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Running the Link Date Report

The Link Date report lists the contents of every library concatenated in the STEPLIB DD statement of the SERNET started task that runs a ChangeMan ZMF instance. The purpose of the report is to help diagnose problems you may report to Customer Support.

The report is the same whether it is run from global or application administration.

Follow these steps to run the Link Date report from global administration.

  1. Select option 4, Link Date, from the Define/Generate Batch Reports panel (CMNREPT0).

    CMNREPT0              Define/Generate Batch Reports 
    Option ===> 4
    1  Define Define ChangeMan ZMF batch reports
    2  Reports Generate ChangeMan ZMF batch reports
    3  Analyzer Submit baseline analyzer Report
    4  Link Date Submit link date report 
    5  Db2 Submit Db2 object dependency Report
  2. The Generate Link Date Report panel (CMNLNKD1) is displayed.

    CMNLNKD1             Generate Link Date Report 
    Command ===> _____________________________________________________________ 
    Job statement information: 
        //USER015R JOB (SM-1IKF-SM),'CHANGEMAN',
        //        CLASS=A, 
        //        NOTIFY=USER015, 
        //        MSGCLASS=X
  3. Review the job card statement information, make any necessary changes, and press Enter. A message is displayed that indicates that the job was submitted.

Here is a sample of a Link Date Report. The first two lines are from the SYSPRINT DD, the rest is from the LNKDTRPT DD. The ChangeMan ZMF version is printed in the first line of the LNKDTRPT DD of the report. The rest of the information displayed in the report is the Running the Db2 Object Dependency Report details of module names, link date and time, Directory SETSSI and IDR data as shown below.


CMN5400I - Time of day at end of job: 23:34:06 - Condition Code on exit: 00
CMNLNKDT has a compile date/time of 20180506 17.58  

ChangeMan(R) ZMF CMNLNKDT - 8.2.0 Link Date Report TUESDAY MAY 29, 2018 @ 23:34:06 Page 1      

  Data set being processed ===> CMNTP.CMN820.C6.LOAD
   Member        Link         Directory     Module   
    Name     Date    Time      SETSSI      IDR data   

  Data set being processed ===> CMNTP.CMN820.LOAD

   Member  Program  Binder   Directory     Module   
    Name     Date    Time      SETSSI      IDR data   
  CDF$ISPF 20180504 044850    6DBBDDB2    CDF$ISPF/6DBBDDB2/CZMF000073   
  CDFBATCH 20180504 044859    6DBBDDBB    CDFBATCH/6DBBDDBB/CZMF000073   
  CDFPANEL 20180303 022935    6D6A000F    CDFPANEL/6D6A000F/CZMF000073   
  CMN$AAPR 20180506 171830    6DBF3066    CMN$AAPR/6DBF3066/CZMF000073   
  CMN$ACGD 20180506 171831    6DBF3067    CMN$ACGD/6DBF3067/CZMF000073   
  CMN$ACPM 20180203 050651    6D453AEB    CMN$ACPM/6D453AEB/CZMF000073   
  CMN$ACSC 20180506 171831    6DBF3067    CMN$ACSC/6DBF3067/CZMF000073   
  CMN$ADBA 20180506 171832    6DBF3068    CMN$ADBA/6DBF3068/CZMF000073   
  CMN$ADBL 20180506 171831    6DBF3067    CMN$ADBL/6DBF3067/CZMF000073 
  CMN$ADCP 20180506 171831    6DBF3067    CMN$ADCP/6DBF3067/CZMF000073 
  CMNDB2TR 20180503 033924    6DBA7BEC    CMNDB2TR/6DBA7BEC/CZMF000073   
  CMNDECMP 20180203 050838    6D453B56    CMNDECMP/6D453B56/CZMF000073   
  CMNDELRN 20180203 050838    6D453B56    CMNDELRN/6D453B56/CZMF000073   
  CMNDELT 20180506 172554     6DBF3222    CMNDELT/6DBF3222/CZMF000073   
  CMNDELTA 20180203 052008    6D453E08    CMNDELTA/6D453E08/CZMF000073 
  CMNDHM00 20180203 052024    6D453E18 
  Data set being processed ===> CMNTP.SER820.LOAD

   Member  Program  Binder    Directory     Module   
    Name     Date    Time      SETSSI       IDR data   
  SERALLOC 20180506 172121    6DBF3111    SERALLOC/6DBF3111/SNET000064   
  SERASCAN 20180321 060450    6D81ED82    SERASCAN/6D81ED82/SNET000064   
  SERASCLI 20180303 023331    6D6A00FB    SERASCLI/6D6A00FB/SNET000064   
  SERASINI 20180303 023332    6D6A00FC    SERASINI/6D6A00FC/SNET000064   
  SERASTSK 20180506 172120    6DBF3110    SERASTSK/6DBF3110/SNET000064   
  SERBPX   20140407 111301    66127FBD    SERBPX/66127FBD/SNET000050   
  SERBR14  20131014 063046    652B8716   
  SERBSAM  20180303 023300    6D6A00DC    SERBSAM/6D6A00DC/SNET000064   
  SERBUILD 20180303 023322    6D6A00F2    SERBUILD/6D6A00F2/SNET000064   
  SERCHCV  20180506 172120    6DBF3110    SERCHCV/6DBF3110/SNET000064 
  SERCLIEN 20180506 172118    6DBF310E    SERCLIEN/6DBF310E/SNET000064 
  SERXSEND 20180506 172254    6DBF316E    SERXSEND/6DBF316E/SNET000064   
  SERZHLLX 20180506 172254    6DBF316E    SERZHLLX/6DBF316E/SNET000064  

CMN5400I - Time of day at end of job: 23:34:06 - Condition Code on exit: 00
