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Sending Email Notifications for ChangeMan Lifecycle Events

Rest Services now provides the ability to send email notifications for ChangeMan lifecycle events.

Several new parameters may be used to customize the Email Notification feature. These parameters are specified in the Rest Services ZMFPARMS Data Set.

Parameter Name Valid Value Required Default Description
EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS Y/N Y Y Enables Rest Services Email Notifications.
EMAIL_HOST Y The SMTP Email Server Name.
EMAIL_PORT Y The SMTP Email Port Number.
EMAIL_SOURCE Y Specifies the email sender. Emails will be sent from this email address.
EMAIL_SUBSCRIBER_FILE Y The z/FS File for Email Subscriber Definitions.
EMAIL_DOMAIN N Valid domain names for subscriber emails. This parameter may be specified multiple times.
EMAIL_CONFIRMATION Y/N Y Specifies that subscribers will be sent a confirmation email to validate the email address.
EMAIL_DEBUG Y/N N N Enables debug processing in the java mail runtime. This may be used to diagnose problems sending email to the SMTP server.

Usage notes

  • Email Notifications use LOG events exclusively. Log events must be sent from ZMF to Rest Services to be broadcast to subscribers. Log Events emission must be configured in the ALFFLTR Data Set in ZMF.

  • Rest Services provides the ability to list, create, update, and delete email subscriptions. The URL for these subscription services is zmfrest/email, where zmfrest is the rest services context name.

  • Email subscriptions specify one or more lifecycle events, along with a set of filters that provide precise control of events that result in an email notification. Filters are available for the following common event properties: Application, Package, Library Type, Component, Release, Release Area, Site, Promotion Name, Promotion Level. The above properties are not present in all events. Filtering only occurs when the property value is present, meaning the filter will pass when the property is not present.

  • Filters support multiple segments separated by ";". For example an application filter for applications SNET and CZMF is specified as SNET;CZMF. Trailing "" may be used to match on multiple values. For example an application filter of A;B* matches any application starting with A or B.

  • AT/TLS may be configured to implement SSL communications between Rest Services and the SMTP server.

Email notifications on the Rest Services user interface

The Rest Services UI includes several items that accommodate this functionality:

  • The Home Display includes an Email Subscriptions item.

  • Email Subscriptions is on the main menu of the Navigation bar. Download, Samples, About, and Trace menu items found on this menu on versions prior to 8.3 are now on a dropdown menu.

  • The Email Subscriptions page permits list, create, update and delete of email subscriptions. Users may manipulate their own subscription data. Administrators may update all subscription entries.

Screen Prints of this functionality are displayed:

Home screen with Email Subscriptions options

Email Subscription List Page

Subscription Form

Email Subscriber List (Administrators only)