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Event Subscribers

A ZMF Subscriber represents an entity interested in a ZMF Event. The subscriber is identified by the following attributes:

General Attributes:

  • Subscriber Name A user defined friendly name for the subscriber (64 Characters)

  • Event The ZMF Event number (A Valid ZMF Event Number) - selected from a drop down list

  • URL The Subscriber URL. (256 Characters) • HTTP Method POST/GET. The HTTP Method for this subscriber

  • Return Content - true/false. Flag to denote if content is expected back from the event notification to the subscriber

  • Enabled true/false. Flag to enable/disable specific subscriber.

  • HLLX source - true/false. Set if an HLLX action can trigger this event

  • Skel Source - true/false. Set if the event can be triggered from an ISPF Skeleton

  • Log Source - true/false. Set if the event can be triggered as a result of logged event

Setting more than one of the above 3 sources to true will result in multiple triggers for the same event. The source of the event will be supplied on the list of parameters sent to the subscriber.

  • Parameters QUERY/JSON Deliver parameters through QUERY String or JSON Body

AWS Subscribers now have the ability to add custom headers to all outgoing HTTP requests. The X-API-KEY header can then be added along with the appropriate value for the subscriber. The subscription process now includes the ability to add 4 custom header name/value pairs to the subscriber definition. Headers are sent to the subscriber in the outbound HTTP request.

Security Attributes:

  • Authorization - NONE/BASIC

  • Userid - The userid to be used for BASIC authentication (64 Characters)

  • Password - The password to use for BASIC authentication (64 Characters)

ZMF Filtering Attributes Filter

  • Appl - filter definition that limits processing to this Application. (4 Characters)

  • Lib Type - filter definition that limits processing to this Library Type. (3 Characters)

Filtering allows the subscriber to refine the events received. For example, they may only want to receive events for application "DEMO".