What is the ChangeMan ZMF M+R Option
The ChangeMan ZMF M+R Option is an automated version reconciliation tool that is fully integrated with ChangeMan ZMF. The M+R Option can reconcile the components in up to eight separate libraries.
You can use the M+R Option to forward fit your ChangeMan ZMF modifications into components delivered in a new release. In a single operation, you can compare three versions of components:
Current ChangeMan ZMF vendor components
Current ChangeMan ZMF custom components
Vendor ChangeMan ZMF components in the new release
Then, you can select your current modifications that are displayed in the context of the new release components and apply them, discard them, or apply them with edits.
If you do not license the M+R Option, contact your account representative. The M+R Option is included in ChangeMan ZMF libraries, and any version of the M+R Option is suitable for this task.