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How Staging Versions Work

Some features of staging versions are available if the staging versions facility is installed. More features are available for package components in a library type if the facility is enabled for the library type by the application administrator. The merge facility of staging versions is only available if your company licensed the M+R Option.

Staging Version Installed

If the staging versions facility is installed, use the VC Staging Selection Code on any component on the Stage: Package Components panel to display the Version Control panel. The Version Control panel shows an STG version and a BAS version. These versions are pointers to the components in the staging library and baseline library, respectively. From the Version Control panel you can browse and view these versions, and you can compare them.

Staging Versions Enabled for Library Type

If your application administrator enabled the staging versions facility for a library type, you can save a new staging version whenever you change a component on the Stage: Package Components panel. Staging versions are stored as full copies in a compressed format in a VSAM file. Each version is labeled with an optional 35-character description.

Your administrator can make ChangeMan ZMF create a staging version every time a staging library member is changed, or ChangeMan ZMF can ask you if you want to overlay the component in the staging library without first creating a staging version.

From the Version Control panel, browse and view component versions. You can compare any two versions listed on the Version Control panel, including the STG and BAS versions. Your administrator can use the Version Control panel to delete saved staging versions. You can recover any saved staging version by copying it to a data set external to ChangeMan ZMF.

M+R Option Licensed

If your company licensed the M+R Option and installed the software, you can merge two to eight versions listed on the Version Control panel to create a new version of a component.