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Case Sensitive Fields

By default, all ISPF panel input fields are folded to upper case, regardless of the case you type. However, zFS path names and file names are case sensitive. For example, these are three different files:




ChangeMan ZMF uses two methods to control the case sensitivity of input fields on ISPF panels.

  • Data Set Type in library type definitions

  • Mixed Case parameter on component list

Data Set Type

The global and application Library Types Part 2 of 2 panel includes the Data Set Type field, with valid values of LIBRARY for PDSE, PDS or blank for PDS or zFS. When you type a component name or directory path for a data set type zFS, case is preserved and stored in ZMF repositories. When component name or directory path are displayed for data set type zFS, the case that is stored in ZMF repositories is displayed unchanged on ISPF panels.

For example, when you type information on the application/site - Promotion Libraries (CMNLRPM3) panel in application administration, ChangeMan ZMF uses the library type to determine whether the data should default to upper case or be processed exactly as you enter it.

In this example, the library names and directory paths for promotion are all entered in lower case. Panel truncated to only show zFS libraries..

CMNLRPM3             ACTP/SERT6 - Promotion Libraries            Row 2 to 8 of 8
Command ===>___________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR

Promotion name: S6P1UT          Level: 10

     Lib exclude  Target libraries
_____JCL  Y       CMNTP.S6.V810.PROM.S6P1UT.JCL                       +  Shadow
                  CMNTP.S6.V810.PROM.S6P1UT.JCL                       + Library 1
                  ______________________________________________      + Library 2
                  ______________________________________________      + Library 3
_____JVS N        /cmntp/s6/actp/prom10/jvs                           + Shadow
                  /cmntp/s6/actp/prom10/jvs                           + Library 1
                  ______________________________________________      + Library 2
                  ______________________________________________      + Library 3

When you press ENTER, the data set names for library type JCL are changed to upper case and stored that way on the package master. However, the zFS path names for library type JVS (Java) are left exactly as you entered them, and they are stored in mixed case on the package master.

Mixed Case

On list parameter panels where you specify filter criteria for building a component list, you can control how case is used for input by selecting the Mixed Case field on the bottom of Component List Parameters (CMNSTG12) panel.

By default, all fields are folded to upper case. However, if 'Mixed Case' option is selected then the component name is left as is. Whichever case you enter will then be processed.

For example, package ACTP000050 contains these two components:

CMNSTG01                       STAGE: ACTP000050 Components            Row 1 to 2 of 2
Command ===>_________________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR

Name                  + Type Status Changed           Procname User    Request
___ Acpdoc60            HTH  ACTIVE 20150315 212025            USER016
___ ACPDOC60            DOC  ACTIVE 20150315 211855            USER016
******************************* Bottom of data *******************************

You can filter the components displayed on the Stage: package Components panel by first setting selection criteria on the Component List Parameters panel (CMNSTG12). If you type the Component Name field in lower case on the Component List Parameters panel and select Mixed case field, then the filter is case sensitive, and only the HTH component is listed.

Selection criteria:

CMNSTG12             Component List Parameters
Command ===>________________________________________________

       Package: ACTP000050        Status: DEV              Install date: 20180405
Work request:   Work Req WR2                                  Department: Dept

Component name . . . . . . acpdoc60                                    +
Component type . . . . . . SRC
Language . . . . . . . . ._____
Component status . . . .  __Active __Checkout __Frozen __Inactive
                          __Incomp __Unfrozen
Changed from date . . . . . ________ (yyyymmdd)
time . . . . .              _________(hhmmss)
Changed to date . . . . .   _________(yyyymmdd)
time . . . . .              _________(hhmmss)
Compile procedure . . . . . ________
User . . . . . . . . . . .  ________
Display mode . . . . . . . S         (S-short, L-long, X-extra long)
Data Encoding . . . . . . .          (1-ASCII, 2-UTF-8)
Enter "/" to select option
/ Confirm component delete           /  Confirm other requests
/ Display component user options     __ Mixed case
/ Comparison report for edit         Text type . . . . $._________
__Ignore recompiled components


CMNSTG01               STAGE: ACTP000050 Components                Row 1 to 1 of 1
Command ===>_____________________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR

Name           + Type Status          Changed            Procname  User     Request
__acpdoc60       HTH  ACTIVE          20170915 212025              USER016
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

If you type the Component Name field in lower case and set the Mixed Case field is not selected, then the component name you typed is folded to upper case, and only the DOC component is listed.

Selection criteria:

CMNSTG12                     Component List Parameters
Command ===>______________________________________________________

        Package: ACTP000050         Status: DEV         Install date: 20180405
Work request: Work Req WR2                                Department: Dept 

Component name . . . . . . acpdoc60                                             +
Component type . . . . . . SRC
Language . . . . . . . . . ___________
Component status . . . .   __Active  __Checkout __Frozen __Inactive
                           __Incomp  __Unfrozen
Changed from date . . . . . ___________     (yyyymmdd)
time . . . . .              ___________     (hhmmss)
Changed to date . . . . .   ___________     (yyyymmdd)
time . . . . .              ___________     (hhmmss)
Compile procedure . . . . . ________
User . . . . . . . . . . .  ________
Display mode . . . . . . . S                (S-short, L-long, X-extra long)
Data Encoding . . . . . . .                 (1-ASCII, 2-UTF-8)
Enter "/" to select option
/  Confirm component delete                    /  Confirm other requests
/  Display component user options              __ Mixed case
/  Comparison report for edit                  Text type . . . . $._______
__ Ignore recompiled components


CMNSTG01            STAGE: ACTP000050 Components            Row 1 to 1 of 1
Command ===>______________________________________________ Scroll ===> CSR
Name        + Type Status   Changed         Procname User       Request
__ACPDOC60    DOC  ACTIVE   20170915 211855          USER016
******************************* Bottom of data ********************************