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Record Descriptions

The OFM maintains two types of records in the package master file: form definition records and form data records. The following sections describe the record formats and their use.

Form Definition Records

The following are attributes of Form Definition records:

  • They contain the form descriptions.

  • They exist at the global level.

  • They are maintained by ChangeMan ZMF administrators.

  • They are maintained using the Online Forms Maintenance function.

    The following table provides a description of the form definition records.

    Offset Length Usage Description Contents
    0 4 Character Application X’4B4B4B4B’ = Global
    4 4 Binary Package Number Zero = Global
    8 1 Character Record Type X’80’ = Online Forms
    9 2 Binary Record Sequence Form Id
    11 1 Character Record Sub-sequence X’00’
    12 2 Binary Record Data Length (Record Length-12)
    14 40 Character Form Description
    54 4 Binary Form Lead Time
    58 1 Character Allow Form Access ‘Y’ - Yes ‘N’ - No
    59 1 Character Allow Job Submit ‘Y’ - Yes ‘N’ - No
    60 78 Character Unused
    138 520 10 Approvers (i=1 to 10)
    138+(52*(i-1)) 8 Character Approver Vehicle (i)
    146+(52*(i-1)) 44 Character Approver User IDs (i)
    658 3200 200 Variables (j=1 to 200)
    658+(16*(j-1)) 8 Character Variable Name (j)
    666+(16*(j-1)) 2 Binary Variable Length (j)
    668+(16*(j-1)) 1 Character Variable Format (j) ‘C’ - Char ‘F’ - Fixed
    669+(16*(j-1)) 1 Character Table Variable (j) ‘Y’ - Yes ‘N’ - No
    670+(16*(j-1)) 1 Character Key Variable (j) ‘Y’ - Yes ‘N’ - No
    671+(16*(j-1)) 3 Character Unused

Form Data Records

The following are attributes of Form Data records:

  • They contain the form user data.

  • They exist at the package level.

  • They are maintained by ChangeMan ZMF users.

  • They are maintained using the Online Forms Selection function.

    The following table provides a description of the form data records.

    Offset Length Usage Description Contents
    0 4 Character Package Mnemonic
    4 4 Binary Package Number
    8 1 Character Record Type X’80’ = Online Forms
    9 2 Binary Record Sequence Form ID
    11 1 Character Record Sub-sequence X’00’ thru X’09’
    12 2 Binary Data Length (length of the form data)
    14 8 Character Form Entity
    22 720 Character Form Comments
    742 1 Character Form Status X’00’ = Null X’02’ = Inactive X’04’ = Unfrozen X’08’ = Submitted X’10’ = Frozen X’20’ = Rejected X’40’ = Approved X’80’ = Selected
    743 4 Character Form Encryption
    747 8 Character Form User ID
    755 8 Character Lock User ID
    763 64 Character Unused
    827 3269 Character Form Data

Form Variable Definitions

Form variables are defined using the Online Forms Variable Definition panel. These definitions map the location of form variable values in the form data records. The following Define Form Variable panel (CMNZVRB) shows the variable definitions for 010 - Build GDG Request.

CMNZVRB -------------------- DEFINE FORM VARIABLES -------------------- ROW 1 TO 4 OF 15
COMMAND ===>                                                            SCROLL ===> CSR

            FORM ID: 010    DESCRIPTION: Build GDG Request

Press ENTER to process;
Enter END command to save changes and exit; 
Enter CANCEL command to cancel changes and exit.

''''    INDEX___    CHAR____      44__      YES      NO_
''''    ENTRIES_    CHAR____      3___      YES      NO_
''''    DELETE__    CHAR____      3___      YES      NO_
''''    EMPTY___    CHAR____      3___      YES      NO_

The form variable definitions are stored in the form definition record as follows:

Offset Length Contents
658 8 INDEX
666 2 44
668 1 C
669 1 Y
670 1 Y
671 3
682 2 3
684 1 C
685 1 Y
686 1 N
687 3
690 8 DELETE
698 2 3
700 1 C
701 1 Y
702 1 N
703 3
706 8 EMPTY
714 2 3
716 1 C
717 1 Y
718 1 N
719 3
722 8 spaces

Variable names having ‘table variable’ set to N are stored before those set to Y in the form definitions, regardless of the original order of entry. The variable definitions are delimited by a variable name that contains all spaces.

Form Data Values

Form data records are created when processing an End command from an Online Form; that is, accessed using the Select command from the Online Forms Selection panel.

The following examples show how the contents of the form variables are saved in the form data records.

Example 1

This example demonstrates form data storage following the entry of three lines of data using the supplied sample form 010, resulting in the creation of one form data record.

CMNZ0101 ------------- EDIT: BUILD GDG REQUEST --------------------ROW 1 TO 13 OF 13
COMMAND ===>                                                        SCROLL ===> PAGE

        PACKAGE ID: TEST000001      STATUS: DEV             INSTALL DATE: 19971230

Press ENTER to process; Enter END command to exit.

      INDEX                                 ENTRIES        DELETE      EMPTY  
‘’’’  TEST.DATASET.NAME01_________________  10_             YES         NO_
‘’’’  TEST.DATASET.NAME02_________________  10_             YES         NO_
‘’’’  TEST.DATASET.NAME03_________________  10_             YES         NO_
‘’’’  TEST.DATASET.NAME04_________________  10_             YES         NO_
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___
‘’’’ _____________________________________  ___             ___         ___ 
********************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ************************************

The form variable values are stored in the form data record as follows:

Offset Length Contents
871 3 10
874 3 YES
877 3 NO
924 3 10
927 3 YES
930 3 NO
977 3 10
980 3 YES
983 3 NO

Example 2

This example demonstrates form data storage following the entry of 63 lines of data using the supplied sample form 010 resulting in the creation of 2 form data records.

CMNZVRB -------------------- EDIT: BUILD GDG REQUEST ------------- ROW 1 TO 62 OF 63
COMMAND ===>                                                       SCROLL ===> PAGE

    PACKAGE ID: TEST000001  STATUS:  DEV     INSTALL DATE:  19971230   

Press ENTER to process; Enter END command to exit; 

            INDEX                               ENTRIES     DELETE      EMPTY
    ''''    TEST.DATASET.NAME01_________________ 10__        YES         NO__
    ''''    TEST.DATASET.NAME62_________________ 10__        YES         NO__
    ''''    TEST.DATASET.NAME63_________________ 10__        YES         NO__

The form variables are stored in two form data records as shown in the following tables:

Form Data Record 1

Offset Length Contents
871 3 10
874 3 YES
877 3 NO

Form Data Record 2

Offset Length Contents
827 8
835 3 10
838 3 YES
841 3 NO
888 3 10
891 3 YES
894 3 NO

When form data is continued to subsequent records the contents of a variable can be split between two records, as in the previous example. Form data is considered as one string of data up to 32,767 bytes, saved in units of 3,269 bytes in each record.