ChangeMan ZMF Message Number Format
Most ChangeMan ZMF messages numbers have the following format: aaannnnt
aaa = application
CMN - ChangeMan ZMF base product
CMR - ChangeMan ZMF ERO
nnnn = message number
t = message type
A - Action required
E - Indicates an action was performed incorrectly
I - Informational message
CMN1265A - Package must be in FRZ, REJ, INS, BAS or TCC status
Some ChangeMan ZMF messages that are written to ddname SERPRINT in the SERNET started task may have this format: aaasnnnt
aaa = application
CMN - ChangeMan ZMF base product
s = subsystem ID of the SERNET started task
nnn = message number
t = message type
A - Action required
E - Indicates an action was performed incorrectly
I - Informational message
Example from started task with subsystem ID 4:
CMN4300I CMNSTART Initialization in progress; @TCA=160A6000
Example from started task with subsystem ID 0:
CMN0300I CMNSTART Initialization in progress; @TCA=16089000
In the message descriptions in this chapter, message number format aaasnnnt is shown as aaa_nnnt, with an underscore as a placeholder for the subsystem ID. Example: CMN_300I.