) line command does not provide the opportunity for you to see either the Approve/Reject Options menu, which offers you other options besides approval, or the Approval List panel, which shows you all of the approvals for the package.

  3. On the Approve package List panel, if you type S in the line command for a package, the Approve/Reject Options menu (CMNAPPOP) is displayed.

    CMNAPPOP Approve/Reject Options
    Option ===>
        Package: ACTP000027 Status: FRZ Install date: 20150228
    1 Approve   Approve or reject a change package
    2 Reasons   Display reasons a package was rejected
    3 Query     Query change package
    4 Reset     Reset approval in progress indicator
    5 Re-Build  Re-submit install JCL build request
    6 Compare   Compare staging to baseline or promotion