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Rules for Staging Components

These rules and restrictions always apply to the stage component function:

  • You can stage a component that is in CHECKOUT, INCOMP, UNFROZEN, or ACTIVE status.

  • You cannot stage a component that is in FROZEN status.

  • When a like-source or like-other component is staged, the status of the component is set to INCOMP (incomplete). If the stage job completes successfully, the component status is changed to ACTIVE (active). If the stage job fails for any reason, such as a compile error or JCL error, the component status remains INCOMP.

  • To stage a component, ChangeMan ZMF needs the component language, the name of the compile procedure skeleton, the compile and link edit options, and the User Options. Build Processing Controls describes how this information is obtained.

Administration Settings for Stage Component Functions

Your global and application administrators make settings in ChangeMan ZMF administration that control how the stage component function works in your application. Ask your administrator if any of the following business rules apply to your application.

  • If a component is in baseline, prohibit stage from development or require special security authorization. Require checkout to add a component into your package if the component is in a baseline library. (Application Administration Parameters: Checkout Enforcement Rule)

  • Prohibit stage from development or require special security authorization to use this function. (Application Administration Parameters: Staging Restriction Level)

  • If a member is staged from development, then edited in the package, save the changes into the member in the development library and into the member in the package staging library. (Application Administration Parameters: Eliminate Save To Personal Lib)

  • If a member is checked out to a personal library, then edited in the package, save the changes into the member in the personal library and into the member in the package staging library. (Application Administration Parameters: Eliminate Save To Personal Lib)

  • Prohibit stage from development when that would overlay a package component that is identified by another person’s user ID. (Application Administration: Overlay Prior Staged Module)

  • Prohibit stage or discard edit-in-stage changes for package components checked out from baseline or promotion if the baseline component has changed since the checkout. (Application Administration: Validate Version During Staging)

Exit Programs for Stage Component Functions

Your ChangeMan ZMF installer or administrators may implement exit programs to alter the behavior ChangeMan ZMF. Ask your administrator if any of the following business rules apply to your application.

  • Add custom processes before checkout and/or after stage. (Exit program CMNEX019)

  • Dynamically allocate additional staging libraries based on component type, user options, and other data passed to the exit. Define relationships between library types so that when a component is deleted, components with the same name in related library types are also deleted. Prevent deletion of a component if it is promoted or if it generates components that are promoted. (Exit program CMNEX026)


Components with the same name in related library types are deleted only if the TSO user ID of the user who staged the components matches the TSO user ID of the user who is deleting the like-named component.

  • Bypass checkout enforcement rule depending on the component library type. (Exit program CMNEX030)

  • Restrict the library types displayed on the valid library selection list for checkout, stage, browse baseline, browse compressed listing, compare, scan, scratch/rename, and relink functions. This exit effectively disables these functions for the specified library types. (Exit program CMNEX035)

  • Call a preprocessor or a different editor. For example, SMART EDIT instead of ISREDIT. (Exit program CMNEX036)

  • Call an edit macro such as one of the commercially available JCL validation tools. (Exit program CMNEX037)

  • Display panel CMNEX042 and store information entered on the panel in the package master. (Exit program CMNEX042)