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Invoking Package Functions from the Package List

To initiate a ChangeMan ZMF function for a package on the Change Package List panel, type a two-character Package List Option on the line command for a package and press Enter. For most options, the first data entry panel for the selected function is displayed, or a confirmation panel is displayed.

This example shows the option for Stage Package Components (s2) entered for package ACTP000032.

 CMNLIST3                       Change Package List                        Row 1 to 17 of 17
 Command ===>                                                               Scroll ===> CSR

     Package     Sta Install   Lvl  Type    Work request   Dept  Promote      Aud Creator
  __ ACTP000001  BAS 20141121  SMP  PLN/PRM                IDD   00               USER016
  __ ACTP000002  BAS 20150104  SMP  PLN/PRM 123            BOO   00           00  USER016
  __ ACTP000003  BAS 20150105  SMP  PLN/PRM 123            BOOK  00           00  USER016
  __ ACTP000005  BAS 20150105  SMP  PLN/PRM 123            BOOK  00           00  USER016
  __ ACTP000013  BAS 20150105  SMP  PLN/PRM                IDD   00           04  USER016
  __ ACTP000018  BAS 20150105  SMP  PLN/PRM                IDD   00           00  USER016
  __ ACTP000020  BAS 20150104  SMP  PLN/PRM 100001000106   IDD   00           04  USER016
  __ ACTP000021  BAS 20150106  SMP  PLN/PRM                IDD   00           00  USER016
  __ ACTP000023  BAS 20150105  SMP  PLN/PRM 100001000106   IDD   00           04  USER016
  __ ACTP000024  BAS 20141218  SMP  PLN/PRM 100001000106   IDD   00           00  USER016
  __ ACTP000025  BAS 20150105  PAR  PLN/PRM 100001000106   IDD   00           00  USER016
  __ ACTP000027  DEV 20150228  SMP  PLN/PRM 100001000106   IDD   00               USER016
  __ ACTP000028  DIS 20150228  SMP  PLN/PRM 100001000106   IDD   00           00  USER016
  s2 ACTP000032  DEV 20180318  SMP  PLN/PRM                IDD   20 SERT6         USER016
  __ ACTP000033  DEV 20180318  SMP  PLN/PRM                IDD   00           12  USER016
  __ ACTP000038  DEV 20150218  SMP  PLN/PRM                IDD   10 SERT6         USER016
  __ ACTP000039  BAS 20150129  SMP  PLN/PRM 100001000106   IDD   00           00  USER015
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

This example used the line command of s2 (as shown above), and ENTER, resulting in the display of the Stage: package Components panel for the package selected (ACTP000032).

 CMNSTG01                        STAGE: ACTP000032 Components                   Row 1 to 3 of 3
 Command ===>                                                                  Scroll ===> CSR

 Name               + Type Status      Changed                    Procname  User      Request
 ACPSRCEE             SRC  ACTIVE      20150210 151804            CMNCOB2   USER015
 COB001               SRC  ACTIVE      20150201 220059            CMNCOB2   USER015
 CPY001               CPY  ACTIVE      20150201 215848                      USER015
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Alternatively you can type options in the line command on the Change Package List panel (CMNLIST3) for more than one package at a time. The packages are processed serially, starting with the package highest on the list.

In many places in ChangeMan, a list of available options is obtained by entering an invalid command, e.g. a ’?’, on the line command, and in this case (instead of s2), on panel CMNLIST3 Change Package List and ENTER.

This displays the Package List Options menu.

Option ===>

 AP Audit package             A1 Approve/reject           A2 Reject reasons
 A4 Reset apr in progress     A5 Re-submit JCL build      BB Browse baseline
 BL Browse listings           B1 Backout package          CC Compare staging/baseline
 C1 Checkout(baseline)        C2 Checkout(package)        C3 Checkout(release)
 C4 Checkout(from pkg)        DM Demote package           D1 Memo delete
 D2 Undo memo delete          F1 Freeze(online)           F2 Freeze(batch)
 F3 Unfrz/refrz comp          F4 Reset frz indicators     F5 Resubmit JCL build
 OF Online forms              PR Promote package          QP Query package
 RC Recompile                 RL Re-bind                  RP Reports
 RV Revert package            SC Scan baseline            S1 Stage(dev lib)
 S2 Stage(package)            S3 Stage(package select)    UA Rename/scratch(pkg)
 UB Rename/scratch(bas)       UD Update Db2 info          UI Update IMS inf
 UR Update release info       U1 Update control info      U2 Update general info
 U3 Update implementation     U4 Update scheduler         U5 Update aff. appl.
 U6 Update prt. pkg. info     U7 Update site info         U8 Close complex/super
 U9 Open complex/super        UE Update user info         ZP Compress pkg libs

You can press PF3 to return to the Change Package List panel, or you can type a two- character option in the Command line and press Enter to proceed to the desired function.

When you finish with a package function, return to the Change Package List by pressing PF3 or by typing End on the Command line and pressing Enter.