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Detailed Job List

Each job is part of specific transactions that are all created for a change package during Freeze processing. The transaction name (member name of Job JCL Library) is built using the application mnemonic, a transaction code, and the last 2 or 3 digits of the change package number. Thus, job 10 for change package number ABC 20, would be named:

ABC10020. The following table shows the detailed job list.

Job Action Job Action
Package is audited and/or frozen. Jobs are created in “...X.&node”. Package is approved. Job 10 is submitted to initiate the distribution.
10 CMNBATCH transaction '10' says distribution initiated and status is changed to DIS. Vehicle is asked to submit job 11 at remote site.
11 Staging libraries are sent to remote site. 10 Staging libraries are received including QSAM package master. Job 11 is submitted.
11 CMNBATCH transaction ‘11’ overlays package records (on PM) with QSAM package master; proper node record is time stamped; status is DIS. Job 14 is submitted (only if IEBCOPY is not used).
14 Job 14 requests vehicle to submit 15 at DEV site.
17 Provided the scheduler is external, submits job 20 (permanent package) or job 30T (temporary package).
18 Requests vehicle to submit 19 at DEV site.
15 Job 15 is submitted (only if IEBCOPY is used).
15 CMNBATCH transaction ‘15’ stamps acknowledgment of distribution.
19 Notification to the user specified in the Notify user field that distribution failed.
21 Perform Db2 bind for production installation (INSTALL IN PROD = YES).
20 Submitted to check if package was previously installed, if not, then it begins installation.
20 CMNBATCH transaction ‘20’ changes package status to ‘INS’.
20 Job 24 is submitted. (Only if IEBCOPY is not used.)
20t If Temporary, Job 20t runs to install members into Temporary libraries.
24 Requests vehicle to submit 25 at DEV site.
28 Requests vehicle to submit 29 at DEV site.
25 CMNBATCH transaction ‘25’ changes package status to ‘INS’.
29 Notification to the user specified in the Notify user field that the installation failed.
25 If Permanent, Job 30 is submitted.
30 Submitted if system environment is ‘ALL’.
30 CMNBATCH transaction ‘30’ changes package status to ‘BAS’ and ripples the baseline.
30 Delete members from Promotion Libraries based on promotion level and library type.
31 If Temporary, Job 31 runs to delete members from Temporary libraries.
31t CMNBATCH transaction ‘31’ changes package status to ‘TCC’ (Temporary Change Cycled) and date/time stamp. Submit job 35.
32 Performs Db2 bind for production installation (INSTALL IN PROD = NO).
34t Requests vehicle to submit 35t at DEV site.
35t Package status updated to TCC and date/time stamped when all remote sites have been cycled.
38t Requests vehicle to submit 39t at DEV site.
39t Notification to the user specified in the Notify user field that the package cycle failed.
CASE: A permanent change must be backed out. Operator makes human decision to back out (full) particular package. Enters backout reasons on panel and Started Task copies package to same flat file that was sent from development center. Job 50 is submitted.
49 Job 49 runs the Db2 bind for production backout (INSTALL IN PROD = YES).
50 Backs out the change by copying back from BKUP Libraries. Changes package status to ‘BAK’. Job 54 is submitted if IEBCOPY is used, else job 51.
50 If system environment is ‘ALL’, job 55 is submitted.
51 Job 51 transmits a QSAM package master to the development center and requests a vehicle to submit job 54.
54 Reads flat package and transmits reasons; updates backout reasons into correct package.
55 Job 55 is submitted to reverse ripple the Baseline if all remote sites are backed out.
55 Status is changed to ‘BAK’, * node record is date and time stamped.
56 Job 56 runs the Db2 bind for production backout (INSTALL IN PROD = NO).
58 Job 58 requests vehicle to submit 59 at DEV site.
59 Notification to the user specified in the Notify user field that the package backout failed.
64 Job 64 requests vehicle to submit 65 at DEV site.
Package is audited and/or frozen. Jobs are created in “...X.&node”. Package is approved. Job 10 is submitted to initiate the distribution.